February 22, 2025  
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13/16" Pathologic Megalodon Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
My first Lee Creek megalodon tooth! It’s a small one, but its 100% flawless. Sharp tip, every serration intact, and a perfect root. Look at the left root lobe - it never grew - what a cool looking little tooth!...
15/16" Cow Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Notorynchus primigenius
My expectation for my trip to Aurora was to find one of these. It was the first of the nice teeth I found. Its not be the best one out there, but as my first complete specimen, it will always have a special spot in my cases....
1 1/2" Snaggletooth Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Hemipristis serra
Huge hemis are not uncommon in Aurora. This was an unexpected bonus that I had not expected....
1 1/8" Tiger Shark   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Galeocerdo cuvier
A flawless giant tiger shark from the world famous PCS phosphate mine in Aurora, NC....
2 5/8" Pungo Megalodon Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles chubutensis
This was the trip saver for me for my first time at Aurora. I found it 50 minutes before I was due back at the bus, and it was among the best teeth found that day. Its by far my best chub to date. Nothing locally can ever compare to a tooth from the mine. Just look at the photos! Incredible color, perfect root, bourlette, and serrations. The very tip serration is dinged, but its barely noticable. The sliver of enamel missing on the front stuck in the matrix when I picked the tooth up. I drooled ...
1 7/8" Mako Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus retroflexus
1 7/8" Mako Shark Tooth
2 1/16" Mako Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
Its been several weeks since I've pulled a nice mako out of the forbidden. This could be the last one since the pond is almost done. Good thing it was a nice one!...
1" Squalodon Molar   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Squalodon atlanticus
Whale teeth are scarce, and double rooters are the most rare. The ding on the root is minimal compared to the total coolness of this tooth!...
The last forbidden lunch :-(   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
They have really been grading big time now, and within the next few weekdays, they will be finished with the forbidden pond. Not wasting a single second, I did some digging in both layers. I got a nice mako, a smaller, perfect angy, and a double rooter squalodon. Bummer that one of the roots is dinged - still, though, these whale teeth are so rare that this is a great find anyway....
A double shot   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
You know, I actually do have a job. But you wouldn't know it with all the toothing I have been doing lately. Its because of my job that I get to go so much. I work less than a mile from the forbidden pond, so I have been going at lunch whenever I can. Today was no different. We had some serious rain the other night, so I was able to walk the fields where they have been spreading the dirt from the ponds first, and I found a few decent ones that way. Then, I went digging in the hole. Its almost fi...
A double shot   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
Knowing that the rain probably washed out some teeth at the Big Ditch, I went and walked it after work. I didn't find anything collection worthy, but I did find a decent quantity of teeth. There are some nice stretches of Chandler Bridge that are naturally eroding there, so the possibility of nice angys in the future is still there....
5/8" Reef Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharoides totuserratus
This was the best tooth of the trip. Even though its small, it’s a great find. They are very fragile and scarce to boot. So finding one in this pristine condition is a real treat. Consider this: at this location, I have found 2 6 inch megs, but only one of these. Kinda puts things in perspective, huh? Ok - maybe it’s a stretch to equate one of these teeth with a 6 inch meg, but you get my point. Its an occasion to find one of these....
2 5/16" Benedeni Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Parotodus benedeni
This isn't my biggest benedeni, but its by far the best so far. The blade is unimaginably sharp! You could seriously cut yourself on this puppy. The root is immaculate, too. There isn't a ding to be found on this tooth. Plus, it has great color and some nice color patterns on the front. Arguably one of my best finds at this location....
4 7/16" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
Here is a nice little tooth that has a lot going for it. Saying that it has great color is cutting it short. Oranges, yellows, browns, etc. are all mixed together in a completely unique fashion. The root is perfect, the 60%-75% of the bourlette is intact, and the serrations are even visible....
