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Ok days   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
This report is from a couple different trips that I took to the beach.  On the first trip I was finding a lot of little teeth but nothing substantial.  While walking out, I picked up a decent mako.  I found the majority of the hemi's pictured on the second trip.  The highlight would have to be the dark blue hemi... pretty colors on that one.  I also found an odd tooth for where I was hunting... not sure of the name but it seems like it would be ...
sand tigers, sand tigers, sand tigers everywhere.   Potomac River, Virginia, USA

Made a short stop and found a bunch of sand tigers.  I love the doble cusps on the smaller teeth.

Ghost otodus   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

Met up with MikeDOTB and a friend and hit a couple of local spots.  I',m waiting to see a picture of the Nice otodus that Mike pulled from the potomac.  I found a nice white otodus and a large croc tooth missing most of its enamal.

First trip to the bay   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

The teeth were scarce and there were a lot of other hunters but I did manage a pair of Makos, a nice upper and lower.  Seems to be my theme lately.

Did I find my brain?   Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA

Is that a brain?  The teeth were high on the beach today.  I found a nice upper Mako 2.25 inches and a thick 2 inch lower.  If anyone can identify the brain looking object that would be great.

Brain? I'm only about half kidding.   Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA

Is that a brain?  The teeth were high on the beach today.  I found a nice upper Mako 2.25 inches and a thick 2 inch lower.  If anyone can identify the brain looking object that would be great.&l...

Better than Football!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

I had the choice on Sunday to either go tooth hunting, or stay home and watch football.  Since I already know that my team, the Redskins, will be fortunate to scrape out 6 wins this season, I decided that the time would be better spent at the beach.

I figured that surface hunting would be almost as futile as the Skins trying a 20 yard pass, so I brought along my trusty screen box and shovel.  After about 4 hour of sifting grave...

Angustidens Shark Tooth   Beaufort County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

A really pretty angustidens from the ashley formation in Berkeley County, SC. I found it barely sticking out of the ashley formation when hunting with my clear bottom bucket.

Time to Kill   Beaufort County, South Carolina, USA
With all the rain recently, I couldn't stand the allure of a ditch I recently rediscovered. I had an afternoon with nothing to do so I went fossil hunting. I didn't find a lot, but what I did find was really nice.
one more month of tri-posts   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

I'm sitting on my bed right now as I write this post up...all I can hear and think about is that gusting wind outside. It is coming from the wrong direction but the weather is slowly changing guys. I CANT WAIT.


This post once again represents another 3 trips to the bay. The first one was to the cabins. There wasn't to much found except for about 10 small teeth. You can see them in the top right part of the main picture. There's only 6 p...

Westmoreland in and out   Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA

Made a quick trip to the beach and found two nice Makos one upper and one lower.  The upper is 2 1/4 inches my biggest to date.  Can anyone identify the brain looking thing?

Terminal Fracture   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA
Lightning Streak Super Color Angustidens Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

My favorite finds are always the teeth with good color. They are very difficult to find in good condition, but today I found a really nice one with super color. This angustidens is covered on the front and back with all kinds of lightning strike color patters. To make it even better, both cusps are intact, the serrations are sharp, and the tip is still pointy as ever. The root doesn't have any chips in it, and the bourlette is even still intact. It's tough for me to put this to...

Color Me Happy   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Same story.  Heavy rain last night = I wake up early to hunt shark teeth

I never like the waking up early part, but I always like the hunting shark teeth part. As soon as I got to the creek I knew it was going to be a good day. I could tell the water got high from how bent over the weeds on the banks were. There was no part of the creek that would not have been rinsed by such a volume of water.

The deep parts were still cloudy, but for th...

Tapir Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Tapirus veroensis

This fossil tapir tooth is from the pleistocene, aka ice age. It is the first molar and is the only one to have the primary cusps at this angle. On all the other molar positions, the apex of the cusps looks like an equals sign (=) when viewed from above. On this tooth position, they are more angled, like \\ instead. Does that make sense? Obviously I'm not a scientist, but I think these mammal teeth are very interesting and I'm doing my best to de...

Morning Glory   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

I'm getting behind on my posts again. I can barely keep up with collecting, much less posting. Please forgive the tardiness of my update - I promise to provide a steady diet of paleo-nourishment to you as my willing and eager penance.

