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GMR Trip 7/2/2010

I have been pounding GMR for about a month now and still havent moved from one spot, I dont think that anyone has found this area or if they have they havent dug it out in quite a while. Last week I got 3 huge perfect teeth a 2.5" GW and 3" Meg and a 2.25 Mako all in perfect condition, today was no different. Starting off not finding much but junk and run of the mill finds Finally out pops the 2nd perfect 2.25" GW and then a nice bug meg just missing most of the enamel, a few makos and other GW's.

I had been there since 8 am and its now 3 pm and I was about to call it a day but still had my screen full to sift, so I started sifting away and what I thought was a bone that I was about to throw on the bank turned out to be a perfect extremely rare Indian Knife, friends of mine that hunt nothing but Indian artifacts are telling me that since this knife is so big and not chipped anywhere it could bring as much as $800, even thogh no matter how much its worth its not for sale, some things are just priceless. Just thought I would share.


1 available
Location USA

Date Added7/2/2010


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Winter Reading II:  Beach Landings and Guard Turtles
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