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An almost 3" I. praecursor from NJ   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Isurus praecursor
The biggest tooth I've ever found of any kind from NJ.  The root and crown were broken but a little PaleoBond and it was almost as good as new....
My Sign to Start Posting   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA

I got up bright and early (with my neighbor and my brother) Thursday morning to make my last pilgrimage to an Eocene locale in Monmouth County before heading back to school in Virginia.  I’ve been to the site maybe 6 times this summer, and every time the site produces an incredible amount of teeth and always a good amount of great quality.  Its going away present, though, was something I was not expecting in the least.

The original plan was to scou...

1-7/8" Speartip   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

This projectile point is a worked a little crudely, but that is probably a function of the material. Whole points are a nice find and reminders of skilled craftmen.

2" C. Angustiden   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

A nice blue tooth (not for your ear). Classic SC angustiden river tooth.

2-1/8" C. Angustiden   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

A great tooth; great color, unique position, fully serrated, nearly complete bourlette, and compressed blade.

River Recon Rack   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

It was time to explore the river again, so I gave DW a cluck on his cell. No hesitation; mid-week fossilin was in order. We had to navigate the ever sifting sands, so this trip tuned into a reconnaissance toothin’ mission. Finally, after a while of searching, we found some tell-tale signs of a good hunting spot. We both signed-off for a few hours for an underwater toothfest. This was one of those days were the teeth were p...

River treasures   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

Collecting along the Potomac river at a small Paleocene locale has over time become less and less productive.  The fossil layer is super hard material that just doesn't erode fast enough to keep up with the collecting pressures.  On any given day you can pic up several worn and faded sandtigers, but most collectors are there for the elusive Otodus and rarer Paleocarcharodon.  Another even rarer tooth in my opinion is the Paraorthocodus clarki.&n...

Posterior Angustidens Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
This is a nice, fat little posterior angustidens shark tooth. It easily stands on its root like an auriculatus, but its definitely angustidens....
Cant Work... Hunting Teeth...   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
Da fossz called me last week for a mid week hunt. I tore myself away from my all-encompassing scandal for a few hours on a beautiful day. The water was a little cloudy from recent rains, but what's really the difference? This is black water fossil diving - is there ever a "clear" water day? We had to work for the teeth by moving a lot of sand, but both of us found some nice ones. My best find was a small posterior angustidens with a really thick root and a nearly complete stingray dent...
Yes Virginia, there are fossils in Hawai'i!   Oahu, Hawaii, USA
I relocated to Hawai'i in April, figuring that my fossil collecting days were behind me, to be exchanged for snorkeling, hiking, and maybe seeing the real thing in some of the shark-cage adventures.

But alas, I was wrong!

In my meanderings around O'ahu, I happened across a thin sedimentary sequence a few weeks back.  They are scattered here & there across the edges of the island, and consist mostly of a mix of coral reef rubble and volcanic ...
Yes Virginia, there are fossils in Hawai'i!   Oahu, Hawaii, USA
I relocated to Hawai'i in April, figuring that my fossil collecting days were behind me, to be exchanged for snorkeling, hiking, and maybe seeing the real thing in some of the shark-cage adventures. But alas, I was wrong! In my meanderings around O'ahu, I happened across a thin sedimentary sequence a few weeks back. They are scattered here & there across the edges of the island, and consist mostly of a mix of coral reef rubble and volcanic debris. They are very localized, and thin (&...
7/30/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA
A few of my best finds from this past month   Dallas County, Texas, USA
I havent had a chance to post in a while.  I have been hunting here and there finding the normal stuff plus a few extras.  I found my biggest Ptychodus a few weeks back, it is 3/4 in wide, then starts the craziness.  I found a pretty small fossil pearl one day, then I stopped back at the same spot the next day to look for more, ended up with a Mosasaur tooth, then today I went to my fav spot and found another pearl still in the matrix.  I havent found a ton of...
5/16" Angel Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Squatina subserrata
I’ve always wanted to find one of these. ...
Bike Riding + Fishing = Rare Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

This is a cool story. I went bike riding with my little brother to another neighborhood to go fishing in one of the ponds. The pond we were fishing at was dug and finished about four years ago. When I first checked this spot out the first few big ponds they dug never hit the layer so I never came back. Now this pond has been grassed over and houses are surrounding it.


