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Herd of cows seen along Calvert Cliffs!

I usually don't even go to this spot during the summer because it gets hunted so hard. But I thought I would give it a try.

         I arrived in the parking lot and only one other car from NJ was there. So I grabbed my tools and headed to the beach. I found the fellow sifting near the end of the path and said hello. He said he had been scheduled to hunt PCS this weekend thought he would give this place a try since that hunt had been canceled. I gave him a few pointers before heading down the shore.

       I found a few interesting verts and some small teeth on my way to the other end of this section of cliffs. But then near the far end I found a complete upper Cow Shark tooth. Not long after that there was a sweet lower as well! The waves were getting bigger all the time but it new teeth were being washed up with every one. A thresher, another lower Cow, a Mako and a small Meg. They just kept coming from this very small stretch of beach. Finally several hours later the tide had become high and the water too stained to see anything. I ended up with a whole herd of complete Cow Shark teeth, 1 upper and 3 lowers all with the roots intact. Also found were a nice 1 11/16 inch Mako, 6 porpiose teeth and a couple thresher teeth.  

Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added5/4/2008

The nicer teeth
The other fossils and broken teeth
The cows
Nice Mako from the bay






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