4 3/16" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
My second meg of the day - and it’s a nice little one. It has all the enamel, but the serrations are worn off. Amazingly enough, however, it still has most of the bourlette. Weird, huh? The root is pretty good too, and it gives this tooth a great shape....
1 5/8" Mako Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
1 5/8" Mako Shark Tooth
I am favored by the tooth gods!   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
We headed off early this morning to go see tooth guy. After spending a great 2 hours in his shop drooling over his collection, we went collecting. Its been so easy lately to decide where to go. As far as I'm concerned, there is no since to go anywhere else. Do I even have to say it? Of course we went to the forbidden pond! We only had three hours left to dig, because it was kindof a long drive from tooth guy's crib. I had another killer day as you can tell from the pictures - two more whole megs...
A week of forbidden lunches   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
All week long, I have been going out to the forbidden pond every chance I get. Usually, its during lunch, but once I went out at night. At any rate, its been a pretty good week ;-) They are almost finished digging this puppy, so we are almost out of time to dig here. I've got mixed emotions about that, but whatever happens and whatever I find until the end, the memories will be grand! When I tell stories of the forbidden pond in the future, many will gasp open-mouthed at the bounty we had. I'm g...
A week of forbidden lunches   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
A week of forbidden lunches
6 3/8" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
Words cannot describe the majesty of this tooth. It truly has it all! It is a king among kings in my collection. Great color! Just look at the back at the fabulous white and yellowish lightning streaks in the enamel. The root can't get much better either. Its BLUE and white! Stunningly beautiful and absolutely unique. The bourlette is 80% intact, and is also marbled blue and white with lightning streaks in it. The serrations are superb. Lastly, the blade is rippled where it meets the root. That'...
2 1/8" Mako Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
2 1/8" Mako Shark Tooth
1 7/8" Angustidens Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
What a beautiful specimen. Flawless in every since of the word. Grade A 100% perfect in every way. Every serration intact, the cusps perfect, the root without flaw, the bourlette enamel pristine. What a fantastic find!...
3 1/2" Squalodon Incisor   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Squalodon atlanticus
What a tooth! This is a magnificent specimen dug directly from the geologic layer where the previous owner of this tooth lost it 28 million years ago. It is so rare to find one in this fantastic condition. No damage to the enamel or root. If I had just found this one, my day would have been successful, but I found an associated specimen, too....
3" Squalodon Pre-Molar   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Squalodon atlanticus
This is almost as good as it gets when it comes to whale teeth. This is a tooth directly from the original layer where it was lost 28 million years ago, and it is in a remarkable state of preservation. If you look closely, you can see the serrations on it. Near the root end, you can see where the very ends were separated. Just one or two positions back from this in the animal's mouth, the teeth have double roots....
Persistence finally pays off   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Today, like any other Saturday, started out with visions of giant megs falling out of the dirt. T-Money, thA duDe, and I all set out early to beat the crowds at the forbidden pond. It has become rather famous lately, so lots of people are coming by to pillage the teeth. Again, they didn't do much work on it this week, but yesterday afternoon they did some digging, and we were the first ones there to uncover the riches concealed beneath the filth. We dug for hours on the new section, but found NO...
The oasis is shrinking   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Again, with visions of giant megs and angys dancing in my head, we headed off to the forbidden pond. They hadn't done any work all week on the pond, so the Wando is tapped out. We walked and dug the chandler bridge for a while, but with little reward. The angy at top left is nice, but the corner broke off when I pulled it out. They are so brittle down in that layer until they are dry! Well, I guess we'll just try again next week....
One last ditch effort   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
The last day of my 4 day weekend was spent doing exactly what you expected - toothin. Am I insane? Am I addicted? Is Taco Bell the best fast food joint EVER? I say YES to all three. Snap your fingers when you read that last "YES" and say it with a lisp. That's my intent here. I must rely on my sad sense of humor, because the earth was unable to satiate my desire for a killer tooth. Hard to believe with the luck I have had lately, but true. The meg isn't bad, but it has some root damage. :-( oh w...
