cretaceous finds Here are some of our finds from the cretaceous streams of New Jersey. Along with finding fossils from the cretaceous my father and I have also had luck finding pleistocene mammal teeth as well as Native American artifacts. We haven't visited cretaceous streams for a while as we have spent most of our time lately at Eocene and Miocene localities but hopefully we find time soon to collect at one.
1 available
| Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA |
ID | 3859 |
Member | fossilboy |
Date Added | 12/22/2010 |
2 drum fish jaw pieces, 3 enchodus jaw fragments,2 croc teeth and a croc scute, mosasaur teeth. |
large turtle scute, ratfish jaw pieces, 2 hoploparia gabbi in matrix, hoploparia gabbi claws. |
left side of picture- larger bone fragments. Right side of picture- Enchodus teeth and jaw pieces. |
ammonite pieces and a pathological belemnite. |
Large goblin shark teeth. Largest is 1 7/8. |
Native American tool. |
side of Native American tool. |
2 ray scutes and a plesiosaur tooth. |
Beaver jaw and teeth, llama tooth. |
Native American drill. |
shark teeth with some other fossils. |
more shark teeth |