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Oldies but Goodies

Ok, like some of you, I have finds from '09 that I never got around to posting.  As I go collecting each week, when I come home with the goods, I rinse them off and sort out the better specimens and let them dry on a paper plate.  After a wile I have several of these paper plates stacked on top of each other or piled around on my desk/table.  I love going collecting, but I hate having to put stuff away, something my wife can attest to.  Anyhow, I usually take a pic or two for posterity, so here's two of those pics.  The fossils in these pics are from Calvert Cliffs, and represent a lot of hours of digging and sifting.  If you notice the variety of specimens you'll see that much of what we find along the cliffs is similar to that of Lee Creek.  In my pics you'll see a Meg, cowsharks, mako's, hammerheads, sandtigers, tigers (aduncus, contortus), carcharhinus, thresher, lemon, hemi's, porpoise teeth, fish and shark verts, fish teeth (3 Barracuda teeth in one pic), stingray teeth & barbs, and even a scallop shell to show I'm not totally against shell collecting (who am I kidding, shells are for girls- hee hee) - just kidding, seriously, just kidding, don't send me nasty emails now :).  What we lack up here is the volume of those rare species at Lee Creek; Parotodus, Hexanchus, Bramble, Megamouth, just to name a few.

I uploaded 2 versions of each pic; one original size (~3 MB), and one smaller scaed down size ~300KB.  This should allow those that want to zoom in to see the finer details of some specimens to click on the image or use the scroll bars in the window to move around to see a close-up up each specimen.  I know I like to do this for some of the specimens you guys post.



1 available
Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added2/16/2010


sad trip...........why i dont like sunday
sad trip...........why i dont like sunday
a nice trip again but still not many makos
a nice trip again but still not many makos
Come on Fay!
Come on Fay!

- 2/16/2010
Reviewer : Chris from
Total Rating : 10
Daryl Nice finds...I love that mini meg! Whats with the girly shells anyway??? ;) Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
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- 2/17/2010
Reviewer : Greg S from Maryland United States
Total Rating : 10
Great variety of nice teeth Daryl. I also really like the idea to post the pictures in different sizes, it's nice to be able to zoom in a lot to get better looks at everyone's finds. Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
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Nice Pics - 2/17/2010
Reviewer : Fat Boy from Maryland United States
Total Rating : 10
Daryl, I'd swear that the first paragraph of your post is something that I would write. I also have sorted teeth laying around waiting to be filed, stored or displayed. That's too funny. I like the large pic idea, but is it me or does anyone else have the problem that when you maximize the window, click on the picture "button" in the lower right hand corner that appears that makes the picture it's largest, that the scroll bars don't appear? For example, in your large first pic, all I see is the upper LH corner of the picture and only your paper plate, there aren't any scroll bars for me to move around. In other web forums and settings, I get the scroll bars just fine, but it's only this forum. I don't see any preference options in my profile or anything like that... Thoughts? I guess I should post this in the techno forum... Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
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- 2/17/2010
Reviewer : Daryl from Maryland United States
Total Rating : 10
You know you're right FB. I coulda swore that scroll bars showed up in the "larger" window, but you get the cursor with a "+" sign as the zoom symbol. I must have been thinking of some other instance of when you get the scroll bars on the window, or maybe it's browser dependent (I tried it with IE and Chrome and got the same results). Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
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- 2/19/2010
Reviewer : Govinn from Virginia United States
Total Rating : 10
Man, those teeth sure do look familiar! From your pics and what I've found the past few days I'd say that the tiger shark ruled this area for a while. well... maybe not ruled, but they were very plentyful! And what's up with that little pile to the right... were they not good enough to make it to the plate??? ;) Great post. I, too, have teeth piled up waiting for their turn to make it to their display case... Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
VOTE! Agree  Disagree 





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