1" Auriculatus Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles auriculatus
A nice little ric from the quarry.
The Idiot Divers   Beaufort County, South Carolina, USA
I normally just post on Fossilgiuy.com, but this was part of RivrDigr fest, so I must post here!

When planning a dive trip to the Galapagos Islands this summer, I noticed on our flight itinerary that one of our layovers when returning home was near the Lowcountry of South Carolina. What Luck! I immediately got our flight stopped at the layover… I didn’t care how we got home; we would be in fossil-lowcountry! I then contacted Ditchweezil about our stay in the Lowcoun...
Super Cooper Blooper   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

Ahh the Cooper river... Its loaded with fossil teeth just waiting to be picked up by anyone with enough nerve to dive to the bottom. Today was megamouth's first river dive, and in addition to teeth, I was on a mission to bring him back alive. We all arrived at the boat landing ready to go, but unfortunately RivrDigr had to make a slight 60 mile detour because he forgot his son's gear. While he exceeded the speed limit, the rest of us (da fossz, t$, young digr, megamouth, and myself)&...

new area in north Charleston area.   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
I had to come down to pick up my nephew to come visit his grandmother here in Aiken SC for a week or so. I left Aiken early to stop at a spot that had just went under construction in North Charleston area. In the back of the construction site was a couple of huge mounds of layer as I started looking around the base of mounds I picked up several small teeth and one little Angy the littlest I have ever seen. The time was closing in and I was about to leave when I decided to climb one of the mound...
7/23/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA
It's been almost two weeks since I have been able go hunting, so I was looking forward to today. I got to the beach about nine and tide was extra low. The teeth where coming slow, I walked for a half hour befor I found the first one. We hade a few storms monday and tuesday and I was expecting a better turn out. I searched until about two before I decided to turn back and get some lunch. So I called it quits and headed home with the teeth I found and one more coat of sun. A slow day on the river ...
Eocene Tiger Shark Galeocerdo latidens   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Galeocerdo latidens

Tooth is still stuck in matrix and makes a nice display piece.

Eocene Tiger Shark Galeocerdo latidens   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Galeocerdo latidens

Tooth is still stuck in matrix and makes a nice display piece.

Rare Eocene Cow Shark Hexanchus agassizi   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Hexanchus agassizi

This is a rare find from Lafarge. I’ve been hunting at Lafarge for six years and this is my first complete super hero specimen from the quarry. I counted thirteen cones on this tooth. The thirteenth cone is very tiny and hard to see from the photos. Not one single cone is damaged and the root is all there too.

Rare Eocene Cow Shark Hexanchus agassizi   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Hexanchus agassizi

This is a very rare find from Lafarge. I’ve been hunting at Lafarge for six years and this is my first complete super hero specimen from the quarry. I counted thirteen cones on this tooth. The thirteenth cone is very tiny and hard to see from the photos. Not one single cone is damaged and the root is all there too.

Finding the elusive Hexanchus agassizi   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

This was another fun Lafarge hunt. I took my little brother and we were ready to find some teeth. Through out the day as I hunted I met a few nice people that are fans of BRFC which is always awesome! I did run into da fossz in the quarry and witnessed the ground shot of a nice ric that he found. It wasn’t long until I would bag a nice small ric of my own.


1/2" Eocene Cow shark tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Notorynchus kempii

A complete cow shark tooth picked off the Santee Limestone.

2.5" C. auriculatus Pair   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles auriculatus

Not screamers, but two decent rics. The ground shot is the tooth on the left.