How to dig for teeth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Today was the annual birthday dig, and everybody was down - Roy, da f0ssZ, thA duDe, t-MoneY, J of the Golden Shovel and Mrs. Of the Golden Shovel. We were going to take the house down. But then, one of the dudes from the development showed up. He's been out there all week at lunch digging next to us, and today he just stopped by to say hey. And for a few bucks, to show us how to REALLY dig for teeth. He went and fired up the track hoe and took off a whole corner for us to dig in. The excitement...
Diggin with Roy   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Roy from the NY Times Fossil club came to town to find some SC teeth, so I took him to a couple of spots - the big ditch and the forbidden pond. The big ditch was a bust. I guess it had just been picked over this week since the big rain last weekend. So we tried our luck at the forbidden, next. They hadn't done any digging in 2 days, but that didn't stop us from wailing away at the walls for like 5 hours. We didn't find any killers, but it was still fun. There has to be more giant teeth in there...
The lucky streak continues.   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
My son asked me this morning if I would take him to the forbidden pond tonite. He had seen me return home with meg after meg, and he wanted a piece of the action. We went out after I got off work tonite and dug for an hour and a half. He found a 4" tooth - not bad for an 8 year old! I found a 5 1/2" meg - not to out-do him, but to rescue the tooth from an uncertain future. The picture of all the teeth I found today didn't turn out well, but there's enough there to show you all the teeth I found....
A forbidden lunch   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Ok, so the name sounds all shady, but there was nothing that went on that my wife didn't know about! I actually went out to the forbidden pond at lunch today and yesterday to do some digging. They have been working like crazy to finish it off, and I wanted to be sure to get in as much digging as possible. My coworkers saw the stuff I was finding, and now they are going at lunch too. On the far right is a giant rib that I found. There was a whale unearthed in the digging, but the skull was nowher...
3 7/8" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
Here's another gem from the spot that keeps getting better. It has a perfect root, 100% complete bourlette, sharp serrations, a nice tip, and all the enamel. Its very rare for land teeth to be of this quality. Most are very worn, but somehow, this one escaped....
4 7/16" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
This is the second Meg I found today. The enamel is in fantastic condition. Great color - white and orange. Awesome serration, nice tip, and 50% complete bourlette. The root has some wear, but is basically complete with only some minor surface damage. This tooth alone would have been enough to deem the day successful....
6" Megalodon Shark tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
To date, this is the best tooth I have ever found. Its serrated, has a 99% complete root, 60% complete bourlette, and the most fantastic color pattern. On both sides, the area next to the serrations is yellow, but the center of the tooth is white. Its an unbelievable find, expecially for walking!...
2 1/8" Mako Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
Unbelievable colors, a flawless root, razor sharp edges, and a sharp tip are the best features of this tooth. What else is there? I guess that makes this one perfect....
6 1/2" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
6 1/2" Megalodon Shark Tooth
An Unbelievable Day!!!   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Today started out like most others - I got up early and got ready. I looked outside and saw that it had been raining - great, I thought. My boots were gonna be full of water. thA duDe showed up, and we went and picked up T-money and headed off to the forbidden pond. Where else? When we got there, J of the golden shovel and Mrs. Of the Golden Shovel were already hard at work. Apparantly, yesterday J payed the backhoe guy $10 to dig out a spot to dig. There was a nice little spot all ready for us!...
An Unbelievable Day!!!   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
An Unbelievable Day!!!
Chez Whitey!   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
While I didn't actually find all these teeth today, I find it easier to lump them all together in one trip. The came from the same spot, so who's hurt here?? I say nobody. Anyway, they have done some more digging at the forbidden pond, and this is my cumulative result of 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there. Notice the killer light color of the teeth, especially on the killer meg in the middle. I heard that more digging will be done today, so this coming Saturday should be a home run!...
