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WWII Japanese Officer Swords found in GUam   Guam, USA
Conducting UXO clearance at a site in Guam, our UXO technicians found a pair of WWII Japanese Officer swords at the site today! Relic condition, but still! I wish I could keep them! But alas, we turned them over to the base archaeologist, who nearly had a heart attack, LOL I've found a number of nifty artifacts this trip around, and will post them in the next week or so. ...
Home or High Water   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA
I made a trip out to GMR back in August and of course on one of the few occasions where I hadn’t even considered water level being an issue, I could see as I crossed the 5th Street bridge that finding a deep enough spot to wash gravel wouldn’t be a problem; the water was 2-3 feet higher than normal. There was an immediate sinking feeling in my gut and as I pulled into the parking lot my expectations for the day shrunk exponentially. I trudged up to one of my regular spots and probed my way throu...
GMR Trip in July   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA
This was a trip I made back in late July. The first 2 or three hours were for the most part a complete bust. For the last hour I decided to move 10 or 20 feet upstream and found a small but very nice mako in the very first screen. Several screen loads later I found another really nice mako, this one was a hair under 2 inches. The rest of the finds included most of the usual suspects including the tip of a large megalodon....
Havelock   Craven County, North Carolina, USA
With a brief lull in my daughter’s volleyball schedule and my wife working I found myself in the unusual position of being able to fossil hunt on back-to-back weekends. My daughter was away on a mission trip in Costa Rica which left my son and I with the whole day to ourselves. Wanting to try some place new, we decided to make the trip out to Havelock. We arrived at the parking lot at around 12:30 and were immediately greeted by the sounds of juvenile ospreys in a nest about 200’ from the car. A...
GMR on the 4th of July Weekend   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA
4th of July weekend has always provided a nice window to slide in a fossiling trip and this year was no different. After our Sunday morning festivities I headed out to Greens Mill Run to see what might turn up in the screen. The day was a bit lacking in the shark tooth department but I did find a few other interesting items with a small piece of a gomphothere tooth topping the list. ...
Friends in Low Places   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
Did BRFC go country? Maybe we did for a day, but since we are all about the teeth that’s no problem…. Naturally, I will have convolute some word, song or a combination thereof….Blame it all on my paleo roots, I showed up in boots, and scored some serrated treasures….I wasn’t the only to rack, so we had to celebrate with Mexican taste-bud pleasures…OK, enough of that I suppose. This trip turned out to reunite three of the four original BRFC-ers as ThaDude joined in for an old school hunt. Rumor h...
Holiday Hunting at GMR   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA
If one’s prosperity and success during any given year were measured by hours spent fossil hunting, 2013 would be one of my more dismal. It certainly wasn’t a bad year, but the world of fossil hunting seemed to be in a land far, far away. I’m hoping to visit that land a little more frequently in 2014 and have a couple of irons in the fire that will hopefully make that happen. The first iron is simply that my daughter get her driver’s license in June. My wife works overnights which leaves me as th...
The wait was worth it!   Oahu, Hawaii, USA
It's been a long time since I posted. Been a long time since I collected, actually. Been on travels and involved in other interests. Anyways, I had some time last month & went out to my hunting grounds. There'd been a lot of erosion since I was there last, so I was hopeful. And I was rewarded! > huge cowrie! > Tiger Shark vertebra!! > 6 Gray Reef Shark Teeth (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) > partial Porcupine Fish jaw section (reminiscent of Lee Creek) > small section...
winter time is back. first trip in a long time.   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Low tide. Not as low as I would like. But still made out well. One meg on the clay and one on the sand....
Another Dive Trip...in a pinch...absolute zero visibility !   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
Well its been a little over a week now since the dive day, but life has been busy. I haven't been out land collecting in a while, but I managed to get in a diving day. It was an early morning wake up, a quick grab of my gear and ready of the boat and I headed out for some underwater recreation. We got out to the boat ramp as the sunlight was just peeking over the horizon. We launched the boat and headed out through choppy water and a bumpy ride. When we arrived at our destination I saw the water...
Dog Days of September - River Style   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
Finally got a chance to dive the Edisto River this year after massive rains and high water. Gearing up was not so much of challange, but rather the sand in my eyes from a frolicking dog. I had have a nice chat with the pup to ensure tranquility. The two dives were tough with the current still rippin pretty hard. Viso was not great yet either from the silted river. It was nice to finally dive and find some fossils. Bagged a nice mako and one nice angy. DW did well also with a nice angy and croc t...
edisto river fest   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
Well another year has come and gone for my birthday....every year svillej....toothhoover.....and myself get together for a week long fossil hunt the week of my birthday and dive the edisto......this year river is still way to high.....so we cleaned up my yard where river had flooded and rest of week was out to look for new spots.....we hiked about a mile through swamp and found a nice creek with a lot of gravel and started sifiting scored some great whites ......a reef shark tooth ..........a fe...
First Trip Hunting South Carolina   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

I went to Summerville SC a couple of weeks ago with my dad and one of my fossil hunting friends. We spend two days in SC and had a very nice haul. We left at 6am and got there at 10:30 am. It was a long drive, but we talked about teeth to pass the time. First, we went to one of my friend's sites. It was probably the best site of the whole trip. I found my first angy there and I was pretty happy. I found a couple more surface collecting, but they were mostly broken. Next we went to...

