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Fossil Hunting Videos

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Fossil Video List
Lights... Camera... Megalodon Action!!! 7/6/2009 8:30:00 PM by dw
What to do on a Lazy Summer Afternoon? 7/12/2009 8:48:00 AM by dw
Just Can't Get Enough Fossil Hunting 7/13/2009 9:02:00 AM by dw
The Birthday Wish 7/18/2009 8:17:00 AM by dw
The Big Countdown is Killing Us! 7/19/2009 5:10:00 PM by dw
Pleistocene Bonanza 8/1/2009 11:59:00 AM by dw
Angustidens Galore! 8/2/2009 8:02:00 AM by dw
Angustidens Nursery 8/3/2009 12:00:00 PM by dw
A hunting we will go... 9/1/2009 10:18:00 PM by dw
Morning Glory 9/5/2009 10:09:00 PM by dw
Color Me Happy 9/8/2009 8:39:00 AM by dw
Time to Kill 9/13/2009 6:48:00 PM by dw
Clinging to the Carcharocles Lifeline 9/20/2009 7:53:00 AM by dw
Answering the Call of the River 9/25/2009 3:08:00 PM by dw
Arctic Angustidens 10/6/2009 6:28:00 PM by dw
Last Dive of 2009 10/15/2009 9:11:00 AM by dw
Nice Creek Teeth 12/21/2009 6:35:00 PM by dw
Schooled by my Star Pupil 1/24/2010 12:37:00 PM by dw
Cold but Old January 2010 Report 2/12/2010 1:47:00 PM by Fat Boy
Manna from Heaven 2/28/2010 3:12:00 PM by Daryl
A fine March day on the beach 3/3/2010 1:03:00 PM by Fat Boy
Treasure between the Blizzard Branches 3/12/2010 5:14:00 PM by dw
Looking at Live Whale Sharks at the Atlanta Aquarium 3/29/2010 8:58:00 AM by dw
Paleo Bambi 5/6/2010 7:33:00 AM by dw
Testing out my Scuba Gear for 2010 5/24/2010 7:37:00 PM by dw
Fossils in Gangland 5/25/2010 9:40:00 AM by dw
Who Knew? 5/26/2010 8:07:00 AM by dw
This Paleo Shop Vac Wont Quit! 5/27/2010 6:50:00 PM by dw
Edisto Death Hole 5/28/2010 5:49:00 PM by dw
Nothing Like Making a New Fossil Hunting Buddy 6/1/2010 4:37:00 PM by aworkman
I made it by the skin of my teeth 6/6/2010 5:07:00 PM by aworkman
Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona 6/8/2010 8:14:00 AM by dw
Walk Ins Welcome - No Ap-point-ment necessary 6/14/2010 8:28:00 AM by dw
A fraglodon by any other name... 6/14/2010 1:58:00 PM by aworkman
Fossil Diving at Venice Beach FL for Megalodon and Mammoth 6/28/2010 9:21:00 PM by dw
A Mammoth good hunt! 6/30/2010 6:50:00 PM by aworkman
Shark Teeth and a Civil War Clay Pipe 7/3/2010 12:03:00 AM by dw
Driving the Gravy Train 7/11/2010 5:25:00 PM by dw
More Success in the Edisto River 7/14/2010 3:33:00 PM by dw
Siezing Opportunity 7/27/2010 6:18:00 AM by dw
Having My Way with the River 8/3/2010 7:55:00 AM by dw
The Marble Spot 9/17/2010 7:37:00 AM by dw
I'll take a four inch Angy...make it a double ! 9/19/2010 6:50:00 PM by Greg
Maiden Voyage of my New Kayak on the Edisto River 9/22/2010 8:13:00 AM by dw
Weekend in the Water 9/26/2010 12:44:00 PM by dw
Now You See It, Now You Don't 9/29/2010 11:09:00 PM by dw
Fossicking in the Edisto River for Giant Prehistoric Shark Teeth 10/6/2010 3:44:00 PM by dw
Mega Shark Tooth Hunting in the Edisto River 10/8/2010 6:01:00 PM by dw