3 5/8" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
All I can say about this tooth is WOW! It’s the first meg I have ever found of this exquisite color. Its nearly white and in relatively good shape - no major damage anywhere, nice root, visable serrations, no enamel peel. This one has a cool story - to me anyway. My brother and I went to lunch today, and we got done in like 30 minutes. I have an hour for lunch, and I knew that J of the Golden Shovel would be out at the forbidden pond digging, so we thought we would go say hi and see if they were...
3" Mako Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
Every once in a while, I come across a true rarity. A fossil representative of the splendor of nature. This is one of those fossils. A true 3 inch mako. Its MASSIVE. Period. They don't get much bigger than this. The biggest I ever saw was 3 1/4 inches long. And this tooth, as massive as it is, is still in fantastic condition. It has a great root, and the blade is razor sharp. The colors are fantastic, and its chatoyant - that is, when you look at it at different angles, it is a different color. ...
Piles of teeth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
I was in a really good spot today, as you can tell. The Wando layer was deposited in a thin green clay, so the teeth were orange, naturally ;-) Today was more of a quantity than a quality day. I know the meg looks sweet, but it was already broken when I found it. Shamer! I glued it, but you can still see the fracture lines. Next week will be better....
More goodies from the forbidden pond   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
The whole gang went out again today, but the teeth weren't just falling out of the edge like they have been in the past few weeks. Mostly, they edges had been dug out, and we were digging under precarious ledges of loose sand. Not finding anything for the first 2 hours, I turned my shovel on the Chandler Bridge that was lying exposed in the middle of the pond. You will see on the right a 2 1/2" beauty pulled from within. I was pumped, so I went back to the edge and decided to try my luck again. ...
The forbidden pond is a gold mine!   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Like every Saturday since… well, I can't remember when, we hit the forbidden pond. They really haven't done much work out there in the past week because of the rain, but there was still plenty of real estate to dig up. Today, all of us found good stuff. T-Money found a little 3" meg, thA duDe found a 3" meg and a pristine 2" Mako, J of the Golden Shovel found a near 6" meg, a 2" museum quality benedeni (drool!), a pathologic meg, and a pre-molar squalodon. What a day he had! I did ok too, I foun...
The forbidden pond is a gold mine!   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
The forbidden pond is a gold mine!
1 15/16" Great White Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias
It seems like I have been finding a lot of great whites lately, but that's not typical. They are indeed rare to find, especially with the root intact. This one has great serrations and terrific coloration on the back....
4 3/4" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
I believe this is the largest serrated tooth I have found at the forbidden pond to date. It is uncommon for megs found on land in my area to be serrated because the layer they are found in is reworked. This tooth has it all - a great root, nice serrations, colorful complete enamel, and even some bourlette intact. I can't believe my good fortune with the megs the last few weeks....
1 3/4" Mako Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
1 3/4" Mako Shark Tooth
1 1/2" Arrowhead   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
1 1/2" Arrowhead
A quick dip in the ditch   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
A quick dip in the ditch
A quick dip in the ditch   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
It has been a REALLY long week at work this week. Today, I bailed at 4 and hit the big ditch after work. We had some nice rainfall this week, and its nice to go to this place. I need Aurora practice :-) About 10 minutes after I got there, thA duDe showed up, so he hunted the right side while I hunted the left. We both did ok, but I had to leave after an hour, so this is what I was able to scrounge up in that little bit of time. Not too bad, huh? Shame on the angys!...
The Forbidden pond pays off AGAIN!   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
The whole gang came along today to the pond - thA duDe, da f0ssZ, t-Money, J of the Golden Shovel, and Mrs. Of the Golden Shovel were all there to play in the mud. It seemed like megs were popping up everywhere today! T money was the first to strike with a 5 1/2" peeler, then I found a 3 1/2 incher, followed bt my mako and another 3 inch megger. Then thA duDe found a 4 1/4" blonde tooth - the biggest he had ever found before today. Then I found another 3 1/2 inch beauty. How could the day get an...
