A young friends bad day.Took a neighbor along today, young teenager, and the water was clear and low. I expected that we would do really well. However after the long hike to the end of the beach we barely had any teeth between the two of us. As we chatted our way back towards the car I saw him put his foot down right next to the big mako and keep walking. I was just glad he didn't step on it, I guess I should not have distracted him by talking. It is worn but my biggest mako to date. Several hundred yards up the beach I pulled another two plus inch mako out of the gravel in the surf. It is in nearly perfect condition. The hardest part of surface collecting is concentrating the entire length of the trip. Today I was lucky.
1 available
| Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA |
ID | 3866 |
Member | sggdlg |
Date Added | 12/27/2010 |
the haul. |
makos |
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