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Fossil Hunting Videos
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Fossil Video List
Lights... Camera... Megalodon Action!!!
7/6/2009 8:30:00 PM by dw
What to do on a Lazy Summer Afternoon?
7/12/2009 8:48:00 AM by dw
Just Can't Get Enough Fossil Hunting
7/13/2009 9:02:00 AM by dw
The Birthday Wish
7/18/2009 8:17:00 AM by dw
The Big Countdown is Killing Us!
7/19/2009 5:10:00 PM by dw
Pleistocene Bonanza
8/1/2009 11:59:00 AM by dw
Angustidens Galore!
8/2/2009 8:02:00 AM by dw
Angustidens Nursery
8/3/2009 12:00:00 PM by dw
A hunting we will go...
9/1/2009 10:18:00 PM by dw
Morning Glory
9/5/2009 10:09:00 PM by dw
Color Me Happy
9/8/2009 8:39:00 AM by dw
Time to Kill
9/13/2009 6:48:00 PM by dw
Clinging to the Carcharocles Lifeline
9/20/2009 7:53:00 AM by dw
Answering the Call of the River
9/25/2009 3:08:00 PM by dw
Arctic Angustidens
10/6/2009 6:28:00 PM by dw
Last Dive of 2009
10/15/2009 9:11:00 AM by dw
Nice Creek Teeth
12/21/2009 6:35:00 PM by dw
Schooled by my Star Pupil
1/24/2010 12:37:00 PM by dw
Cold but Old January 2010 Report
2/12/2010 1:47:00 PM by Fat Boy
Manna from Heaven
2/28/2010 3:12:00 PM by Daryl
A fine March day on the beach
3/3/2010 1:03:00 PM by Fat Boy
Treasure between the Blizzard Branches
3/12/2010 5:14:00 PM by dw
Looking at Live Whale Sharks at the Atlanta Aquarium
3/29/2010 8:58:00 AM by dw
Paleo Bambi
5/6/2010 7:33:00 AM by dw
Testing out my Scuba Gear for 2010
5/24/2010 7:37:00 PM by dw
Fossils in Gangland
5/25/2010 9:40:00 AM by dw
Who Knew?
5/26/2010 8:07:00 AM by dw
This Paleo Shop Vac Wont Quit!
5/27/2010 6:50:00 PM by dw
Edisto Death Hole
5/28/2010 5:49:00 PM by dw
Nothing Like Making a New Fossil Hunting Buddy
6/1/2010 4:37:00 PM by aworkman
I made it by the skin of my teeth
6/6/2010 5:07:00 PM by aworkman
Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona
6/8/2010 8:14:00 AM by dw
Walk Ins Welcome - No Ap-point-ment necessary
6/14/2010 8:28:00 AM by dw
A fraglodon by any other name...
6/14/2010 1:58:00 PM by aworkman
Fossil Diving at Venice Beach FL for Megalodon and Mammoth
6/28/2010 9:21:00 PM by dw
A Mammoth good hunt!
6/30/2010 6:50:00 PM by aworkman
Shark Teeth and a Civil War Clay Pipe
7/3/2010 12:03:00 AM by dw
Driving the Gravy Train
7/11/2010 5:25:00 PM by dw
More Success in the Edisto River
7/14/2010 3:33:00 PM by dw
Siezing Opportunity
7/27/2010 6:18:00 AM by dw
Having My Way with the River
8/3/2010 7:55:00 AM by dw
The Marble Spot
9/17/2010 7:37:00 AM by dw
I'll take a four inch Angy...make it a double !
9/19/2010 6:50:00 PM by Greg
Maiden Voyage of my New Kayak on the Edisto River
9/22/2010 8:13:00 AM by dw
Weekend in the Water
9/26/2010 12:44:00 PM by dw
Now You See It, Now You Don't
9/29/2010 11:09:00 PM by dw
Fossicking in the Edisto River for Giant Prehistoric Shark Teeth
10/6/2010 3:44:00 PM by dw
Mega Shark Tooth Hunting in the Edisto River
10/8/2010 6:01:00 PM by dw
The New Lowcountry SC Land Site
12/28/2010 5:59:00 PM by dw
Long time comming!!!! Potomac River Transistional Otodus
1/25/2011 9:21:00 PM by brsr0131
A Helping Hand from a Big Friend
2/15/2011 10:43:00 PM by dw
Opportunistic Fossil Hunting
3/8/2011 12:05:00 AM by dw
Thrill of Victory, Agony of Defeat
3/13/2011 6:30:00 PM by dw
How to Find Nice Shark Teeth in Summerville
4/4/2011 11:14:00 PM by dw
If a pictures says a thousand words, a video says a million?