The New Lowcountry SC Land Site 12/28/2010 5:59:00 PM by dw
Long time comming!!!! Potomac River Transistional Otodus 1/25/2011 9:21:00 PM by brsr0131
A Helping Hand from a Big Friend 2/15/2011 10:43:00 PM by dw
Opportunistic Fossil Hunting 3/8/2011 12:05:00 AM by dw
Thrill of Victory, Agony of Defeat 3/13/2011 6:30:00 PM by dw
How to Find Nice Shark Teeth in Summerville 4/4/2011 11:14:00 PM by dw
If a pictures says a thousand words, a video says a million? 4/5/2011 9:39:00 PM by bmorefossil
If a picture says a thousand words than a video says a million! 4/5/2011 10:03:00 PM by bmorefossil
The Winning Streak Continues 4/14/2011 9:17:00 AM by dw
Fossil Hunting the South Carolina Pliocene 4/25/2011 7:08:00 AM by dw
First Edisto Trip of 2011 6/6/2011 11:32:00 PM by dw
Diving for Coins and Fossils in the Edisto River 6/12/2011 3:03:00 PM by dw
A Week of Fossil Hunting Fun in the River 6/26/2011 9:50:00 AM by dw
Associated Squalodon Molars from the Edisto 7/11/2011 9:53:00 AM by dw
Owning the river 7/11/2011 1:55:00 PM by weezling
Piles of Teeth and a Water Moccasin 7/28/2011 8:36:00 AM by dw
Return to Terra Firma 8/6/2011 7:21:00 PM by dw
Dolphin Encounter During an Edisto River Fossil Hunting Trip 8/14/2011 8:12:00 AM by dw
Yes the Edisto River has Alligators... And Giant Shark Teeth! 8/19/2011 8:41:00 PM by dw
South Dakota Dinosaur Digging 8/20/2011 11:59:00 PM by ninjaplease
Best Edisto Hunt EVER! 8/26/2011 7:03:00 PM by dw
Another Mid Summer Edisto Fossil Hunt 9/12/2011 8:23:00 PM by dw
Scuba Diving the Edisto River Yields High Quality Fossil Shark Teeth 9/22/2011 8:12:00 PM by dw
Two More Arrowheads from the Edisto River 9/29/2011 10:22:00 PM by dw
Catching Up with a Great Post 11/4/2011 9:39:00 PM by dw
Nice Pliocene Shark Teeth from Lowcountry SC Land Site 11/20/2011 2:34:00 PM by dw
Edisto River Saber Cat Canine Fossil Find 12/7/2011 8:43:00 PM by dw
Not a Bad Start to the New Year!!!! 1/8/2012 5:03:00 PM by brsr0131
Not a Bad Start to the New Year!!!! 1/8/2012 5:06:00 PM by brsr0131
1 9/16" Giant Thresher 1/8/2012 5:11:00 PM by brsr0131
Hunting for Eocene Shark Teeth at the Cement Quarry in Harleyville SC 1/22/2012 8:13:00 PM by dw
Megalodon Says it All! 3/2/2012 7:11:00 PM by da fossz
Finding Carcharocles Auriculatus Shark Teeth in Harleyville South Carolina 3/19/2012 10:28:00 PM by dw
Shark Tooth Hill Fossil Collecting Ernst Quarries near Bakersfield, CA 4/22/2012 2:23:00 PM by dw
DW and Weezling's First Edisto River Shark Tooth Hunt in 2012 5/8/2012 8:44:00 AM by dw
Collecting Fossils in the Creeks of Summerville 6/1/2012 12:05:00 PM by dw
One if by Land, Two if by Sea 7/30/2012 7:45:00 AM by dw
Scuba Diving for Megalodon Teeth in the Cooper River 9/18/2012 5:27:00 PM by dw
Back in the water again! 6/3/2013 3:56:00 PM by aworkman
Aurora Fossil Festival 2013 6/16/2013 11:47:00 AM by MakoMeCrazy
First Trip Hunting South Carolina 6/22/2013 4:11:00 PM by MakoMeCrazy






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