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It Will Rain

Last week, I made my first trip to the famous Peace river. I have an apartment in West Palm Beach so it was a 3 hour drive across the state. Our reservations for a guide was cancelled, so we were going into "uncharted territory". We finally reach our destination (Crews Creek I think). My dad sprints to what he claims was the "worst bathroom ever created". I quickly found a small rib frag which confirmed my thought that this part of the river fossilivourous. After a few sifts, the shark tooth started to show up. We went further and further down the stream, finder more and more bone fragments and teeth, shark and ray. But no Megs. Then came the clouds. Then the drizzle. We had to walk back under the bridge to wait out the storm. Soon enough, it stopped and we continued. Our spot was becoming fruitless, so we decided to head to the peace river park. After a 15 minute walk, we found an accessable way to the river. Ten minutes go by and we find some nice teeth, a tortoise shell, and a snake vertebrae. Then came the storm. We took shelter hopeing for it to pass again, to no such avail. When it rains, it pours. The typhoon had come. We got soaked on the way back, ending our fossil trip early. We didn't find any megs, fragolodons, mammoth or mastodon teeth, or even horse teeth. But we did find some nice teeth, bones, and a snake vertebrae, my first ever.
Location Peace River, Florida, USA

Date Added4/22/2012

Nice Snake Vert. My first ever. I think it is a water moccasin.
The shark teeth. No megs, but plenty of nice Hemi, Bull, and Tiger shark teeth.
Nice shell fragments from turtles. The one in my hand may be from a tortoise.
Nice ray plate fragments.
Possible scute from an armadillo or glyptodont.

Peace River 3/28/09
Peace River 3/28/09
Nov 08 trip report.
Nov 08 trip report.
Old trip to report on the Peace River.
Old trip to report on the Peace River.

Lovin' the snake vert! - 5/6/2012
Reviewer : hemipristis from
Total Rating : 10
Nifty find. Glypt scute is nice too. Looks like you had quite a day! Cool. Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
VOTE! Agree  Disagree  1 of 3 voters agreed.

I wish it was...... - 5/6/2012
Reviewer : ninjaplease from Connecticut United States
Total Rating : No Rating
I now know that it probably isn't a glyptodont scute. More likely the end of a scapula.
VOTE! Agree  Disagree  1 of 2 voters agreed.

No guide neede - 12/3/2012
Reviewer : rivrdigr from
Total Rating : 10
Next time you want to hunt the Peace, drop me a line.. rivrdigr Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
VOTE! Agree  Disagree  1 of 2 voters agreed.





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