GMR on the 4th of July Weekend4th of July weekend has always provided a nice window to slide in a fossiling trip and this year was no different. After our Sunday morning festivities I headed out to Greens Mill Run to see what might turn up in the screen. The day was a bit lacking in the shark tooth department but I did find a few other interesting items with a small piece of a gomphothere tooth topping the list.
1 available
| Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA |
ID | 4176 |
Member | xiphodan |
Date Added | 7/28/2014 |
The very partial gomphothere tooth. I found this piece about 30ft away from where I found the half gomph tooth last year. |
I got a little excited when I first saw this but quickly realized it wasn't fossilized. I have found modern isolated raccoon teeth in NJ but having a mostly complete jaw section is much cooler. |
A piece of petrified wood. |
I’m not normally into shells but this mold was in awesome shape. |