Last Monday I woke up early, and the bluster of a strange early morning thunderstorm was the cause. The pounding rain obscured by view of my neighbors' houses and the street was covered with rushing water. I was salivating at the though...

Little meg   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
So I decided to go to the beach this week a couple times after work.  The first trip I was walking down the beach when I saw something that warranted further attention.  I went to investigate and started digging.  All the right material was there.  I was finding nicely colored teeth sporadically.  Then, as I was chipping away, a nice little 2 inch meg popped out.  There's something about putting all that work in and getting rewarded that make...
A hunting we will go...   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Last Friday it rained really hard here, and the weezling was chomping at the bit to get out and find some fossils. Our rain gauge said we got between 2 and 3 inches of rain, and any time that happens there are fossil shark teeth to be found somewhere in the Lowcountry. Saturday morning we got up early and hit the yellow ditch. When we arrived it wasn't hard to see that the water never got very high - a necessary component to racking in the fossils. Still, the rain washed out a few decen...
Finally.... a meg   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
This post is the result of my past few trips to the bay.  It's been a couple months since my last complete meg.  So it felt pretty good to get back on the right track again.  I found a good assortment of different stuff.  The meg is far from perfect, but i'll take it. 
Past 3 outings   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
The past 3 trips have all produced a meg to some extent. All showing signs of extreme feeding damage served with an extra side of water wear. After last Saturdays rain the beach was very turned up.(Third trip) I found a solid number of teeth throughout most of the walk. But one area I first found the huge hemi pictured. Then on the way back found the worn meg and at least 40 teeth within a 25 foot section of beach. I don't know what happened to that area over night but it was loaded. Mo...
Myrtle Beach 8/8 - 8/16   Horry County, South Carolina, USA

While many believe that Myrtle Beach is just a place for finding pretty shells, my family and I have been going to MB each August for our annual vacation since 1998, and hunting the beach for shark’s teeth is the main part of each of my days. The past 2 or 3 years, the hunting has gotten notably worse, though, so we were happy to learn that another beach replenishment was scheduled for September 2008. According to a friend of mine who stays there, this time---- instead of dredging withi...

Happy Birthday to me...   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
After celebrating my birthday the day before I headed out in anticipation the next day to a spot I go to known for smaller rare teeth. I know the odds are not ever in my favor for big teeth, but I will take a rare tooth over a big ugly one any day. I ended up hunting for about 2 hours, but I came away with two rare Giant Threshers(one nice principle tooth at over an inch and the other a large one measuring at 1-9/16 inches) I found 4 broken Benedinis and three other incomplete Giant Thresher tee...
Unidentified Fish Fossil   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Unidentified - Other
This looks like the beak of a marlin. I think it is definitely some kind of fish bone though.
Following a dirt path leading to Carcharocles.   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
I discovered this spot about a year ago and never came back to investigate it until now. I thought the place was done because trees are growing on the outside of the banks. This time I decided to get down into the ditch and walk around. I came across an area where layer was still being eroded out of the edges. There was also a spot where gravel was piled up in the middle. This is where I found most of my teeth. I also found this cool looking fish bone. I think it might be the beak from a marlin....
Ramanessen Finds 8-20-09   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
I am wondering if any of you kind hearted fossil hunters would be good enough to share information on where to fossil in Monmouth County. I have been taking my kids for years to Big Brook and Ramanessen Brook but I am very curious about where else to go . My email is mikegrutt@aol.com and I would forever be in your debt for any new information you can give me. We would love to meet up and go fossiling with you if you wouldnt mind(my son is 11) Thanks Mike...
Potomac Perfection   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I haven't been getting out to hunt much lately, and the few times I have gone out I haven't found much of anything.  I managed to get to the Potomac River Saturday morning, and while most of the finds were the usual chipped Sand Tiger type teeth, I did find one postworthy tooth- the best Paleocarcharodon I've ever found.  It measures 1-1/8 inch on the slant, and it is about the glossiest tooth I've ever pulled from the Potomac shore.