Half Racked   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Today was the first day of a weekend in the lowcountry to rack some fossils. DW called me up on Thursday with bad news; he had been overcome by the flu. DW had to be sick to not fossil hunt; but I know he will be back.


Summerville hunt to end the day   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Well after the Lafarge hunt myself and one of my fossil hunting buddies decided to hunt in summerville area for a few hours. Well after being really tired from the early wake up time for the morning hunt and the heat I pressed on and as you can see from the pics the finds were good. A 2 3/4 inch great white some petrified wood maybe a porpoise rib and several small stuff great way to end the day....
Lafarge trip slow start.   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Well the Lafarge hunt has come and gone the weather was hot but that did not stop the Ric's from being found. Toothhoover meet me at my place on the edisto river at 6:00 am to head to the hunt. During the course of the day I was able to meet another black river fossil member ozzyrules242 and asked him how his luck was and he had 3 rick's in the bag already. As I pressed on still no Ric for myself yet. Around the last hour of the hunt I was able to score one Ric on the way back to the truck that ...
Diving in the Cooper!   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

This dive was from a couple weeks ago during Rivrdigr Fest. I didn’t find any super heroes this dive. It was a different story for the rivrdigr though. He said he had only found one tooth the first dive and it happened to be a large 5 ½ inch meg! What a find and he said it was exposed on the bottom too. Congrats rivrdigr!

one of my best trips ever!!!!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
well we met up with obsessed at the cabins around 9am and didnt get to the beach untill 11:00. The beach looked great!!!! I passed by everyone and go down the beach where some big rocks were hoping to score a big one. i look on the ground and find a really nice meg. just over 2 5/8, I show my father he goes back to get the camera, I stated to look around and 10 feet from the other meg i find a 2.5" meg. i show everyone, and we keep walking. i start heading back twoards the boat, i see a mak...
4th of july fireworks!!!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
well this trip really started on fathers day when i found a broken meg and the guy i was with told me he never picks them up. Well this is why i do.... We didnt get to the beach untill 1 as we drove up we could already see 4 people on the beach. so we got the boat up on the beach just like any day and began to hunt. We really just wanted to see if the boat motor was still working and get some pictures for the people coming to the trip on thursday and friday to get an idea of what to look for. So...
cousins are bad luck   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
well i get a call from my cousin he says he wants to fossil, i say sure its always nice to have someone to fossil with. So we get up normal time and get to the boat ramp and everything is normal but as we start to pull out of the marina the motor comes to a stop. It wouldnt come back on....so we sit there out in the water for about 15 min., and my father says he is going to give it one last try. So I begin to pray to the fossil gods and sure enough it works!!!! I dont know how but it did!!!! We ...
fathers day trip   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
we got to an earlier start than usual geting to the beach around 5:30 am. On the first walk down the beach i looked down and see a beautiful 1 3/4 mako sitting there on the beach. A few steps from it i see a meg root sticking out of the sand!!!!! to bad the root was only 1/2 inch wide, but a nice tooth anyway. I stayed in one section for awhile because the teeth would not stop appearing. I dont think i have ever found this much teeth in my life. A guy soon walks by and asks what i have found, i ...
fog   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
the fog was thick!!!!! no wave action= no fossils so nothing was being found, the waves came later on in the day, tony found a squlaodon and i found 3 cow sharks and 2 retroflexus teeth. Tony goes to another spot and finds a nice meg and a mako. ...
memorial day fossiling trip   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
really sandy today so we didnt find much, i found a nice bird bone, a large hemi, and a deformed mako....
Cones   Perkins County, South Dakota, USA
During a recent visit to the Hell Creek formation (Late Cretaceous) of South Dakota I came across an area with large slabs of petrified wood and cones. The cones were from ancient sequoia trees. One area produced several dozen cones ranging in size from .5 to 2.5 inches. I cast one of the larger ones for our future dinosaur display....
2 1/4" Edisto River Point   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

The base has been chipped off, but the edges are still very sharp. I almost cut my fingers running them across the edges.

