Click the thumbnails for more information.
Mitchell County, North Carolina, USA |
These are really cool - they look like clear quartz, but they have purple and green inside.... |
Mitchell County, North Carolina, USA |
Emeralds |
Mitchell County, North Carolina, USA |
These are rubies and sapphires.... |
Clear Quartz
Mitchell County, North Carolina, USA |
Clear Quartz |
Mitchell County, North Carolina, USA |
Citrine |
Mitchell County, North Carolina, USA |
Aquamaine |
Mitchell County, North Carolina, USA |
Amethyst |
Mitchell County, North Carolina, USA |
Moonstone |
Rose Quartz
Mitchell County, North Carolina, USA |
Rose Quartz |
Mitchell County, North Carolina, USA |
Amazonite |
Rockhounding in North Carolina
Mitchell County, North Carolina, USA |
I have been married for 10 years and to celebrate, my wife and I went on a trip to the North Carolina mountains. We rented a nice place in Blowing Rock and drove the Blue Ridge Parkway back and forth doing all kinds of fun stuff. We visited Linville caverns, we hiked Grandfather Mountain all the way to the top, and we went gem hunting.
For years, I've tried to get my wife hooked on fossil hunting, but it wasn't until... |
a little E&M
Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA |
It was me and toofsnob on this trip to an Eocene/Miocene site. We were doing reclamation work mostly and the finds were decent. Toofsnob's find of the day was a small P. benedeni, not bad. I was actually doing pretty well for most of the day, but by pretty well I mostly mean that the interesting teeth I was getting I wasn't breaking for the most part. But as always that didn't last... I got a small chub that I damaged slightly and then the heartbreaker would be 2.5" one that I tota... |
Goblin pair from NJ
Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Scapanorhynchus texanus |
This pair of pristine goblins is as nice as they get for NJ. I just wish I could find a nice pocket of the lens that spits these babies out!... |
Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA |
On this day, me and two of my collecting buds, who will hereafter be referred to as toofsnob and the schmutzking, made a bad decision and ended up doing some exploration at a site that was a total bust. So after 3 hours we high-tailed it to one of our old faves, a popular Cretaceous stream. I was not expecting much because we did not have that much time and weren’t going to venture too far off the beaten path, but we all needed a little bit of instant gratification. But when we got to t... |
Fossil Pearl
Dallas County, Texas, USA - Unidentified - Other |
Beautiful Kamp Ranch Pearl. Found just as seen. ... |
Another One
Dallas County, Texas, USA |
After seeing DW and T$ out everyday picking up handfulls of teeth i had to get out there and find me somthing. The other afternoon I had some spare time so headed out in the heat to do some hunting. First spot I went was a neighborhood thats being built. Usally I can find at least 1 Ptychodus tooth there, but pickings were slim. As I started down one of the lot sites I started to spot teeth. After picking up a few teeth I looked back between my l... |
Old Quarry
Tarrant County, Texas, USA |
This is an old post. I had some extra time after work one night and made my mind up that I had to go to the quarry. Last time I was there I found a huge ammonite, so I had to give it another try. With a huge thunderstorm heading my way I headed into the pit. All in all I did ok finding some nice urchins. No big ammonites this time.... |
Finprints in the Sand
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA |
With the tremendous success that t$ and I had the other day, I had a lot of hope for the trip today. We were looking for new spots again and today we had little trouble finding some place we'd never been before. In this spot, the gravel was poking through the sand and we swam it from end to end, picking up a lot of stuff but it was a small spot and we quickly killed it. We had gone a long way up river, and we decided that rather than keep looking, we should head back to the spot we did ... |
Giant Thresher Shark Tooth
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Alopias grandis |
This is a rare treat. DW said it was the first complete one that he's seen come out of the river. ... |
A Better Day at the Edisto
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA |
I arrived at the weez’s crib on a some what good time. Today, we decided to scour out some new parts of the river. The first spot we hit was okay and we cleared it out fast. Then we both agreed to go back and dive the same spot from the other day where the DW racked and rack he did once again. I did a lot better this time and bagged a nice giant thresher shark tooth. ... |
A short venture into Typhoid Creek
Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA |
aka Greens Mill Run. With the seemingly endless heat we've had this summer, I've been pretty much hibernating, but I had a few hrs last Friday, and we were at a balmy 90, so I figured I'd dart up to G-vegas to see what I could find.
