a great day in NJLast weekend my Dad and I tried a new spot and we had the best day we've ever had. The day began great right away when I found a 2 5/8 inch chub in my 3rd sift. The trip was already a great one. A few sifts later I found a beautiful 2 inch desori and while I searched through the same sift a little more I found a really nice 1 5/8 inch lateral desori. Finding 2 really nice makos in the same sifts is extremely rare in NJ. At this point I couldn't believe my luck. Then a few minutes later to my amazement I see the tip of a tooth sticking out of the gravel that I was about to sift. I pulled it out and it was a 1 5/8 inch chub. after finding that chub things slowed down for a little while as we picked up the usual sandtigers but I did manage to find another smaller mako at 1 3/8 inches.Then all of a sudden I hear
my Dad screaming " come here!!!, come here!!!", I knew he had something nice and when I looked into his sift I saw the the labial side of a beautiful 2 3/8 inch chub. He had me turn it over because he thought the other side would be destroyed but when I did I saw one of the nicest chubs I've ever seen from NJ. After my Dad found his chub we only planned on staying about 1/2 hour longer. I took a few sifts and got the usual teeth and I figured that we weren't going to find anything else great that day but it was time for the grand finale. I looked into my sift and saw my 3rd complete auriculatus from NJ. After that we decided to leave. On this trip I also found a piece of a sandtiger that I estimate would have been a monsterous 2 5/8 inches if complete.
1 available
| Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA |
ID | 3711 |
Member | fossilboy |
Date Added | 6/28/2010 |
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big sand tiger |