First Artifact from the Edisto   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

This was a Rivrdigr Fest trip in the Edisto. The ditchweezil, dafossz, scuba paul, rivrdigr, and his boy all came out to do some diving. About the first three fans of moving sand I uncovered a cool looking arrowhead. My first one from the Edisto. It has been years since I last found one this nice. I was pretty much in gravy mode after that. Scu...

Little ducks!   Perkins County, South Dakota, USA
During the last ten years there have been several exciting discoveries of dinosaurs in states on the East Coast of the United States. While most of it is fragmentary, it still allows us to see what went on here in the later part of the Cretaceous. As a rule, the dinosaurs on the East Coast were smaller than their cousins out West. I've been involved with several  dinosaur digs in South Carolina in the last five years. Over 400 Late Cretaceous dinosaur fossils have been collecte...
7/9/08   Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA

Potomac purse. Found a new spot.

Cape Fear Cougar?   Bladen County, North Carolina, USA

Three years ago, just after deciding to uproot the family and move to NC, I did what any fanatical fossil hunter would do and Googled every stream, river, town and county in North Carolina along with the words "fossil" and/or "Shark Tooth". Almost all the searches resulted in either dead ends or information already available in various well known books and websites. One search however hit gold; an online version of a text from about a hundred years ago that describes...

My Frirst Fossil Dive   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

On Tursday, the ditchweezil and I went to the river with rivrdigr, his kid, Da Fossz, and T$. After waiting for Da Fossz to arive after being late, we had to wait for rivrdigr for an hour and a half to go pick up his kid's gear because he forgot to load it in his truck.

We finnally got out on the river, and i was pumped.  I was so excited to do my firt actuall dive for fossils.  Me and the weezil went down at the same time and&...

Trigonotodus alteri - Giant Thresher with Cusps   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Trigonotodus alteri

As far as teeth go, this isn't the prettiest tooth in my collection. Nor is it the biggest tooth in my collection. Its not even the most colorful tooth in my collection. It is however, the rarest shark tooth I've ever found, barnone. This is a nearly complete specimen of Trigonotodus alteri, the Giant Thresher with cusps. I found it in the Edisto river, and I didn't even know I found it until I cleaned and examin...

Look Closely at Everything You Find!   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

It was a big day at the river last Thursday. It was Scuba Paul's last day in town and RivrDigrFest was still in full swing. We all converged on the Edisto for a hunt of epic proportions. In all, there were 7 of us hunting and we didn't put a dent in the fossils remaining just in the tiny area that we hunted. Everyone had a decent amount of shark teeth at the end of the day, but the nicest one I saw was Scuba Paul's 2 1/2 inch angustidens.

I myself wasn't especially e...

fossiling 4th of July by svillej   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
I split time between Summerville and Downingtown,Pa. and was in the lowcountry from June 26 to July 6. It didn't take long to get together with sharkdentist for a few days of digging. The first basket produced a beautiful 2 5/8" Angy. The good luck continued with another 1 1/2" and a 1 5/8" parotodus benedeni. 3 whale verts and a small double root squalodon tooth were added later in the week. Two other good finds were a land tortoise vert and a...
Beltzville State Park Finds   Pennsylvania, USA
A few weeks ago I ventured out to Pennsylvania (from Jersey) to see what I could find. With very little effort I was able to pick up what you see in the pictures. These are fossils from the devonian (365 million years ago). The 1st Photo is of a trilobite I believe. Photo 2 may be a clam. Photo 3 probably a mollusk. Photo 4 shows a mullusk with possibly some crinoid stems. Photo 5 depicts a nice brachiopod and some mullusks. Photo 6 shows evidence of coral I belive. Thanks for looking. ...
FossilDad and sons trip to the Potomac   Virginia, USA
This being my first trip report I ask all to bear with me and to please let me know if I have done anything wrong. My first few trip reports will be of the catching up variety.  Back in April from about the 19th to the 25th my sons and I took a camping/fossiling trip to Virginia and North Carolina. This  report pertains to the Virginia portion of the trip.  Somewhere in Westmoreland County in the vicinit...
Leatherback   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