2 3/8" Mako Shark tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
Another great Mako from the forbidden pond. Great root, and awesome orange-brown-grey enamel. There's a little ding to the new blade right under the right root lobe....
3 1/2" Megaldon Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
This was the third meg I found today (but only the second that was good enough to make the collection) and it’s a beauty! The root is pristine! I seldom find one in this fantastic of condition. Usually, there is some pitting or little dings, or something, but this root kills! Then, the bourlette is 100% complete. It is rare to find megs with intact bourlette in land teeth here. The enamel is beautiful and orangish grey. The serrations are worn smooth, but they are still visable. The tip is a lit...
4 1/4" Whale Inner ear bone   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Unidentified - Whale
Whales don't have ears on the outside, but they do have ears. This is the ear bone on the inside of their heads that help them hear ocean sounds from all the way on the other side of the earth....
Midnight run to the forbidden pond   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
All week long, I have driven by the forbidden pond, only to longingly watch the giant earth moving machines dig the pond ever larger. And I was unable to do anything except wish I was a ditch digger instead of a programmer. Ok, maybe not, but that job would rule for a fossil hunter. I couldn't stand it any longer, so I grabbed the flashlight and the Coleman lantern, and I set up shop in the bottom of the muddy pit. You know how hard it is to dig by artificial light? Well, it is! I found some nic...
First crack at a freshly dug pond   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Every so often, I get to be the first to dig at a new spot. Today was one of those days. I set my alarm clock for 6:23 this morning so we could beat the rush of people, but I woke up at 5 and was too wired to go back to sleep. thA duDe got here at 6:45 sharp, and we dropped by T-Money's place to snatch him up. He was looking out the window. We all knew that today would be a glorious day. Brace yourself - the best pond ever, the forbidden pond, was expanded yesterday. They just started digging, a...
2 1/2" Mako Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
This is a lower in great shape. The root is the best part - absolutely no wear. The tip is a little worn - no biggie....
2 1/2" Mako Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
This is probably the best mako I've found in 2 years. Everything about it is flawless, and its edges are sharp enough to shave with....
1 1/8" Dusky Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharhinus obscurus
I've been looking for a large specimen of this species for quite some time, and today I found one. This tooth is enormous for the species. It's 1 1/8" long and 1 1/8" wide. It has one little nick in the serrations, but the root and every other part of the tooth is flawless....
1 3/8" Sand Tiger tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharias cuspidata
This is a huge, stout specimen from this species. Both its cusps are intact, the nutrient groove is well defined, the root is pristine, and the blade is in great shape. What more can you ask for?...
2 1/16" Mako shark tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
Its been a long time since I found a mako in this great of condition. The color is fantastic, the root is pristine, and the edges are as sharp as a razor. Teeth of this quality are few and far between in the Hawthorne formation!...
Today I was greedy   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Every three months, Lafarge (formerly Blue Circle) Cement opens its muddy pits to fossil collectors. I always anticipate this day, not because Lafarge is an extremely productive site, but because this is the only place I know of where I can find Auriculatus teeth. I had never found a whole one before today. Let me tell you, after I found that puppy, I had this satisfaction of knowing that even if I didn't find anything else the rest of the day, the day would have been a good one as far as fossli...
Today I was greedy   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Lafarge isn't really that big, so T-Money, tha boy, thA duDe, and I left after about 2 hours and went to the forbidden pond. We ran into J of the Golden Shovel, and proceeded to dig. I pulled out tooth after tooth there, and everyone else did the same. Man, we had a really good day....
Today I was greedy   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Today I was greedy
I just couldn't stay away   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
It rained again, so after work, I dropped by the ditch AGAIN. I only had 30 minutes, and I didn't find as good of stuff as yesterday, but hey, you can't find the killers everytime. I did find one giant vertebrae and a decent mako....
