Mrs. Daryl (Kelly) scores big !My favorite spots along Calvert Cliffs just isn't producing much anymore, and it's difficult to go in triple digit temps (this week over 100+ degrees), plus pay $9, and get skunked with maybe a couple tiny teeth. So, last weekend I convinced my wife Kelly to join me along my secret new spot along the Potomac. You can only access it via helicopter or boat, or a mile long underground tunnel that I had been working on for over 10 years. Phew, this heat is getting to me. Anyhow, she had never been to this spot before, or any spot for that matter for over 6 years. The last time was along Calvert Cliffs during the summer and she got eaten alive by those big horse flies and other critters, plus she hated the smell of the slimy water, and couldn't take the heat. So, after some convincing that we could spend quality time together, I took her out collecting. Once there she was a happy camper. No complaining, nothing. She actually got hunkered down knee crawling looking for micros. Then she finds a tooth and says something like, "oh, this one seems nice" and drops it in her tooth container. I look over and say let me see it since she has no clue what any of the teeth are. When she pulled it out of the container I couldn't believe my eyes, it was a perfect Paleocarcharodon! I told here to show me anything that didn't look like the common sandtiger, but she forgot. We walked back to our backpack and carefully wrapped it. Afterwards, we moved a little further and then I found one. My is smaller and worn. The paleo's are in the middle of the one pic, hers on the left (3/4"), mine on the right (1/2"). I'm definitely taking her again, even if it costs me another chick-flick and some lifetime channel movies on the weekend.
Daryl. 1 available
| Potomac River, Maryland, USA |
ID | 3747 |
Member | Daryl |
Date Added | 7/8/2010 |
Calvert Cliffs assortment. That odd shaped thing on the right hand side of the pic is a large fish scale - might be from a tarpon but not sure. Everything found that day was by sifting, and there wasn't much to be found after 5 hours of sifting. |
Took the wife this day. Her first time in over 6 years or more. She hated the bugs and heat and smelly water so much the last time, she wouldn't go anymore. Glad I brought her along because she found a nice rare Paleo! |
Potomac scraps that didn't make the final cut. |
The Guardians! I have a built in motion sensing camera hidden in one of these guys! My version of the nanny-cam. THe one on the left was shot by my dad, the other by one of his brothers, over 40 years ago. |