Slow going,   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
The is the results of my last few trips to the bay.  I'm having a really hard time coming away with anything nice this summer.  And it's been a while since my last nice complete meg.  It's not because of a lack of effort it's just not happening for me lately.  The first two trips I just scanned the beach for teeth.  On my last trip, last Friday, I decided to dig.  I found some decent untouched material... zone 12 I believe.  I dug up...
Edisto River Point   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
My nicest point from the Edisto to date.
2 3/16" Angustidens Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
A nice angy from the Edisto.
Awesome first dive of the year in the Edisto!   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
Back to the Edisto   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
AeroMike and I went back to the Edisto River again today for two tanks of fossilin fun. A lot of good 1 1/2"-2" Angys, a 2 3/4" was the best. A broken Squalodon tooth was the heartbreaker....
Whale Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Squalodon atlanticus
A nice squalodon tooth - could be associated with a bunch I found in this same spot a few years ago....
Finally Wet!   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

This week the stars aligned and we finally hit the river. This is the latest I've ever had my 1st dive of the year, but I'm glad I got to go at all. This post is for two days worth of hunting.

On the first day, da fossz joined megamouth, the weezling, and myself on a gorgeous summer day without a single cloud in the sky all day. It's awesome to have a bright overhead sun because some of the light reaches the bottom. I fanned the sand for about 3 hours and came away w...

Pair of angys   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

Two nice Edisto angustiden teeth. Largest is 2.75 inches (+/- .06 inhces).

Fossiling in the footprints of others....   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
I had a day off so I had decided I was going rain or shine...It rained where I live early on and had cleared by the time I was ready to head out fossiling. I arrived at an older spot and discovered it hadn't rained that hard at all there....oh well... I was going to try my luck anyway. Not five minutes into the hunt I came across footprints...someone had been here already, but I don't give up even when I come across an area someone else has already hunted. I continued on and started to find the ...
Scraper/knife   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

One of the most interesting artifacts I have found. I think it is a Guildford Axe from the Archaic Era. Apparantly, part of base is broken.

Cuttin through the Tannin   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

Yes, I know....DaFossz has been absent from the paleo-postings for a while. I have missed yall as well. Duty called as DW dialed me up for a river trip to the Edisto and I practically tele-transported myself to chez Weezil. We hit the water in the late morning and the Carolina sunshine was about as bright as it gets. This made river viso great as the quantum packets travelling at 299,792...

sometimes you get the skunk   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Same story as last time unfortunately The pile is 98% worthless. I found 6 small teeth. A thorasic vertebrate was the best find of the day. There was a 3.5 inch meg found at the complete other end of the beach....where I wasn't at. Enjoy the pictures

First dives in the Edisto.   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

After many attempts to dive The Edistio River, we finally got in. The group included AeroMike, OzzyRules and ToothHoover. Vis was better than expected and we located a good gravel bed and fanned+scanned it until we used all our air.

Angys were the most common tooth found, a few Makos and one GW. The other good find were 3 pieces of petrified wood.

hit the tides/winds perfect   Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA

made a quick trip to meet some freinds who were camping.  When we arrived the water was to rough to put the bat in so we waited until about 5:30 when the water was a little calmer.  After a short boat ride we hit the beach at extremely low water levels.  I think the wind really had a lot to do with it. we left around 8 and the tide was comming in.  I didn't find a lot of teeth but did find a nice variety.


On the way to the fossil beach...   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

On an all night fishing trip I caught a nice catfish.  As the sun rose I realized I was not too far from a good toothing beach so I beached the boat.  It was a quick 45 minute hunt and I found two nice otodus 10 feet apart, fully exposed.  It was the luckiest trip there to date. 



Does that smell like GMR? Brown-capping in Hodgmans.   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

On the way to the fossil festival the family and I stopped bye GMR.  The kids while they like to find fossils they have a somewhat limited attention span so creek looking is great because they can always play in the water when they have burned themselves out.

summer pik me ups   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

posting the last 2 trips. The tide has been decently calm and low. The Monday trip I found the big blue mako in about a foot of water. Still alot of sand in some places. although in other places sand has vanished up the cliff face. The best find isn't in the pictures. Theres a certain spot where you can only collect at during blowout tides because theres never a beach. Well we decided to keep walking down because the tide was so low. And I saw something that reminded me of Aurora. An un...

Hunting at Auroraâ€Ĥwell almost!   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

Hunting at Auroraâ€Ĥwell almost!