4/5/2011 9:39:00 PM by bmorefossil
If a picture says a thousand words than a video says a million!
4/5/2011 10:03:00 PM by bmorefossil
The Winning Streak Continues
4/14/2011 9:17:00 AM by dw
Fossil Hunting the South Carolina Pliocene
4/25/2011 7:08:00 AM by dw
First Edisto Trip of 2011
6/6/2011 11:32:00 PM by dw
Diving for Coins and Fossils in the Edisto River
6/12/2011 3:03:00 PM by dw
A Week of Fossil Hunting Fun in the River
6/26/2011 9:50:00 AM by dw
Associated Squalodon Molars from the Edisto
7/11/2011 9:53:00 AM by dw
Owning the river
7/11/2011 1:55:00 PM by weezling
Piles of Teeth and a Water Moccasin
7/28/2011 8:36:00 AM by dw
Return to Terra Firma
8/6/2011 7:21:00 PM by dw
Dolphin Encounter During an Edisto River Fossil Hunting Trip
8/14/2011 8:12:00 AM by dw
Yes the Edisto River has Alligators... And Giant Shark Teeth!
8/19/2011 8:41:00 PM by dw
South Dakota Dinosaur Digging
8/20/2011 11:59:00 PM by ninjaplease
Best Edisto Hunt EVER!
8/26/2011 7:03:00 PM by dw
Another Mid Summer Edisto Fossil Hunt
9/12/2011 8:23:00 PM by dw
Scuba Diving the Edisto River Yields High Quality Fossil Shark Teeth
9/22/2011 8:12:00 PM by dw
Two More Arrowheads from the Edisto River
9/29/2011 10:22:00 PM by dw
Catching Up with a Great Post
11/4/2011 9:39:00 PM by dw
Nice Pliocene Shark Teeth from Lowcountry SC Land Site
11/20/2011 2:34:00 PM by dw
Edisto River Saber Cat Canine Fossil Find
12/7/2011 8:43:00 PM by dw
Not a Bad Start to the New Year!!!!
1/8/2012 5:03:00 PM by brsr0131
Not a Bad Start to the New Year!!!!
1/8/2012 5:06:00 PM by brsr0131
1 9/16" Giant Thresher
1/8/2012 5:11:00 PM by brsr0131
Hunting for Eocene Shark Teeth at the Cement Quarry in Harleyville SC
1/22/2012 8:13:00 PM by dw
Megalodon Says it All!
3/2/2012 7:11:00 PM by da fossz
Finding Carcharocles Auriculatus Shark Teeth in Harleyville South Carolina
3/19/2012 10:28:00 PM by dw
Shark Tooth Hill Fossil Collecting Ernst Quarries near Bakersfield, CA
4/22/2012 2:23:00 PM by dw
DW and Weezling's First Edisto River Shark Tooth Hunt in 2012
5/8/2012 8:44:00 AM by dw
Collecting Fossils in the Creeks of Summerville
6/1/2012 12:05:00 PM by dw
One if by Land, Two if by Sea
7/30/2012 7:45:00 AM by dw
Scuba Diving for Megalodon Teeth in the Cooper River
9/18/2012 5:27:00 PM by dw
Back in the water again!
6/3/2013 3:56:00 PM by aworkman
Aurora Fossil Festival 2013
6/16/2013 11:47:00 AM by MakoMeCrazy
First Trip Hunting South Carolina
6/22/2013 4:11:00 PM by MakoMeCrazy
Shark Teeth
Land Mammals
Marine Mammals
Guam Artifact Hunts
Kentucky Artifacts
Maryland Artifacts
North Carolina Artifacts
South Carolina Artifacts
Virginia Artifacts
Washington Artifacts
South Carolina
Oligocene Chandler Bridge Formation
Eocene Green Cap Formation
Eocene Santee Limestone Formation
North Carolina
Miocene Pungo Formation
Pliocene Yorktown Formation
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