Last November I took some friends from the Smithsonian to a local limestone quarry to collect Middle Eocene Santee Limestone whale fossils. While there I found a turtle skull and gave it to them. It was in a section of the quarry where I had recently found a large, intact piece of leatherback turtle shell. They sent back photos of the prepared skull. At an impressive 18cm in length it could be from the same species as the shell I had found. It will be described as a new speci...

Triceratops   Perkins County, South Dakota, USA

During a hunting trip into the Hell Creek Formation of South Dakota one of my more experienced volunteers recovered a triceratops toe bone. At the time I just wrapped it and put it away. I mean, toe bones are a dime a dozen. Right? It turns out that tricerotops toe bones are RARE and this specimen was in almost perfect condition. An expert said it was in the top three best ever recovered. All in a days work!

Sorry, here are the pics from new area Angy post.   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
The pics from the new area Angy post are here Sorry for the inconvenience....
new area in summerville leads to nice angy's   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Well after July 4th hunt I thought it just could not get any better. Saturday hunt proved me wrong. I awoke to find myself rather sick with my sinuses and a terrible headache. I called my buddy to let him know I was running a little late due to being sick, and I do not know how long I would be able to stay out and hunt. Man am I glade I pushed myself and went out to hunt as you can see from the pics I was able to score (2) perfect Angy's that measured in at 2 inches, a Mako that measured in at 2...
Getting Nasty   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

  I headed back to the Potomac on Sunday, and was shocked to discover that the shoreline was buried under a thick layer of aquatic grass.  Conditions there haven't been great lately, with most of the gravel buried under sand, and now I couldn't even get to the sand!  Plus, the smell of all that stuff composting in the sun is enough to turn your stomach. But of course, I wasn't about to turn back empty handed, so my crazy self headed north, trying to...

Got to love the chandler 'colors'.   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
I was able to get some time off work this weekend to hunt some fossils. My buddy was down from pennsylvania. So we meet up early on July 4th around 8am to do some hunting in the chandler bridge formation. I was able to score a Meg that measured in at 3 1/2 inches. At this point I was on that top or the world feeling. A little longer in the hunt I was so lucky to find my most awesome colored Angy to date in my collection, the Angy as you can see in the picture has a complete white root and caram...
It's a girl!   Pennintgon County, South Dakota, USA

During one of my trips to South Dakota I had the pleasure of spending a few days collecting in the Badlands with the local Federal Paleontologist. We were walking together in a dry stream bed and saw the tip of a Titanothere mandible sticking out of the wall. Without a word she starts excavating it. I figured she wants it for herself so me and my volunteers start helping. We get it half way exposed and she says " This will make a fine addition to your museum. I wa...

Beaufort SC Megalodon Tooth   Beaufort County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
This is the best tooth I found during my recent diving trip in Beaufort SC during RivrDigrFest '08. Sorry there is no ground shot, but I didn't even see it before I picked it up! Zero Vis diving is like that....
Diving for Megalodon Teeth in Beaufort SC   Beaufort County, South Carolina, USA

RivrDigrFest '08 is upon us. Its that magical time of year when RivrDigr visits the SC lowcountry for some rest and relaxation. He brings his boat and invites some of us to go diving for megalodon teeth in Beaufort SC. T$, Scuba Paul, and myself met with RivrDigr at the appointed area, loaded up the gear, and sped off in search of prehistoric booty.

We arrived at the dive spot - the same one we ...