After about 2 hrs of sweating in places I didin't know I could sweat in, and swatting mosquitoes, I gave up. There was the usual haul of glass, metal, rocks, cans and a metric ton of weathered whalebone, but I did find a couple keepers: Two nice S. pristodont... |
My first Megamouth!
Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Megachasma pelagios |
Towards the end of last season, finds were getting slim, so I spent most of the day helping a few newbies do some digging at PCS. A while later, I sat down for lunch, and there it was, at my feet! I couldn't believe my eyes. Fist one in 3 yrs apparently, and on the 14th ever recorded at Lee Creek. Not quite as showy as a 5-inch meg, but rare is rare!... |
Feeling the Heat
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA |
DW stole the day and racked an epic proportion of racks. However, for me it was not the same. I was gearing up and had a wetsuit on while it was a hundred something degrees outside. I took too long to get into the water and quickly baked in the heat. It wasn’t looking good and my eyes started to puff right up. I could barely make out anything on the bottom and my mask kept flooding with water as well. Well, I learned a valuable lesso... |
Oligocene benedeni
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Parotodus benedeni |
As if I didn't already rack enough today, when I got home I found this little beauty in my bag. Its a big oligocene parotodus benedeni in awesome shape. I must have not noticed underwater because of the sick rack I was having. Its even got little cusps. SWEET!... |
3 1/2 inch angustidens
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens |
This has got to be one of my favorite positions of teeth. Very symetrical and thick. I have a few smaller teeth in the same position, and this spike easily takes the cake as largest. It has a little missing enamel just below the right cusp, but it DOES have the tip and both cusps - not to mention the superior root. A very nice find!... |
4 1/4 inch angustidens
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens |
Not perfect, but still very nice and huge! Any angustidens over 4 inches is massive. This tooth is very stocky with a thick root unlike any I'ver ever seen. The two cusps are tiny and complete, obviously decorative in nature. The bourlette is complete, too, which really makes this tooth look nice.... |
Back in Rack
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA |
t$ actually got to chez weezil on time today because of the excitement over the plans for the day. We were going exploring to secure a new racking grounds. Surely there were more areas of the river laden with fossil deposits!
We loaded our scuba gear (including my new BC!) into the canoe and headed up river from the launching site. The first new deep bend we passed was the first tested. The bottom was completely blown out. The onl... |
A couple of associated Pungo verts
Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Hemipristis serra |
tentatively id'd as Hemipristis serra. There were two others, but they were embedded in the rock, and came out in pieces. :(... |
Big Cuvier Vert with a prize inside
Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Galeocerdo cuvier |
Found just a bit of this big 'n exposed while crawling around the Yorktown. Thought it was a tuna vert at first, given the size. Was very pleased when I removed enough silt to reveal what it was-- a whopper of a tiger shark vert. To make it even better, when I turned it over, stuck to the dirt on the bottom was a small I. hastalis/xiphodon tooth. Definitely made my day.... |
Oxybeloceras sp.
C and D Canal, Delaware, USA - Ammonite |
A pair of bluish-purple Oxybeloceras sp. ammonites (tiny though) from the Mt. Laurel Fm., C&D Canal, Delaware. You can still find things there, but it takes some crawling...... |
Sometimes you don't find fossils...
Craven County, North Carolina, USA |
I had a group of really good friends on the charter boat but the weather was lousy so I took them to a river near New Bern to try for some auriculatus teeth. They loaded up on the bottles. I found 2 teeth and a GAT!
