(Great) White SaturdayChristmas came a little early this year when I realized at dinner, on Black Friday, that I was on my own on Saturday morning………..aaaannnnddd instead of suggesting that I finish putting up Christmas decorations, my wife tells me I should go out fossil hunting – Gotta love her!! Since it’s been more than a year since my last trip (ouch!), I quickly had to go through my pre-trip checklist:
Went out to make sure my screens didn’t need new mesh – Check.
Cleaned the spent spider egg cases off of my waders looking for any obvious holes as I did – Check
Made sure there were no heavy rains in the forecast – Check
Shook the bottle of Advil to see that there were at least 2 solid doses – Check
I arrived at Green Springs Park at around 7:15. The temperature was about 40 deg – perfect for collecting. I made a couple of stops as I walked upstream, picking up a decent lower mako but not much else. I came up to an area where I had some good success two years back (trip posts on 6/29/07 and 8/17/07) and noticed things had changed a bit. An area that had once been a sand bar, well above the waterline, was now 12 inches under water. I started loading the screens picking up some decent teeth in the first half hour until one particular screen yielded a spectacular, nearly flawless, 2 ¼ Great White. The next hour amounted to what would be the most productive hour of collecting I’ve ever had. I had hit a patch of material that was loaded with fossil material to the point that I was pulling out 2” teeth before washing the gravel…it was remarkable! I’ll let the pictures speak. 1 available
| Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA |
ID | 3854 |
Member | xiphodan |
Date Added | 12/3/2010 |
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6 complete Great Whites, 3 of them over 2 inches |
Some uncharacteristically nice GMR makos. The one at left would have been just under 3 inches whole. |
At top is a nice rib section with bite marks on the right side. Middle left is a piece of petrified wood. Middle right is a sperm whale tooth. At bottom are two pieces of native American pottery. |
A partial mammal tooth. I believe its a piece of mastodon tooth. |
A decent pathological Great White. |
My first killer find of the day: A 2.25 inch Great White |
A 2 3/16 inch 1st upper lateral. |
Even partial its an awesome tooth |
An unusual piece of bone |