Rhino   Pennintgon County, South Dakota, USA
It's the Fourth of July in America and that means there will be injuries. But not by fireworks! Avid fossil collectors will be out there collecting shark teeth and trying to eat hot dogs and hamburgers at the same time. Put them both together and it spells disaster. Predictably, someone will get the two mixed together and a perplexed surgeon, at an emergency hospital, will be removing a fossil shark tooth from someone's tongue. BE CAREFUL OUT THERE! Last year I collected a skull from an Oligocen...
7/2/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA
I found these teeth Wednesday out in Surry. I didn't stay out long, the tide was high and the teeth where coming slow.  If not for the beautiful 88 and breezey I may not have stayed out long enough to find what I did. I found one broken Mako a few Tigers and a decent Himi. I did find a nice little scraper and a large whale vert covered in mud rock and shells. I rarley pick up whale bones especially ones so heavy, but this vert was just too cool and wo...
1-1/2" Squalodon tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Squalodon atlanticus

My first whale tooth from the Edisto this year.

1-3/8" P. Benedini   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

A relatively large Oligocene Paratodus. Nice!!

2" Mottled Angy   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

A high-quality multicolored angustiden. I love the colors, and of course the fact it has a nice tip, cusps and some bourlette.

Bag filler - Episode II   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

I hit the Edisto with T$ and DW for a two day blackwater fossil dive. We hit some newly exposed gravel beds and racked up pretty good. I found a lot frags (common with the reformulated layers), but managed some keepers. My best tooth is a 2" mottled angy; it looks somewhat like a land tooth.

Out of the lab for a breather   Pennintgon County, South Dakota, USA

I've been collecting a lot during this last year and have spent a lot of time doing preparation. I'll be adding posts on some of the more interesting items. I'll spend a hundred hours preparing something that took two hours to excavate. Maybe that's why so many people collect shark teeth. Minimum cleaning!

A really nice crab   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

A few months ago I was collecting with a good friend and she found a large fossil crab in a large limestone boulder. After we excavated it I noticed part of a large claw about a foot away from the first crab. We excavated a second crab and I took both to my lad for preparation. They were both Marietta palmeri specimens. These are the largest crabs from the Eocene of South Carolina. From the largest claws I've collected I believe the carapace of this species could rea...

1 1/16" Oligocene Parotodus Benedeni   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Parotodus benedeni
The second parotodus I've found in a row from the river!...
Good trip in the Edisto.   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

On this day I took my brother along and we met up with Da Fossz to go diving in the river. I found another sweet little parotodus and massive amounts of teeth! My brother found the super hero of the day though.

I Love Hunting...   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

I had just finished my first pass down the beach and I had one small, beat up meg and a few tiny teeth...that's it.  I found virtually nothing.  I am not complaining about the meg,  but when Im the first one on the beach I was hoping for more.  On the way back the waves picked up a little bit and teeth started to show up, although not in great numbers.

One spot produced the two trip ...

Saturday on the Potomac   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I hadn't been down to the Potomac for a while, so I headed out early Saturday Morning for Purse.  I didn't find anything truly spectacular, but I did get a nice variety of teeth, including 2 near-perfect but small Otodus teeth, a pristine Striatolamia, and a tiny Croc tooth that has the sharpest point of any croc tooth that I've found.  The largest teeth in the photo below measure just over 1-1/2 inch.

6/25/08   Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA

This post is from last week. 

I went up to Northern Neck in search of a new beach and some teeth.  I got there early, so I hit a few beaches I usually visit.  I found a handfull of teeth, but nothing with much size to it.  The tide was coming in and the day was slipping past so I went looking for a new spot to access the Potomac.  I found a public boat landing and there was a decent amount of beach in each direct...

Another Cow Symphyseal   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Now I have three...but two of the three are dinged up a bit.  This one has one serrartion missing but the rest is real nice...would have been sweet!  One nice poroise tooth, some good snaggletooth teeth, and an angel shark tooth round out a decent trip.

Good hunting.   Chris

mammal jaw!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Well my trip today started out when I saw Obsessed's latest post while I was at work. The fever struck me hard. SO I decided to leave work early to try my luck at a beach I haven't been to in about 2 months.


