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(Great) White Saturday

Christmas came a little early this year when I realized at dinner, on Black Friday, that I was on my own on Saturday morning………..aaaannnnddd instead of suggesting that I finish putting up Christmas decorations, my wife tells me I should go out fossil hunting – Gotta love her!! Since it’s been more than a year since my last trip (ouch!), I quickly had to go through my pre-trip checklist:

  • Went out to make sure my screens didn’t need new mesh – Check.
  • Cleaned the spent spider egg cases off of my waders looking for any obvious holes as I did – Check
  • Made sure there were no heavy rains in the forecast – Check
  • Shook the bottle of Advil to see that there were at least 2 solid doses – Check

I arrived at Green Springs Park at around 7:15. The temperature was about  40 deg – perfect for collecting. I made a couple of stops as I walked upstream, picking up a decent lower mako but not much else. I came up to an area where I had some good success two years back (trip posts on 6/29/07 and 8/17/07) and noticed things had changed a bit. An area that had once been a sand bar, well above the waterline, was now 12 inches under water. I started loading the screens picking up some decent teeth in the first half hour until one particular screen yielded a spectacular, nearly flawless,  2 ¼ Great White. The next hour amounted to what would be the most productive hour of collecting I’ve ever had. I had hit a patch of material that was loaded with fossil material to the point that I was pulling out 2” teeth before washing the gravel…it was remarkable! I’ll let the pictures speak.

1 available
Location Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

Date Added12/3/2010

6 complete Great Whites, 3 of them over 2 inches
Some uncharacteristically nice GMR makos. The one at left would have been just under 3 inches whole.
At top is a nice rib section with bite marks on the right side. Middle left is a piece of petrified wood. Middle right is a sperm whale tooth. At bottom are two pieces of native American pottery.
A partial mammal tooth. I believe its a piece of mastodon tooth.
A decent pathological Great White.
My first killer find of the day: A 2.25 inch Great White
A 2 3/16 inch 1st upper lateral.
Even partial its an awesome tooth
An unusual piece of bone

Getting into a funk...
Getting into a funk...
Thats what I like about Sunday!
Thats what I like about Sunday!
Don’t look a gift Equus sp. in the mouth…
Don’t look a gift Equus sp. in the mouth…

Wow - 12/4/2010
Reviewer : MikeDOTB from North Carolina United States
Total Rating : 10
Thats a heck of a day there. Gotta love those days. Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
VOTE! Agree  Disagree  5 of 5 voters agreed.

Oooh - Ahhh... - 12/4/2010
Reviewer : greel from
Total Rating : 10
Very impressive dig Dan. I'd love to see teeth like that in my screen - it's been awhile for me. Trippin' on the colors of the 1st gw and the big buff root of the lateral tooth. Those would add honor and glory to anyone's showcase. Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
VOTE! Agree  Disagree 

awesome teeth - 12/5/2010
Reviewer : fossilboy from New York United States
Total Rating : 10
Wow! great finds Dan, I always like seeing the great whites people find, there's just no place to get them up here. Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
VOTE! Agree  Disagree 

cool teeth! - 12/5/2010
Reviewer : DeloiVarden from South Carolina United States
Total Rating : 10
Nice selection. I love the pathos and those complete great white. Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
VOTE! Agree  Disagree 

Very Nice! - 12/8/2010
Reviewer : Chimp from
Total Rating : 10
I was in Greenville for Thanksgiving, but ended up playing golf instead of visiting GMR. It's just not that much fun going by yourself. I have visited that area last summer with only limited success. I guess you guys dig a lot longer than I do! Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
VOTE! Agree  Disagree  1 of 1 voters agreed.





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