More rain means more fun !   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
Rain, rain, and more rain ! That has been the story as of late and it just means that the lowcountry has turned into a fossil hunters paradise ...that is if you know where to go. Well I know of a few great places to find teeth here in SC and I decided to go somewhere else this time away from Summerville and try an old spot. Of course the teeth are not as colorful, but you have a pretty good chance of finding nice ones. It turned out to be a great choice. As soon as I arrived I spotted a huge roo...
Inclimate weather is not always a bad thing!   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

This weekend my sister was passing through the area and we made some plans to do some fossil hunting.  So on Friday I drove up to Greenville by way of Aurora to see what there was to be seen.  I finally got there after sitting in traffic which turned an hour and a half drive into nearly three hours so I already wasn’t in a good mood and when I looked around I didn’t feel like digging so I just surface collected.  And of course I didn’t see anything really just...

7/30/09   Surry County, Virginia, USA
Quick trip from last week. Found a new spot and a old croc tooth. Going to Aurora Friday to poke around in the pile... good times....
Recent finds, August 1   Oahu, Hawaii, USA
I hadn't hit my spot recently, so I went this weekend. It was worth the trip: 5 more shark teeth (all Carcarhinus sp.), a beautiful little urchin, 2 pufferfish jaws (as if I don't have enough from Lee Creek....), and a few very pretty gastropods. OH yeah, the two sea turtles were back--only 25 ft offshore! I also saw a moray. I've included those as the bottom photos....
Castle Hayne   New Hanover County, North Carolina, USA
This past week was out annual vacation to Ocean Isle, NC.  The first picture is of teeth that I found in the surf.  On Friday of last week, I made the trek north to Castle Hayne Quarry.  I don't recall seeing any trip reports from there on here as of yet.  After the hour long trip, I checked in and made my way to the collecting area.  The area for fossil collecting was pretty massive.  But, some of it was really overgrown.  And I did...
Button Angustidens Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
A nice little button angustidens from the Ashley Formation....
Angustidens Nursery   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

Fossil hunting in the lowcountry of South Carolina has become a feast or famine kind of thing. We go a long time without having anyplace to go from having a handfull of places all at once. It's because we are entirely dependent on the rain now to erode fossils from their resting places. The past few days we've been pummelled by rainstorms, and I got the crazy idea to go check an old spot that I hadn't hunted in a year or more. All it took was the mention of the word &q...

Giant Reef Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharoides catticus
First, let me say that there is no such thing as a "Giant Reef Shark". They are all just reef sharks. But this tooth is the biggest reef shark tooth I've ever seen! Had it been the only tooth I found today, I would have been happy. But I'm still glad I found others! Is that greedy?...
Angustidens Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
This lower jaw angustidens tooth is a spike! It's completely symmetrical for that quintessential shark tooth triangle shape. The root is massive, almost like an auriculatus, but not quite. The bourlette is magnificent - Finding this tooth made my day!...
Posterior Parotodus benedeni   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Parotodus benedeni
What an awesome tooth! This is the first posterior parotodus benedeni tooth I've ever added to my collection. I confirmed the position using the dentitions in the back of Kent's book "Fossil Sharks of the Chesapeake Bay Region" since I can't remember ever seeing this position before....
Angustidens Galore!   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Summerville had another big storm last night. I didn't think the weatherman could top the storm from two nights ago without some kind of tropical influence but I was wrong. Rain like that always calls for a trip to the creek near out house. Unfortunately I had a mid-morning meeting again so we had to get there early. I don't like getting there early because the mosquitos are bad and its too dark to see into the deeper spots of the creek so we always miss teeth. Regardless, early fossil ...

Its been a while...   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

First trip out this year in Maryland.  Found some nice hemis and a small, but nice,  meg.  The tide was higher than I would have liked but not bad for about an hour...had to do some fishing too!!

More rain and more toothin   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Some more showers drenched the lowcountry yet again and I decided another day of fossil hunting was in order. I was thinkiing my chances of finding some nice teeth were good so I arrived at the spot anxious to hunt. I walked slowly making sure I didn't miss anything. Sometimes fossil hunters get in a rush and miss teeth just setting out in the open. I also brought my camera this time. I was finding teeth right away...small ones and pieces then I spotted an Angy. I knew it was nice so I grabbed m...
Pleistocene Bonanza   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

We got quite a thunderstorm last night that dumped over 2 inches of rain. The weezling and I were excited to finally get out and hunt - this waiting for the rain stuff is terrible but its all we have for now so we're going to enjoy it. With regular sticks in place of rakes we walked down into our favorite spot near our house for a great fossil hunt. The finds started almost right away. We always find a lot of shark's teeth here, and...