Not bad for an hours work   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
We had a nice rain the other day, and knowing what I know, I had to stop by the ditch on the way home from work. The angy at upper left is small but flawless. Just right of center, there is a croc tooth, and next to it is a dolphin tooth. I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again - I can't believe that this place still produces as well as it does....
My biggest tooth in a year in a half, and it’s a beauty!   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
For the first time in two years, my brother who has been out of the country was able to go toothing with me. I wanted to take him around and show him all the spots, and I actually intended on taking him to a new pond, but in revisiting old ones, I noticed that there had been new work done on the forbidden pond. I knew that it was our duty to dig it. Apparantly, we were the first to notice this place because there were no other dig marks. We went at it with a vengence, and the rewards were great....
My biggest tooth in a year in a half, and it’s a beauty!   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
My biggest tooth in a year in a half, and it’s a beauty!
5 1/8" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
This is the biggest tooth I have found in a year and a half. When I pulled it out, I thought I was going to pass out. There is nothing like peeling back that chunk of dirt and seeing a tooth like this lying there. Its not the most perfect tooth in my collection, but it is one of the prettiest. The orange enamel is criss crossed with little white lines. It still has some visible serrations, but they are really worn. It has some bourlette remaining (probably about 20%). It has a pretty nice root o...
The ditch is back!   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
Over the past few months, I have oft lamented the fact that the best spot to find teeth that I know of was no longer productive. Well, that was until we finally had enough rain to make me curious about it. I went after work and BOY was I surprised. The gravel I knew and loved was again easily visable against the green Chandler Bridge layer. And there were teeth again! I still can't believe that my spot is back. And its even better. The junk that they used to fill in the sides had teeth in it too...
A bad day toothing is better than a good day at work   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
T Money and I set out today not knowing where we should go, but on a whim, he said we should go back to the forbidden pond where we had done so well a few weeks ago. Sure enough, they dug a little ditch off the other side and some killer layer was exposed. Not only that, but no one else had been there yet. Recipe for success, if you ask me. But sometimes there is great layer and no real teeth, and that's the way it was in this spot. Oh well, c'est la vie. It was fun anyway....
Gorgeous teeth from a new ditch   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Today is another vacation day well spent in a filthy hole in the ground. T moNey agrees. We started digging about 9 this morning and dug until 3 at this new ditch we found. We went one day last week and really struck out at this pond, but on the way out of the development, on a whim, we decided to check out these ditches. We didn't have enougn time to dig them then, but we really tore them up today. We even took our axes to chop out roots so we could pick out the teeth beneath. We had a pretty g...
3/4" Thresher tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Alopias latidens
This is a fine example of this smaller species of thresher shark....
2 3/16" Mako Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus desori
This tooth is in great shape and is marvelously colored. This is what this hobby is all about!...
2 1/8" Mako shark tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
Here's a beautifully colored, if slightly worn, mako tooth. The root is totally snazzy, and the enamel has a beautiful golden color with random dark patterns throughout it. ...
I really worked for this Mako   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
This morning I went toothin with T-Money and J of the Golden Shovel. It was quite fun, though it took some time before we actually got to the business of hunting teeth. You see, J of the golden shovel found a new spot WAY back in the woods and he wanted to show us. We went and hiked the woods for almost 2 hours before we gave up looking for the newfound spot. Next we went to the great pond from a couple weeks ago where I found the meg, and dug about an hour. None of us found anything, so we went...
My boy bags his first meg!   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
My son has been after me for about a week now to take him to find some teeth, and with my gem yesterday, he was more than excited to try his luck today. I took him by 007 because he's the quantity type of guy, and I figured that was the place for him. There was a little rain last night, so my thought was that it may have pounded out some teeth. nope. Just enough rain to make the sand moist and a pain in the butt to look through, but not enough to really do anything beneficial. That place was a b...
