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The Code

Almost one month without rain ---- the Edisto was low and a collecting fest was in order! After all, the Caracholoes Code (Code 3) states: "When its low, you gotta go"! I was propoerly Java loaded (code 37) and arrived at 'Darth' Weezils crib around 0915. We packed up the truck, and after some junior BRFC-ers arrived, we were on our way. With the river being low, we could try some new spot avec chitlins. We headed near the infamous spot --- "if I didnt have to eat, id never leave" --- and found newly uncovered gravel beds a bit downriver. The fest was on, yo! The river was pretty clear and the sunshine made collecting fossilicious. I swam around for several hours picking up so many teeth I simply left my bag in open position. Maybe DW can tell me if that is a "0" or "1" in binary language? We ran into each other several times and the racking was immense; Weezling had some killer benedenis and DW found a super arrowpoint in a hydro-pedastal position. Proper recording of the event occured (code 7), which will be a hit on BRFC youtube for decades to come! I had to break and clear my sinuses and eat some grub; then racked some more. I think I ended up with 16 angys and loads of other teeth including 2 shammer giant threshers, a nice horse tooth and small squaly incisor. We will be back, oh, yes, we will. 'Cause code 2 states: "Get back when there is potential to rack". For those wondering what Code 1 is, well, that is for another trip!

1 available
Location Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

Memberda fossz
Date Added9/26/2010

Haul of whole teeth!
The frags and punies.

1-3/4" C. Angustiden
1-3/4" C. Angustiden
2-1/4" C. Angustiden
2-1/4" C. Angustiden
Weekend in the Water
Weekend in the Water

Great Hunt - 9/26/2010
Reviewer : dw from Summerville South Carolina United States
Total Rating : 10
Man you got a pile of stuff. the detail on that horse tooth is really cool. Love the big angy! Its one of the most perfect angys I've seen from past the bend. Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
VOTE! Agree  Disagree 

Awesome stuff! - 9/27/2010
Reviewer : Fat Boy from Maryland United States
Total Rating : 10
Great finds! Heck, your fraqs and punies would make many drool! Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
VOTE! Agree  Disagree 





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