I'll be turning it in to the Sherriff's Department next time I am in the area. ... |
Been Busy Diving in the Ocean
Hertford County, North Carolina, USA |
If I'm not teaching during the academic year I'm usually working on a dive boat out of Morehead City/Atlantic Beach, NC. This summer I had the added bonus of teaching summer school so my fossil diving was severely crimped (that just means there's more for me to find now).
Here are some finds I made before the second summer session started. ... |
Large Super Hero Angustidens Shark Tooth
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens |
I never expected to find anything like this. When I first saw this thing underwater it was huge! The only small flaw is minor feeding damage to the tip, but I don’t care because everything else on the tooth rules. The serrations, root, bourlette, and cusps on this tooth are awesome! I love the color too! This is by far the best angy I’ve ever found to date. |
A Victorious Day!
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA |
Before this trip even began DW filled my head with images of large carcharocles. He said he had found one the other day that was three inches and in super hero condition. I couldn’t wait to see it. When I arrived at his house he showed me a three incher and it looked nothing like the way he described it on the phone. The tooth wasn’t attractive looking at all .... |
Squalodon Molar
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Squalodon atlanticus |
This little gem was stuck to a rock at the base of the green lens of the ashley marl. I was surprised how complete it was since I found it by itself. Normally, the root lobes are more damaged when the tooth becomes disassociated from the skull.... |
Yielding the Day to He Who was Due
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA |
After the other day of finding that really superb angustidens, I had to go back and search the area a little bigger. t$, hearing about the tooth before he saw it, was actually on time when he showed up to my place before our trip to the river. I tried to pull the old switcheroo and make him think a so-so quality tooth was actually the superhero. He didn't fall for it. He said something along the lines of "I thought you said this tooth was nice!" I showed him the real tooth, an... |
2 inch Great White
Williamsburg county, South Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias |
The best great white I ever found. My dad was happy for me.... |
Peace River July 07 shark tooth collection.
Peace River, Florida, USA |
Here is a pic of the shark teeth that we found just in July 07 on the river. I also have horse teeth and other fossils that I need to get on line with. ... |
Mammoth Tooth sections
Peace River, Florida, USA |
So my older son Stephen finds his frist nice "big" Peace River MEG. Now I have a 7 year old boy mad that he does not have one. On the next scoop of river bottom I hit something big. The section almost fell off the sifter and back in but Tanner was not letting that catch go! So two boys are showing off ther finds, 1 MEG tooth and 1 Mammoth tooth. They were both able to come home with both after a great quick day on the... |
Follow the Whale
Pitt County, North Carolina, USA |
With all the Racking going on South of the border I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to get out to my favorite stream of squalor. I headed to the area where I picked up the two quality great whites on my last trip. I was there about half an hour when after loading my screen with sand I noticed that there were numerous pieces of whale bone sticking out of the soon to be washed pile. After getting 2/3 through the gravel I saw a large root and it was perfect. I ... |
2" Archaeocete tooth section
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Unidentified - Whale |
Another archaeocete tooth from the Edisto river. I found this tooth about one minute before the complete specimen. Based upon the enamel section, this is also a large molar. DW has a similar piece from a past dive trip. ... |
2-5/8" Archaeocete molar
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Unidentified - Whale |
What a fabulous primitive whale tooth. This tooth was exposed with a about a half of inch of sand removed, and it is obvious which side was exposed to the river at some time. The molar looks archaeocete, but with some minor differences in enamel and root strucutre. ... |
Rack of Ages
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA |
With summer winding down and the statistical peak of tropical storm season approaching, I felt another hunt in the Edisto was needed. I called up DW to see if he was able to collect, and after a resounding “yes”, a trip was underway. I met up with DW at his crib to view his latest serrated object from the river. “The prize” beauty angustiden was over 3” and freshly washed out from the Chandler Bridge. At that instant I decided the majority of my day would be spent fanning san... |
Superhero Angustidens Shark Tooth
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens |
This is why I hunt teeth. I have spent hours upon hours fanning sand in the river to get to the sticky, green ashley formation. Mostly, its featureless nothingness. Just clay. Then, sometimes I see a rock and I get excited. Several times during a dive, I come across a bone. A good number of smaller teeth and pebbles are mixed in, but usually not much else. I really have to move a lot of sand to see anything though.
