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back in action

Me and my Dad haven't been out collecting much because his back has been hurting but today it was feeling better so we went to an Eocene/Miocene stream. I dug in a spot that has always produced teeth in the past so I hoped this time would be no different. When I arrived at the spot I could see that new material had been deposited. The day started off pretty slow and I was finding mostly broken sandtigers.I did however, find a piece of cow shark and a small but nice mako so I continued to dig in the same spot. A little while later I scored a complete 2 inch chub and I was ecstatic. I walked uptream to show my Dad what I found and he showed me some small makos and a large xiphodolamia ensis that he found. After looking at each others finds for a few minutes I continued to dig and found a small but razor sharp auriculatus blade.

1 available
Location Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA

Date Added11/29/2010


old trip
old trip
back to my church
back to my church
never leave fish (teeth) to find fish (teeth)
never leave fish (teeth) to find fish (teeth)

Nice find. - 12/14/2010
Reviewer : putt510 from New Jersey
Total Rating : 6.667
Good job. Do you guys go to Big Brook or Shark River or Ramanessin? Looking for helpful advice. Content Quality : 7 of 10

Drool Quotient : 7 of 10

Picture Quality : 6 of 10
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