Aurora Fossil Festival 2013   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA
Hey everyone! This is my first post on this forum, so I hope you enjoy it! I left the house around 8 and arrived at the festival around 11:30. It was a great day with a nice temperature. I met my friend Zachj there and we surface collected the parking lot all day long. There were teeth everywhere! I used knee pads and just crawled all over the material picking up one tooth after the other.  There were so many I couldn't f...
Back in the water again!   Peace River, Florida, USA

It had been a long time since I hit the Peace River to do some snorkeling for fossils. The spot I had been to previously required a boat to get to and I had my girlfriend and another friend and his kids in tow with no boats so we opted for the usual Old Faithful spot near Wauchula. The river was a little too high and too murky to snorkel so I opted instead to use the screen. I used my new Go Pro Hero 2 video camera on a head-mount t...

teeth from April 27th   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
teeth from April 27th
First trip to Momouth County this year   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
Fossils found on April 27, 2013...
Oh Sandy Baby (pix)   Surry County, Virginia, USA
Oh Sandy Baby (pix)
Oh Sandy Baby   Surry County, Virginia, USA
I knew Sandy would provide a unique collecting day and so I took the day off to drive up to Surry dreaming of big finds. But this was a trip that left me amazed. How often is the movie better than the trailer? How often does any event live up to its billing? This trip gave me an embarrassment of riches from one of the best preserved modern great whites I've ever found to an equally stunning snag and after I was ready to quit and go home, on the very last stretch of the beach I was going to s...
Virginia benedeni   Prince George County, Virginia, USA
this goes with the earlier trip report...
P. benedeni   Prince George County, Virginia, USA - Parotodus benedeni
from Virginia...
Rarest of the rare, and all there!   Prince George County, Virginia, USA
I went hunting by kayak this morning for indian artifacts on the James River. Not much luck but did stop at beach where i've found fossils before. Lo and behold i found a beautiful P. Benedeni. Pics don't do it justice. It has great root and blade, sharp tip, nice colors, and exactly 2.5 inches. What a trip maker! ...
Modern Tiger Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
Another nice modern tiger shark tooth from the Pliocene land site. I found this tooth in March 2012.
Cow Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Notorynchus primigenius
Excellent preservation on this specimen. I found this tooth in March 2012.
Modern Tiger Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Galeocerdo cuvier
My first modern tiger shark tooth from the Pliocene land site, and it's a beauty. This is probably my best modern tiger shark tooth from South Carolina. This tooth was found in February 2011.
Large Cow Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Notorynchus primigenius
A very large Notorhyncus primigenius. I mistakenly identified this one as a Hexanchus gigas at first. This tooth was found in February 2011.
Cow Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Notorynchus primigenius
My first pristine cow shark tooth from the Pliocene land site. I found this one back in December of 2010.
An educational (geology/paleontology) trip report on a SC Pliocene land site   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

I’ve been studying the geology and fossils from a South Carolina land site that ditchweezil has referred to as the Pliocene land site for the past year. 

A Cool Change   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
Early Fall on Edisto is often a dry time; warm during the day but a hint of coolness in the air; even as her dark waters cool (use your finest Sothron voice) the thought of paleo treasures entices us to get one more hunt in. This time a mid-week dive was in order with DW and Gregalodon. With those tannin stained waters (in Sothron voice) beckoning we donned our SCUBA gear for perhaps the last time this season. The visibilty was not great; about a 1 foot maybe 2...head bumping into logs if swimmi...
It Happens   Surry County, Virginia, USA
So I've been hitting the same beach for about 5 years now and finding good stuff. Not quantity, but quality and variety. The first year I found the tip of a tooth that could only be from a large Meg - the geometry wouldn't work with any other species. But its still hard to believe there were really Megs to be found. I had to go back and look at that piece over and over to convince myself they were there somewhere. Then, after a big storm last year I found a juvie Meg. It was well worn and ...
Megalodon Tooth from the Cooper River   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
I found this cute little megalodon tooth scuba diving in the Cooper River.
Cooper River Megalodon Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
I found this megalodon tooth scuba diving in the Cooper River in South Carolina.
Quarry Finds   Ellis County, Texas, USA
I was invited into a local quarry that produces nice sharks teeth. These are the results of a few hours of hunting. My favorite teeth are Ptychodus, so to find a couple perfect teeth was a trip maker for me. P.Mortoni in a chunk of matrix was a nice surprise from the Austin Chalk there. The vert is a Mosasaur vert I believe that was sticking out of a block of chalk too....
2-1/8" Fossil Great White   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias
My first whole 2-inch + fossil great white from the Edisto....
A Quick Dip in the Tea   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
I finally had a chance to swim the Edisto and collect....the river was low so we hit some known productive sites. Not an eventful day, but it was nice to collect paleo treasures from the river. My best find was a 2-1/8 inch modern Great White....not very common in the Edisto. ...
Mammoth Hot Springs, SD   Pennintgon County, South Dakota, USA
When I went to South Dakota last summer, I visited to the famous, well-studied and documented Mammoth Site in Hot Springs, SD. For those of you who don't know, the site is a sink hole that holds a treasure trove of skeletons of prehistoric mammals from the late Pleistocene, mainly Colombian Mammoths. The site also contains the remains of Woolly Mammoths, a Short-faced Bear, the American Camel, rabbits, prairie dogs, wolves, and llamas. The site started out as an underground cavern that one day c...
Big Bones   Surry County, Virginia, USA
After the last couple of storms I've found some pretty significant chunks of bone on the beach. I'm beginning to think there is an entire whale skeleton that is slowly eroding out of the matrix somewhere close, but I haven't been able to find it. Very frustrating to keep getting these bits and pieces. They are all basically worn the same and have similar color. Its a bummer thinking that the skeleton may even be submerged in the river and I don't have the ability to get to it. I may have to...
" THE FORGOTTEN HUNTER STRIKES AGAIN"   Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA






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