Re-Check Those Rejects   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA
The past year has been the biggest black-hole of fossil collecting since I started this hobby. I could usually count on Aurora to quench my fossil thirst but with my last two slot days being cancelled due to weather, it seemed that any opportunity to come up would get sucked into oblivion. Last week I finally found a couple of hours where I could get out. Despite my “love-dislike” (hate would be too strong a word) relationship with GMR, I decided it would be my easiest destination. I love GMR be...
Slim Pickens   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
I saw the rain hit yesterday evening and now that the recent news has hit the fossil hunting community concerning even small tools in the canals, ditches, and creeks are banned I was welcoming it. I was ready to walk and walk and walk. I figured I would have some luck since it had rained hard. Upon arrival I saw the usual small tiny miniscule teeth setting around in the current. Tiny tooth after tiny tooth. I expected as much and after about an hour I was ready to call it quits, but I figured wh...
My Second Fossil Expedition With My Daughter   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA
Should be cleaning, or sleeping but instead I am posting a really long trip report!   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

Just a warning, this post covers a couple trips and is a little long. 

The first of these was a weekend trip to GMR following an awesome weekend in which we found several really nice great whites.   Friday there weren’t too many great finds to note and for me Saturday started off pretty slow.  Govinn managed to start finding some pretty awesome teeth and for awhile with my ½” screen I was lucky to even find gravel that would s...

juvys   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

This post represents 5 trips to the bay. I managed to find 3 megs all of which were under 1 inch. But a meg is a meg.! A nice cow shark and some commons. The tides have been higher and the jellyfish are out in large numbers. Just wait until mid August/ September the bite flays will be out...I've been ran off the beach more times then I can count by those suckers.


   The metal object in the last 2 pict...

artifacts and an Otodus   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
This post is a combination of my last 2 trips to an Eocene/Miocene spot. On the first trip we went collecting with friends who we met on a past trip. We decided to try a spot that has produced nice fossils in the past.We didn't get alot of teeth but at the end of the day we ended up with a chub blade, a broken Otodus, and 3 Native American atifacts. One looks like it was the bottom of a spear point which was reworked. On the next trip we did some exploring and found a spot that looked good. We d...
a dinky tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
a dinky tooth
a sweet one   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
a sweet one
my sweet find   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus desori
this is the best desori i have found yet...
my first matrix meg   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
my first matrix meg
Late for Poker Night - 9/22/07   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA

This if my first posting at BRF - pictures should improve over time.  Enjoy!

I had been itching to do a little hunting for the better part of the last 4 months, but a very busy life kept delaying my search efforts.&am...

Into the Wilds of South Alabama   Andalusia, Alabama, USA
On Saturday, July 18, we headed down to the Conecuh River to hunt for the wiley Auriculatus. We arrived at the river at approximately 12:00 and dug and sifted until 5:00. One (1) excelent Auriculatus tooth was found (not by me). I did find two (2) large Striatolamia macrota teeth (in the 2" range) and a number smaller teeth. All in all it was a great trip....
Perfection   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
You just never know what you're going to uncover. The Meg below is one of the most perfect ones I have ever found. What it lacks in size (2.75"), it more than makes up for in condition. ...
A Huntinn with Govinn   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
First day we had a ton of rain but we made the walk down the beach, I think the adrenaline rush from finding teeth kept us going. We didnt find much the first day, I did come across a hemi, well from the size of it you wouldnt think hemi but it sure is, the hemi measures 1 15/16" its my largest bay hemi so far. there were some odds and ends found that day. A nice mako or 2 and some other nice hemis.

On day two a friend of mine joined us and we had a nice day on one o...
New Sifter Luck...   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA
Tuesday was the day destined for me to make a new sifter. I had been using one of my buddies until I got one. Tuesday seemed as good a day as any. So I got my scrap wood together, got some 1/2’’ wire and zip tied the thing together, put me on a handle, tested it’s floatability and I was ready to get into some muddy water. Problemâ€ĤI live in central NC. So Wednesday ended up being the day to go jump in GMR. I brought a newcomer with me to introduce him to my hobby. He started out with n...
The Big Countdown is Killing Us!   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

The weezil clan is going crazy with the fossil hunting lately. We're hitting old spots and having a great time, even though the finds aren't the best. We are really excited lately because we heard a rumor that a good new fossil hunting location is going to open up in the near future and the only way to pass the time is to hunt. It was an overcast day and it was hard to see into the water but megamouth and I still managed to do pretty well. The two right teeth on the to...