Every once in a while, though, there is a nice toot... |
Unidentified Mammal Tooth
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Unidentified - Other |
I think this is a seal tooth. If anyone knows for sure, lemme know. Thanks.... |
The Prize
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA |
When I go collecting, my goal is to find one nice tooth. Anything beyond is gravy. Anything less is exercise. Today, the universe granted that simple request in a big way. When I got to the river, my original goal was to go up past where the whale came from last week and continue to fan the sand from the ashley formation in search of more killers. On a whim, I decided to swim over some parts really close to where we wash our gear at the end of the day. There is layer there that washes s... |
Peace River July MEGS
Peace River, Florida, USA |
This was our 4th trip on the river. We found area just behind a outcroping of old limestone sea floor bed. Three other nice MEGS went to the neighbor and his son that same day. Two mammoth tooth sections were also found in the same area. ... |
Seal Fossils
Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Seal |
Seal bits & pieces that I've picked up over the past 5 collecting seasons.... |
Hastalis in matrix
Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis |
I was doin' the Pungo Crawl & all that was showing was the top of the root lobes. ... |
Big Ol' Tiger
Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Galeocerdo cuvier |
A whopper of a G. Cuvier(1.5 in) I picked up last year sometime. While they do get bigger, not by much!... |
Large Lee Creek Marlin Bill, Makaira purdyii
Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - billfish sp. unknown |
Picked up last season, this baby is huge! 14.5 in. Even better, it's a dead ringer for Makaira purdyii, the rare marlin species noted in LCIII. Only one was reported as being found in LCIII, but I do know two other guides that have one. Still, a nice find. I did quite a Happy Dance when I found it.
Only 3 in. of the tip were showing, and I almost wrote it off as another nondescript whale bone fragment, but figured what the heck... after a few seconds digging, the shape emerged, as did t... |
Mako tooth
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus desori |
A nice river desori... |
Mako Shark Tooth
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis |
Most of the makos I find in the Edisto are trashed, but this one is pretty nice. When I get around to cleaning the stains off, it will probably have nice color.... |
Big River Angustidens
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens |
When I saw this fall out of the sand, I almost fainted. Everything looks bigger underwater, and this thing looked monstrous! Its river worn but complete.... |
Associated Squalodon Whale Teeth and Jaw Fragment
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Squalodon atlanticus |
A very cool find from the bottom of the Edisto - associated squalodon teeth. I had a heck of a time getting these things out intact as the skull disintegrated around them. Most of the root lobes broke off, but I picked up as much as I could find.... |
Returning the Artifact
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA |
The last day of da fossz's 3 day plunder had arrived. RivrDigrFest was winding down and a fossil rich Edisto awaited We hungry fossil hunters. Rivrdigr arrived a little late - he was getting his Phos-foot on and got pinched by the man. Its all good - he assured us he has a budget line item for fossil related speeding tickets. I was finally able to return the Shovel of the Digr +2, entrusted to me on our BRFC day trip to Aurora last spring. I had used its powerful magics several times to... |
First point from bay
Calvert County, Maryland, USA |
The lack of quality, or any arrowheads for that matter, is what got me into looking for shark teeth. Last week, while looking for giant megs, I finally found my first Maryland point.
