It took about 45,002,011 years and 8 months for this one to be found... Hello everyone, long time no see. I finally got this picture of my phone, and figured I might as well at least make one trip report this year.
The artist (member) formerly known as MegOrNot, (remember him) took me to a spot awhile back and had he had done pretty well at. Knowing that I would have precious little time to spend looking he tipped me off and was even kind enough to spray paint a sign (which consisted of DOTB and an arrow pointing into the pit) on a sand pile at the end of a short drive into the hunting spot. Since he couldnt meet me there that morning.
But me and RickNC spent the better part of six hours in 106 degree eastern Carolina temperatures and what seemed like 100 percent humidity digging through sand to the gravelly quartz layer that sits on top of the castle hayne formation here in eastern NC. Its a thin layer, but sometimes produces some great stuff. So finally peeling back a couple feet of silty sand, and feeling that wonderful crunch, we would scrape off everything that covered the castle hayne limestone and would screen it.
Finds were painfully slow, and we both were about to give up when I filled up my screen with the best gravel I had seen all day. I was about to lose hope when I noticed a "T" shaped dirtball sitting at the bottom of my screen. My first thought was, thats the shape Im looking for, and figured it was a burnt tooth. But I picked it up and started wiping the mud off of it and first uncovered a nice black bourlet and some enamel just below it. I got a little more careful and kept wiping and then uncontrollable gave out a heartly laugh when I realized I had a complete tooth.
The tooth of my vacation, a 3 1/8 nearly perfect Carcharocles Auriculatus tooth. Missing a couple dings of serrations, a knick of feeding damage, and a couple scrapes on the bourlet, but other then that, the root is absolutely perfect. Overall the tooth is a beauty, and my first complete one and will have a permanent place in my collection!
I cant wait to find a few friends for it!
Good luck hunting everyone!
1 available
| North Carolina, USA |
ID | 4072 |
Member | MikeDOTB |
Date Added | 12/13/2011 |
Still not completely cleaned up, but here it is! |