1 5/8" Great White Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias
Here's a lucky find! Rarely do nice great whites come along, but here is a pristine specimen with fabulous coloration! It has a cool story, too. You may notice that it is not in the trip picture for the day. This is because it fell out of my pocket and I didn't find it until several days later when I was at a gas station cleaning all the trash out of my truck. I had one of my co-workers with me and I was telling him about toothin. I told him I would bring in a tooth to show him, and there, on th...
4 3/8" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
Here is an absolutely gorgeous tooth. The colors on this tooth are fantastic. Greens, browns, greys, all marbled together. The serrations are super sharp and the root and bourlette are in perfect shape....
The tooth gods smiled upon me   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Today being like almost all other days off, I had to get my fix. I head out early intent on tearing up megapond again. After 2 hours of backbreaking labor there (it does seem strangely like labor when you're not finding anything), I decided to try my luck elsewhere. Strangely enough, while I was on my way out, T-Money was on his way in with his pops and brother. I bailed and they stayed on digging in the little spot with layer. Just to satisfy your curiosity, he found a killer 2" bone white carc...
The tooth gods smiled upon me   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
On a hunch, I just drove back to this spot I hit a long time ago where they were just beginning to do some construction. To my surprise, I found four new ponds waiting for me to pillage. 2 were without any layer whatsoever, one was questionable, and one was a definite winner. I flipped out the best meg in a while and a total shamer. I am still carry the 4 3/8" beauty around in my pocket!...
Best Great White of the year!   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Da fosSz came down to hunt with me today, so I thought I would take him to a new place. It wasn't really a new place, but a little birdy (t money) told me that they were making it bigger by the day. He wasn't kidding. This place is MASSIVE. So I have offically dubbed it Mega-Pond. If you have been following my adventures long, you know that only the good spots get names. This is now a good spot. A few weeks ago when I came here, I really didn't find anything worthwhile, but today was oh s...
2 1/8" Great White Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias
Its so uncommon to find a high quality carcharias tooth. The roots are almost always worn off, so when you find one with a complete root, it’s a great day. And this one has spectacular colors, too! This is the best great white I found all 2001....
9/16" Angustidens Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
I didn't add this tooth because it is incredibly large. In fact, its probably one of the smallest teeth on my site. It is, however, a spectacular posterior specimen. You can see, it is almost all root, as is a common feature of teeth from this position....
Lots of nice small ones from 007   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
I didn't find anything large today, but I found a bunch of little teeth. I always know that when I go to this spot, I might not come back with a giant tooth, but I sure won't have any problems finding teeth. I just sat down in the middle of the creekbed and picked up teeth for several hours....
007 yields a tasty artifact   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
I took a week off from fossil hunting, and I was ready to get dirty today. I went back to 007 because one simply does not abandon such a cherry spot after so few visits. This place continues to amaze me, and I am even more happy with it today because I found a way to drive really close to it. I am a lazy man at times. No, not lazy - I would just rather spend my time digging, thats it ;-) Anyway, today didn't turn up too much in the way of quality teeth, but as you can see, I didn't come home emp...
Blue Circle and back to the new spot   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Today was the day fossil hunters all over South Carolina (and other surrounding states) have been waiting for - the Blue Circle open dig. I arrived promptly at 8 and found that they were actually letting us drive down into the pit. That was cool. The last time I went, it was quite a long walk. I got ready and ran as if I were a moron to the awaiting ubiquitous mounds of spoil. No teeth here, or there, or anywhere, at first. Not satisfied with the front of the mine, I spent 30 minutes walking to ...
Blue Circle and back to the new spot   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Da fossz and I still had more digging to do, so I didn't feel like the day was a wash yet. I had run across a new spot a few weeks ago (unfortunately, I lost the pictures of the stuff I found that first day). I told him I would take him and let him decide if the spot was worth it. I knew the second I stepped foot into it. Picture this. I'm walking through the woods and I come upon this dried up stream bed with sand all over the bottom. Every few feet there are pebbles poking through the sand. An...
2" Mako Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
Great color on this upper lateral tooth....