Its made from a poor quality material, most likely Argolite, but the craftsmanship looks good. Had the Indian who made this had access to good quality flint, like you find in New York, this would have been a very nic... |
Drawn To the Edisto Again
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA |
Today, it was me and DW. We decided to try some new parts in the river. The first few spots were not productive and mostly covered with a thick sandy bottom which was void of fossils. It was quite disappointing, but it happens. You can’t always expect to rack teeth every time you go. In the end we just decided to go hit an old spot in the river that we knew was productive. I ended up finding a descent small angy to end the day. |
Squalicorax kaupi
Williamsburg county, South Carolina, USA - Squalicorax kaupi |
Two nice crow shark teeth from South Carolina.... |
Serratolamna serrata tooth
Williamsburg county, South Carolina, USA - Serratolamna serrata |
At first I thought this was a Odontaspis winkleri because it had three cusps on one end, but I'm almost positive it's a Serratolamna serrata shark tooth. ... |
Fossil Stop in NJ
Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA |
It was my Niece's 1st Birthday last weekend so early Friday afternoon I packed the kids into the car so we could complete the 9 hour trek to NJ before it got too late. We stayed at my Mother's in Lakewood which is just a stone's throw from the fertile fossil grounds of NJ and with a four hour window Saturday morning I couldn't pass up the opportunity to expand my NJ collection.
My daughter Juli and I arrived at the stream at ... |
Mako Pair
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis |
Two complete makos from the Edisto. Largest tooth is 2-1/4". ... |
2" C. Angustiden Pair
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens |
Two sharp angys from the Edisto. ... |
1-3/16" squalodon tooth
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Squalodon atlanticus |
A fine Oligocene whale tooth harvested from the Chandler Bridge. ... |
A Fan of Fanning
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA |
My last day of the three day fossil binge was a full day in the Edisto River. After RD made a handsome contribution to support our local community’s infrastructure he met up with myself and DW. We geared up rather quickly as the sun baked down. This was our last BRFC hunt with the mighty Digr during his SC fossil-fest, so I hoped his presence would bring me fortune one more day. We trekked up to our collecting spot and settled in by fanning around gravel beds. I started on my... |
Mansfield TX Pit
Tarrant County, Texas, USA |
The first place I have ever hunted for fossils is the Mansfield Pit. I decided that it would be good idea to look one more time before it was gone. "Construction for a small shopping mall" .My only wish was to find one more good size tooth. I did'nt find very many teeth, but I did find a vertebra or two. The earth movers had made some tracks in the mud. Right in the middle of the track was a vert barely sticking out of the mud. Th... |
Edisto River Road Trip.
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA |
I decided it was time to make the 8 hour drive to the Edisto to see if I could find any of the nice Oligocene teeth I have been seeing and hearing about for the last 15 years or so. I had no idea where to find the boat ramps along the river so I asked DW if he could point me in the right direction. He gave me the location of one ramp and so I began my journey with full tanks and high hopes. The trip began around 1 AM on Thursday the 9th, and I drove for several hours... |
Cute Point
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA |
This little point has a great shape and is made of beautiful material. By far the best find of the day for me. ... |
If I did not have to eat, I would never leave
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA |
"If I did not have to eat, I would never leave." Famous words of da fossz in reference to the Edisto river, uttered several years ago still ring true. On the second day of da fossz's visit, we decided to hit the river in the afternoon to spend a few quality hours collecting in a fantastic location.
We were all business on this hunt. No messing around. Suit up, get in, find teeth. I was in a rich area with a thick gravel bed. I fanned the s... |
1-1/2" Spearhead
Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA |
A decent spearhead from the BigDitch. The tip has been snapped off, but the dovetail and edge serrations are a work of art. ... |
1" P. Benedini
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Parotodus benedeni |
This is my second Oligocene P. Benedini from the Edisto. Consider how many trips in the river and the number of these teeth that come out. A nice find today!! ... |
Colonial pipe
Colleton County, South Carolina, USA |
My first pipe from the Edisto river. The bottom portion of the bowl is broke, but I do not find these often. ... |
By Land and By Water
Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA |
Day 1 PM and day 2 entailed myself and DW exploring the lowcountry for new sites after the exercusion with PB. Well, we went to three old spots and one new one. This was a strange two days. At the first two old spots the teeth were limited despite downpors; DW got one keeper angy. I ended up with a decent arrowpoint, except for a dinged tip. The third old spot was the Edisto River. DW racked in two nice points and one is a superhero. I found my own keeper: my second ever Olig... |
Tiger Shark Tooth
Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Galeocerdo cuvier |
This monster fossilized modern tiger shark tooth is from a land site. Great color!... |
A Evening on the Town
Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA |
After the big Williamsburg trip, we hit Moe’s to celebrate the hunt. While there, we surmised that it might be a good time to check out a rumor about an old site with all the rain during the day. With the blessing of my wife, we were off to hunt the evening away.
