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I toed you so!

During one of my collecting trips out west I came across a very nice specimen of a mesohippus. It's an ancestor of the modern horse. It's commonly referred to as a "Three toed horse". I found it in the Late Eocene, Chadron Formation of the White River Badlands. It was an articulated specimen and had superb preservation. Part of the skull was missing and some of the vertebrates. The area it came out of was an old water hole. It had probably sank into the mud at death, which prevented it from being torn apart by scavengers. I took pictures during my preparation of the specimen. The most impressive one shows the complete hind limbs crossed over each other. The three hooves can be easily seen. The larger, middle, hoof is only one half of an inch long. I made a cast before completing the removal of the bones. The picture below is from that cast. Question! How many mesohippus hooves does it take to make enough glue for a postage stamp? Ask the Ditchweezil for the answer.
Location Undisclosed, Undisclosed

Date Added10/28/2006

My cast of the hind limbs of a mesohippus. The water hole where I found it had tons of brontothere bone. Since it was so perfectly preserved, I've often wondered whether or not a brontothere stepped on this unlucky horse, forcing it down into the mud. Lucky me! Unlucky horse!

Cowboys and Indians
Cowboys and Indians





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