Another Dive a pinch...absolute zero visibility !Well its been a little over a week now since the dive day, but life has been busy. I haven't been out land collecting in a while, but I managed to get in a diving day. It was an early morning wake up, a quick grab of my gear and ready of the boat and I headed out for some underwater recreation. We got out to the boat ramp as the sunlight was just peeking over the horizon. We launched the boat and headed out through choppy water and a bumpy ride. When we arrived at our destination I saw the water was a murky color and visibility non existant...a definite feel day. So I put on my Scuba gear and hit the water. I descended to the bottom with a just never can tell when your going to hit the bottom with this type of diving. Once there I started feeling around grabbing anything that didn't feel normal. Rocks were abundant as well as lots of pebbles. A great sign this was a good spot. I was down around 20 minutes when I started feeling bone fragments. I felt a pointy one and couldn't tell what it was so I put it in my bag. I then felt a triangle shape which i made sure I got in my dive bag as I felt to clip it shut. I started feeling under a large rock and grabbed what I felt was another rock, but I felt a clamping down on my right ring finger. A crab had my finger and was pinching it. I quickly pulled it away. I could tell it was a stone crab by the feel and was glad I saved my finger... I then continued on and about 5 minutes later I felt another triangle shape with my hand only bigger...I had a feeling that I was about out of air (as you can't see your gauges) so I ascended to the surface to see it was time to come up anyway as my air was getting low. I drifted back to the boat and checked my fossil bag. The pointy bone I had was a swordfish I also had a small whale vert. and then I saw the teeth. 3-3/8 inch and 4-3/4 inch Megalodon teeth. They were colorful, glossy ,and serrated with their tips...definitely a successful day of fossil diving !
1 available
| Colleton County, South Carolina, USA |
| Miocene Epoch |
| Shark Teeth |
| Hawthorne Formation |
| Carcharocles megalodon |
| 4 3/4 inches |
ID | 4171 |
Member | Greg |
Date Added | 10/21/2013 |
4-3/4 inch and 3-3/8 inch Serrated Megalodon Teeth |