The tide was pretty low. Not blown out but a real nice summer time low. I wasn't finding much at all really just some tiny teeth. About 3/4 the way down the cliffs I saw a bone sticking out from under a boulder. I picked it up and ...

Nice lower Mako form the Bay!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA - Isurus hastalis

This is my biggest Mako from the Calvert Cliffs of Maryland.

Launch of the "Fossil Flyer"   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

There always seem to be something that makes accessing the best fossil spots hard to get to. Sometimes it's the pitch black water that limits your visability or maybe the snakes or gators. At the Calvert Clliffs of Marylands public access is the big problem. The beach can be legally hunted up to the high tide line but you just have trouble getting onto the beach. You either have to know someone to access from thier property or own a boat. Well I don't know any landowners so I...

Megalodon or Great White??? and why!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA - Carcharocles megalodon

I just finished up reading the heated forum of the Calvert Cliffs Great White. This is the only tooth that seems to be even a possibility in my collection. This so happens to also be the very first meg/white tooth I ever found. It came from the northern most tip/oldest. The tooth obviously appears to be a lower Anterior position.

It doesnt appear to have a bourlette

The root although damaged doesnt appear to ever have been much of a root. Especial...

Slow Day   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

I didn't have any luck with Megs and Makos today, but still found enough to keep me happy for a few days.  My favorites are the 1-3/4 inch Sand Tiger, and the huge Cowshark upper anterior measuring 3/4 inch wide and 7/8 inch vertical.  Both are the largest that I have so far.   

Easter meg anyone?   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Remember when you were a kid and grandpa and grandma would hide the eggs on easter sunday? I guess all that practice payed off if your a tooth hunter. Sometimes you just have to be creative on where you search....and how


It all started when I met a guy named Jim down in Aurora last trip. He lives in MD and said he wanted to do some tooth hunting. We met up in the Chesapeake beach area around 11:00am and drove to an undisclosed ...

Edisto Retroflexus Mako Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus retroflexus
This is easily the best Retroflexus tooth I ever found in the Edisto. Normally they are broken, worn down, or tiny, but this one is killer in every way. When I uncovered it underwater, it shined!...
Quality Angustidens Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
I found this little gem just before the end of the day. I think I was still smiling when I hit the surface....
Edisto River Angustidens   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
This is the first angustidens I found. It came really early in the day, too, so I felt really relaxed for most of the hunt. Gravy mode is good like that....
Black Water Diving for Fossils   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
Fossil hunting madman da fossz called me earlier this week and we planned a trip for Friday to go black water diving for fossils. Unfortunately I had to cancel because tha weezling got into a wreck on his bike this and tore up his toes pretty bad. We had to postpone our trip until Saturday when mom would be home, but it was well worth the wait. The water was a little chilly from the recent rains, but the viso was awesome. We still had sunlight on the bottom! I fanned the sand like some kind of b...
Just some odds and ends--   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

This is the best things from last sundays trip and today. Sunday was pretty pittiful except for the tiny meg. Today was looking really bad I only had 5 teeth in my hand and was actully complaining to my friend about how bad the beach was when I looked in the water and saw the mako about to be swept out. HOLY $#!*

I was hoping it was at least 2.5 but its not. I dont like to bring a ruler with me....I guess its kinda a bad luck omen. But anyway Still an awesome find f...

black and blue(s)   Maryland, USA

I was able to return to my new spot this week for just a short while.  Did some more digging and sifting, and in the process got a wicked vertical cut right up the tip of one of my fingers from a sharp shell fragment - I need to use my rubber gloves but keep forgetting to throw them in the car.  If anyone knows of some awesome bandaid products let me know.  I always carry a couple of bandaids with the antibiotic stuff already ...

