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Happy Squali-days

Happy Holidays to all. I managed to get two December trips between the monsoons and the blizzard here in NJ. Surprisingly, work took me to North Jersey and I crossed several good streams on my way. I figured I'd hit some Cretaceous spots on the way back. I was extremely lucky to happen to travel on 2 days which had near perfect stream conditions after extremely high prior conditions, and I was bound and determined to find a Mososaur tooth. I spent 12 hrs looking between the 2 trips but the Mososaur did not pan out. I got spoiled with finding Mososaur teeth in the past. Don't know if it was luck or just hard work. The good thing is, that when you are looking hard enough to find a Mososaur tooth, you find a lot of nice shark teeth in the process. Even though I was the first person to search the gravel bars there was some slim pickin on exposed ground. I still managed to get a perfect anterior Goblin tooth on the first gravel bar that I scanned. After that, It was all sifting gravel, and some hard work at that. There were not nearly as many teeth around as I would have expected after all of the erosiion lately. The majority of the finds were Squalicorax, one of my favorites. I also found 6 Enchodus teeth and several Cretolamna. One of the Cretolamna is nearly perfect and pathological, with a divot, almost a hole on both the labial and lingual faces of the blade. The photo hardly does it justice. The photos below are not entirely from the last few trips, but include a bunch of Squalis, and a few Mososaur etc. from 09 trips.

1 available
Location Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA

Date Added12/26/2009


Feb. 28th - March 5th
Feb. 28th - March 5th
awesome auriculatus
awesome auriculatus





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