The Birthday Wish   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Time goes by so fast - it seems like only yesterday the weezling was born and I was wishing I could take him with me fossil hunting. In reality, he turned 9 yesterday so I actually could take him. Lucky for us the heavens opened up the night before and drenched the Lowcountry with fossil-eroding goodness.

Even though we've been hunting more often lately, its been tough to get into our favorite spot because everyone else is in the same boat as us - not enough good hun...

SNAKE!! (Part 2)   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA
Hey!! Where's the rest of my pics???? It cut off the first five that I put on that last trip report... oh well... here they are... On a side note... I picked up over 6000 teeth in the last two trips to GMR and over 7500 teeth so far. ...
SNAKE!!   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA
OKâ€Ĥ OKâ€Ĥ OKâ€Ĥ I’m finally clearing my schedule to write this trip report. It’s long overdue, and my sincere apologies are in order. These pictures are a combination of a few trips to GMR with MikeDOTB. We met thru this website while planning a trip to PCS and GMR. He’s turned out to be a great guy who has a huge heart for people and a great knowledge of this hobby. I’m honored to call him a friend. Mike, thanks for showing me GMR. Enough of the mushy stuffâ€Ĥ onto the trip report. Like I said be...
High Sea's on the Potomac   Potomac River, Maryland, USA
Man, the tide just won't recede along the Potomac. THe last three trips had waves hitting the cliff face, and barely retreated during low tide. Ended up sifting in order to save the trip(s). I did end up with a small worn Paleo, a broken Paraorthocodus, a couple Cretolamna's, and the usualy assortment of sandtigers. Made it out this time with no Ticks!...
I've got the BLues   Potomac River, Maryland, USA
Stumbled upon some nice material to sift through and found some nice blue-ish colored teeth, inlcuding a small Otodus. Also found a few nice fish Otoliths - these are rare. You don't find many teeth in the matrix, but the teeth you do find can be real pretty....
Slim pickin's   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
The cliffs just haven't been producing much this Spring/Summer. Yes, occasionally a nice tooth shows up, but quality and quantity are way down from a few years ago. I still go to my favorite beach to check it out from time to time. The finds below are from about 5 trips over the last several weeks. The large shark vert is a nice find. I haven't found one like that in a long time. Wish I knew what species it was from. What's funny is that it was laying out i nthe open with footprints all a...
Last Resorts   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

After a bountiful feast at Moe's, DW and I desided we needed to quit sitting around and go hunt fossils.  It was a few days after some heavy rain so we hit up a piece of ditch rarely visited by us, due to its lack in fossils.

DW was also pumped to film another one of his vids, so I humbly agreed to ajoin him on his quest. It was slow, fossils here and there but eventually we managed to aquire an exceptable amount of fossils. We left, never to return... until...

Just Can't Get Enough Fossil Hunting   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

The weezling came home today and found out that Megamouth and I had not only gone fossil hunting without him, but also made another movie. I told him that life goes on here even when he is having fun somewhere else, but that didn't seem to help. Another trip to the creek was in order.

We went to a different part of the ditch than last time and though everything started off well, there were vast expanses of the creek with no fossils. And with the non-humidity correcte...

Pics from "quality not quantity"   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
Here is a picture of our finds from my last post. I didn't hit "update photo"....
quality not quantity   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
These are the best finds of our last three trips. We didn't find alot of teeth but my Dad and I did end up finding some nice things. My Dad found an arrowhead and a chub in the same sift. We also found two mammal teeth in the same spot, we think they are horse teeth probably from the Pleistocene. I also found the biggest Striatolamia in my collection, it is 2 1/4". The same day as the Striatolamia I found a sawfish spine and what I believe to be a Benedini, However it may be an Otodus with ...
What to do on a Lazy Summer Afternoon?   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Megamouth and I got tired of sitting around the house so we decided to go down to the local watering hole and see what the rains washed out earlier this week. This spot takes a while to clear up enough when we get a lot of rain and today the deeper parts were still murky, but the shallow areas were accessible for our racking purposes.

Although we found a bunch of teeth, very few were complete. There are a number of reasons why - because of the initial excavation, bec...