Another new spot   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
T-Money called me up today and got me all excited about finding some teeth. We didn't really know where we were going to go, so we hit some old locations to see if they had done any more work on them. We remembered a few weeks back we had seen the beginnings of a new pond, so we walked on back to it to find that it was now enormous and it looked like a great spot to dig. Beautiful mulit-colored levels of clay, but no layer! I finally found a strip about 20 feet long where there were rocks, and t...
A new spot   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
I was off today, so I hit some old areas for lack of any place better. I went back to the dank mud pit, but it was so grown over that it was pointless to go back. There is this big ditch behind there that a buddy of mine used to hit and find nice stuff, but when I went, there was still a little too much water to find anything. There was some nice layer down low, but when I would dig a hole, it would fill with water before I could find anything. I did see a cottonmouth, though, while I was there....
I'm living on bread and water   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
I have known about the place we went today for a while. In fact, I drive by it every time I go to church. I can even see down into the ditch, and that's why I haven't checked it out before now. You just can't see anything from the road apparently. T money and I went down there for a few hours and did ok. He found a few angys and I found the little meg you see in the picture. But from the half there, its easy to assume that there were large teeth in the area. I should have stopped earlier!...
The proverbial dangling carrot keeps me going   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
Its nearing the end of the year at work, now, so I had to take some time off or lose it. Listen to me! Talking like taking a day off is a chore. It was great! Any day toothin is better than it would have been at work. I went all over the place today. I hit the creek near my house for grins, and while it still appears that there is little to no natural erosion going on, the dirt they packed in on the edges seems to have contained teeth. The nice orange angy must have come from there, as the teeth...
Its starting to look like a drought!   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Earlier this week I spied some construction crews dredging out an old haunt of mine, and I just new that I had to get over and check it out. Well, today was a day off, so I made a beeline over and found that they really didn't do all that much. I did find one spot where they had exposed some layer, but there really weren't any good teeth there - only broken stuff. They bugs were getting bad, and this place reeked of sewage, so I took my excavations elsewhere. I went on down the road to the spot ...
Slim pickins at old haunts   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Its getting difficult to find places to hunt. The development we have been hitting has finished digging all the ponds they are going to dig, so we had to go to old spots today, and you can see why they are old spots. Slim pickins indeed! On the top of the photo in the middle there is a big chunk of whale tooth, and to the left a piece of petrified wood. The leftmost tooth of the second row is the best I found - a 1 3/4" mako. My pal, t moNeY, didn't do much better than I did. Cya next week!...
A sweet day walkin   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Well, today I was all prepared to go diving. But the boat wouldn't start, and not to be defeated, my dad and I went walking. Like I said in my last report, there was a killer rain last night, and there were many places to walk. Its tough to decide, but I think we chose well. I found some beauties! In the middle row, left to right - a bottom row isurus hastalis 2 1/2" and long museum quality. It is white with pink and orange marbling. It was the second best tooth I found today. The second tooth i...
1 5/8" Snaggletooth Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Hemipristis serra
museum quality specimen! Immense for this species....
Midnight run to nowhere   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
Yesterday, I went digging with my friend, and when we got back to his house, he showed me some stuff he found at the new spot. Total droolers! 5 13/16" orange perfect meg. Need I say more? Well, there was a nice rain this evening, and I went out there. Since it was dark, I was hunting by flashlight. (yes, I am a hardcore addict!) While visions of megs were dancing in my head, I found these. The best one is the hemi. My trip was cut short, though, because security came out there with big spotligh...
Almost a killer day   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
My friend and I kicked off the long weekend by diggin. We went to a few spots where we had heard that there was some pond construction happening, but all we found were already completed, so we couldn't dig them. We walked around, but since there hasn't been much rain lately, there really wasn't much to be found. I got a nice Isurus Desori (bottom left), but thats about it. On the bright side, after a nice rain, those places will be nice to walk. We finally went back to an old haunt and struck a ...
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