We arrived to a freshly dug pond without footprints. I cannot describe how fantastic that feeling is! The prospect of big megalodon teeth just lying out in the open made me smile. We walked piles, fields, an... |
PCS warm up from 5-11-07
Calvert County, Maryland, USA |
I was leaving for PCS in the evening and thought I would give my eyes just a little more training. I headed down the beach and after 15 minutes I saw the tip of a root sticking up out of some gravel. I pulled it out slowly to find a nice meg. Later it would measure 2.5 inches. I continued on and at the next good pile of gravel found a piece of a Squaladon. The day was rounded out by an internal clam mold and a nice vert. Along with the small stuff. Good Hunting obsessed1 ... |
Someone else knows
Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA |
We had a big rainstorm yesterday on the way home from our collecting in Williamsburg county. The whole lowcountry got drenched, and that means good land collecting. Da fossz was down for the continuing RivrDigrFest 07 activities, but today, even though we celebrated the digr, we could not collect with him. We would be granted an audience the next day.
Our first stop was to the Yellow ditch. Our personal racking grounds, until recently anyway! We have been unchallenge... |
Auriculatus Tooth
Williamsburg county, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles auriculatus |
I found a few other Eocene teeth at this spot, but this auriculatus was a complete surprise. It doesn't look at all like the rics we find in Harleyville. Instead, it reminds me of some early rics I saw one time from Maryland.... |
Serratolamna serrata
Williamsburg county, South Carolina, USA - Serratolamna serrata |
A gem in every way! The edges are sharp and all the cusps are intact. Nice tip, and no dings on the root. Its always cool to find new species!... |
Squalicorax kaupi
Williamsburg county, South Carolina, USA - Squalicorax kaupi |
I have this species from other places, but this is the first time I've found them in South Carolina. ... |
Ray Tooth
Williamsburg county, South Carolina, USA - Rhombodus binkhorsti |
Another species I learned about from my Texas cretaceous collection.... |
Great White Shark Tooth
Williamsburg county, South Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias |
What a gem! I saw almost everybody find Great Whites today. Even the weezling managed to find a nice one. I had to wait until almost the end of the day, but it finally came. Looks like a Greensmill Run tooth.... |
Serratolamna serrata tooth
Williamsburg county, South Carolina, USA - Serratolamna serrata |
The odd distribution of the cusps gives this species away. I learned that from my obsession with Texas cretaceous teeth.... |
3 days of diving for RivrDigrFest07
Beaufort County, South Carolina, USA |
I was down for 4 days of RivrDigrFest07. When RivrDigr brings his lovely cruiseship up to SC for a couple weeks of fun and generously invites dopes like myself to join him for a few days. We spent 1 day on the Cooper while i was down, and the other 3 on a different river that is worse diving conditions, less teeth, but usually better stuff.
Day 1 - Pain: 
Fossil Croc teeth
Williamsburg county, South Carolina, USA - Crocodile |
Quite a few croc teeth. This photo shows the quantity of croc material at this site. ... |
Alligator Scute
Williamsburg county, South Carolina, USA - Alligator mississippiensis |
A large piece of alligator scute from the Pee Dee region of SC. ... |
1-1/2" C. Carcharias
Williamsburg county, South Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias |
A beautiful example of an extant great white. This one is case-worthy. ... |
A day on the Cooper with T$ and RivrDigr
Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA |
I went (came) down to SC for four days of RivrDigrFest07. The only day we spent on the Cooper River while i was down was with T$ and RivrDigr. Since we knew it was T$'s first dive there, we were certain to point out every gator on the banks, ever gator slide, and talk in details about every creepy thing he could encounter. Cruel or preparations - you decide ;)
After an unfortunate day on the 'other' river the day before (see my other post), i was looking for redemption today. I snagged... |
2-1/4" C. Carcharias
Williamsburg county, South Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias |
A large specimen from an extant great white. A small ding on the tip is the only flaw. ... |
1/2" Cretolamna tooth
Williamsburg county, South Carolina, USA - Cretolamna appendiculata |
My first time finding these Cretaceous fossil shark teeth. This is a complete, slightly above average specimen. ... |
Lee Creek Megamouth
Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Megachasma pelagios |
My second to last trip into Lee Creek for the season and I wasn't finding much, so I figured I'd help out a group of students that were at the mine for the first time. I led them to a Yorktown pile, pointed out some teeth & such, and when they got their search image & I figured they were good to go, I climbed to the top of the pile.