7/9/09   Surry County, Virginia, USA
Took a friends son sharktooth hunting today. Had a good time....
Good results fossilin after the rain...   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
The rains were heavy last night....so I figures I hit some spots around Summerville and see what may have washed out. I arrived at the first spot and started scanning the area. Like a broken record...broken tooth,shamer, broken tooth, shamer...that spot was not producing. Then on the way back to my car I came across a nice little yellow chubutensis...ok that made me feel a little better. So onward to the next spot and the saga continued...broken tooth after broken tooth although they were larger...
2.5 inch New Jersey Ric   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Carcharocles auriculatus
Here is a nice Auriculatus that I found in March. It is my nicest Ric from New Jersey....
C&D Thunder   C and D Canal, Delaware, USA

I had a work event in the Wilmington area a few weeks ago so afterwards my goal was to do some collecting along the C&D Canal for a few hours.  Unfortunately for me, strong severe thunderstorms were predicted that day, and as my luck would have it they began as I walked out of the door for work.

Happy Birthday to Me!   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I had the pleasure of having a fantastic birthday as my daughter and I spent some quality time doing our favorite hobby, fossil collecting. That in itself makes it one of my best birthdays ever.

OK, enough mushy stuff, on with the report. We spent the day collecting the Paleocene of Maryland along the Potomac River. I wasn't expecting much since we just had a long holiday weekend with lots of boaters out and probably lots of collectors from shore over the w...

pictures of my GW from GMR   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias
so yeh I couldnt figure out how to put the pics up like everybody else, so I tried this way...
Lights... Camera... Megalodon Action!!!   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Fossil hunting in Summerville isn't what it used to be. Now we're barely surviving, living on bread and water. When it rains we sit and stare out the window hoping that the shower will last long enough to wash out our ditches. We don't dig, we only surface collect so conditions have to be right to make it worth going. Well, today conditions were right and the weezling and I decided to go to a new spot we found a few weeks ago. Its actually not a new spot, but its new to us so we call it...

Master of the low country   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
had a real nice time down in SC, you really have to work for your fossils and thats what i did. I have to thank Sharkdentist for the good time without his help i would have never been able to find my two big megs. I sure am glad that there are respectable hunters out there like him.

the big meg is a little over 5 1/4" the smaller is 4 1/4"...
7/5/09 James City County   Surry County, Virginia, USA
Hey y'all.
Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. I've been super busy lately and any time to hit the beaches.This has been longest stretch of time that I have not been hunting in years.I was starting to get a little stressed out at work and at home. You know it's getting bad when your girlfriend recommends that you should go shark tooth hunting. I recently upgraded kayaks from a 9.5 foot to a 11 ...
just catching up   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

This time of year teeth slow down. Tides are higher. More people walk the beaches. This post is actually my last 3 trips.


Last Friday I went to the northern end of the Calvert formation. Nothing exciting except 2 nudists on the beach. There was a bunch of tiny treasures found. Hammerheads. Threshers, and a symphseal contortus. Also a beautiful cow shark.


The m...

Another late trip report, who would have guessed!?!?   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

Friday, 12 June 2009.

I know I know another late report.  And I think its a little late at night because I dont recall too much of the days events but here goes....

After baking and sweating in the hot sun and walking around drenched during the weeks ever changing weather and being out in it all on the rifle range the long expected day was here.  Friday!  I was off the range at an early h...

Fossil Archeocyathid Extinct Sponge   Big Pine, California, USA - archeocyathid

Archeocyathids are an extinct sponge that fed on stromatolites during the Cambrian. The interesting thing about this site in Big Pine, California is that this location is where the first known reefs began to form on earth!

Geology Field Studies Trip   Big Pine, California, USA

This past May I took a three week camping trip out west in Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and California

past few months at GMR...   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA
This is to be a quick post as it is my first and introductory one. I am a novice fossil hunter but enjoy it thoroughly. Probably not the most educated on types/species of finds but i have picked up a few in recent months. Hopefully sites like this and meeting folks out in the creeks will foster fossil education for me. Over the past two months I have prolly made about 5 trips out to Green Mill Run. I'm a student at ECU so in the summer Im at home and rarely have chances to get...
Thats what I like about Sunday!   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA
I know that was a strange title, but you ever have one of those days where it seems the planets and starts align, the sun comes out, the weather is perfect, the birds are chirping and it seems like nothing can go wrong?  Well this day didnt start out that way.  The fossil deities favored us on this day!  It was June 7th and me and Govinn were back in the GMR.  We jumped in at 5th street park and now I hear it is actually calle...
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