It HappensSo I've been hitting the same beach for about 5 years now and finding good stuff. Not quantity, but quality and variety. The first year I found the tip of a tooth that could only be from a large Meg - the geometry wouldn't work with any other species. But its still hard to believe there were really Megs to be found. I had to go back and look at that piece over and over to convince myself they were there somewhere. Then, after a big storm last year I found a juvie Meg. It was well worn and beaten up, but definitely a Meg. Getting closer. Last week it happened. Not the part of the beach I normall search. Out of the way and only part of the root exposed. Out comes a pristine Meg, enamel shining, serrations clean, the tip of the tip of the tip nicked off. Beauty. So amazing.
2 available
| Surry County, Virginia, USA |
ID | 4151 |
Member | ronjon12 |
Date Added | 9/19/2012 |
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