I sat & went to tie my bootstrings, and saw this odd root sticking out of the brown Yorktown silt, something that I did not recognize. When I pul... |
Lee Creek Megachasma pelagios
Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Megachasma pelagios |
My second to last trip into Lee Creek for the season and I wasn't finding much, so I figured I'd help out a group of students that were at the mine for the first time. I led them to a Yorktown pile, pointed out some teeth & such, and when they got their search image & I figured they were good to go, I climbed to the top of the pile.
I sat & went to tie my bootstrings, and saw this odd root sticking out of the brown Yorktown silt, something that I did not recognize. When I pul... |
family fossiling trip
Calvert County, Maryland, USA |
family fossils has never really worked out for us, the first trip we really never found anything and the last time we tryed to go inour boat and my mom was afraid that the boat was about to sink in the waves so we scratched the trip. This time i was expecting the same reaction from my mom but she had no problem about the waves this time, I decided to head ashore and try to lower the weight on the boat, the beach leading to our spot is always boring to walk but as long as i got to fossil i was h... |
Last trip into Lee Creek for the season
Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA |
Not a bad haul, but a bit light on the shark teeth, haha. I spotted to find a nice section of Yorktown, and the fish fossils were a-plenty, including some nice tuna and drum vertebra. I also managed to pick up a bunch of shark cartilage, a seal incisor and a sperm whale tooth. The only real tooth worthy of note was a lower Isurus oxyrinchus that is easily my best example of that species that I"ve found to date. I can't wait for next season! ... |
Eocene Shark Teeth, Craven County, NC
Craven County, North Carolina, USA |
I'm lucky enough to live within close driving distance of more than a few of the Martin Marietta limestone quarries--which extract the Eocene Castle Hayne limestone for use as aggregate, rip-rap and cement--and I try to hit them every couple of weeks. It's a rare opportunity to go "hard rock" fossiling in eastern NC. The Castle Hayne Limestone subcrops in an area from Greenville eastward into the Atlantic Ocean, and southward into SC. Here are a few photos of my most recent 2 trips... |
Fossil Angustidens Shark Tooth
Beaufort County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens |
This tooth was completely encrusted with bryzoans when I found it. When I cleaned them all off, I was pleasantly surprised. Sure was nice of those little critters to keep this tooth nice for me!... |
Black Water Fossil Diving in Beaufort, SC
Beaufort County, South Carolina, USA |
RivrDigrFest 07 raged on without me as work and family duties let me be a grown up for a few days. When Saturday arrived, I had the blessing of my better half to scour the bottom of the river for goodies. I could hardly wait because rivrdigr and scubapaul have been rackin for days. I haven't been in Beaufort too many times, but the prospect of serrated beauties at the bottom is inticing. I was excited to go, but nervous about this dive.
What, me... |
My first skull..From trip on 4-4-07 and 4-6-07 By obsessed1
Calvert County, Maryland, USA |
I was able to leave work early so I figured I would run down to the cliffs for a quick look around. I didn't find much on the way down the beach just the normal small stuff and with the rather large waves didn't figure to do much better on the way back. But then I saw some bone in a block of clay. I took a better look and realised that this was at least part of a skull. The tide was... |
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