6/18/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA

It all started about 6 months ago when my girlfriend asked me if I wanted to play softball for her company team this summer.  I said Sure, why not? and didn't give it much thought.  When the season finally began, I found out they had plenty of players on the team and probably wouldn't need me.  That was fine with me because I really didn't care whether or not I played.  I just told them to call me if they needed someone. 

Nice Morning Hunt...Again!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Its funny how things happen.  I had been several times down to the bay and the megs always seemed to be hiding from my watchful eyes.  Now I have found three megs on two trips to the bay!! 

This was a very average hunt until I found the first meg.  A decent 2 1/8" with a good root, sharpe serrations and a very wide bourlette for its size.  It was out in the open...easy pickins. ...

1 3/16" Parotodus benedeni   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Parotodus benedeni
My first complete Parotodus from the river....
Happy to finally get my feet wet in the Edisto   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

I had wisdom teeth surgery a few weeks ago which stopped me from doing any dives in the river in order to prevent infections. After waiting for my mouth to heal over I was ready to go!


Happy to finally get my feet wet in the Edisto   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

I had wisdom teeth surgery a few weeks ago which stopped me from doing any dives in the river in order to prevent infections. After waiting for my mouth to heal over I was ready to go!


Happy to finally get my feet wet in the Edisto   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

I had wisdom teeth surgery a few weeks ago which stopped me from doing any dives in the river in order to prevent infections. After waiting for my mouth to heal over I was ready to go!


Happy to finally get my feet wet in the Edisto   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

I had wisdom teeth surgery a few weeks ago which stopped me from doing any dives in the river in order to prevent infections. After waiting for my mouth to heal over I was ready to go!


The River Needs Me   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

Mother Nature has worked hard to provide me with fossil shark teeth to find and a place to find them. The least I can do is be considerate and go pick them up.

Nice Potomac Croc tooth   Potomac River, Maryland, USA - Crocodile

This is my best Croc tooth ever. It was one of three from tFathers Day on the Potomac.

Fossils for Fathers Day   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

          What better why to spend Fathers day than to hunt fossils! Some thing has been telling me to hunt the Potomac and I'm glad I listened to that little voice in my head....it usually jusy gets me in trouble. 

            The day started out slow but as ...

Sweet Little Meg   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Saturday afternoon, arriving at the beach at full high tide, people everywhere, not many teeth around.  I pulled a sweet two inch Meg out of a submerged gravel bank, and a couple smaller Makos, but not much else was found. 


6/15/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA
I've got the Blues !!!   Maryland, USA

I found a new land site recently that has a decent Palaeocene exposure.  The material is rock hard and I wouldn't have thought that it had teeth in it but I saw a small tip of a sandtiger sticking out so I knew I was on to something.  I worked for several hours digging and sifting, getting several small cuts on my hands and fingers from the jagged sharp shell fragments in the material.  There's no other way but to break up th...

Cow symphyseal and a meg...just fine by me   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Had a good hunt.  Any time you can get two pretty rare teeth on one trip you have just got to be happy. 

Its been a while since I have found a whole meg on the bay...its 2.5" even and in relatively good shape.  I love megs.  The cow symphyseal has two chipped serrations...but its got a whole root and so very rare I was still pumped.  Its only my second one ever so that was cool.  I also...

Where have all the makos gone   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Two weeks ago we were heading down to the beach talking about how we havn't found many makos this spring ,well not many i couild put in the case.The tide overnight must have fallen fast leaving the beach covered with shell and fossils. With the beach to ourselves we split up to try to cover as much as possible before someone else wandered along. After four passes down the beach we were still picking up teeth. We covered are lack of makos with two 1 7/8 makos ,six between 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 and over...
If You Can't Be Good, Be Lucky!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

  The beach had been pretty well picked over by the time I got there Wednesday afternoon, and although I had scored a sweet Mako, the Megs were nowhere to be seen.  I decided to head back in, and call it a day, happy with the nicest Mako that I've found in a while, plus two lowers.  I love the curved laterals, and this one was in great condition and good sized at 1-5/8ths.  <...

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