Finding Carcharocles Auriculatus Shark Teeth in Harleyville South CarolinaWe got another crack at the quarry and had some really good luck. Everybody came away with something nice which doesn't always happen. We got to do a little bit of everything on this trip. We got to dig in the contact zone between the santee limestone and a unit of the Harleyville formation. Its the wierdest stuff! Its almost as hard as limestone, but there is a lag deposit at the base that has fossils all through it. We also got to walk around and pick fossils from the limestone and overburden. That's my favorite type of collecting because you can find something really good if you know what you're looking for. Both the weezling and my best finds came this way. Finally, we got to dig in a different unit of Harleyville formation, a sandy green formation just littered with reformulated limestone, lag, and fossils like shark teeth, whale teeth, urchin spines, ray plates, assorted bones, fish fossils, you name it. Everything we collected from the quarry is eocene, but there is a chance to find ice age fossils there too. We found a bird bone, but it ended up being an old chicken bone. Turns out that area of the quarry used to be an old farm.
| Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA |
ID | 4104 |
Member | dw |
Date Added | 3/19/2012 |
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megamouth on the prowl |
t$, the weezling, and megamouth |
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