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Micro Collection

Here are some pictures of my micro collection. Not all are “micros” but I put them in this post because I wanted all the pictures to look alike. :) I’m going to use common names to keep it simple. This represents countless hours of sifting thru about 10 gallons of rinsed and dried material from my favorite local creek with a LED light and dental pick. DW created this awesome section in the forum called "Micro Fossils." You should check it out if you are interested in trading material... some of these pics are in one of my threads. Disclaimer: I may not be great at ID'ing them, but I'm pretty good at finding them... ;) Enjoy!!
Location Andalusia, Alabama, USA

Date Added3/15/2011

Angel shark teeth
Nurse shark teeth
Various little teeth. Let me know if you see something rare in here...
Abdounia recticona: Extinct requiem genus
Various extinct mackerel and sand tiger shark teeth in this one... The one on the far left is not broken... that's a complete blade...
Pathological teeth
Extint mackerel shark (I believe)
I think these are a type of tiger shark, but I'm not sure because I've seen several different species that look like this (Tope, Weasel, etc).
I'm thinking these are Galeocerdo eaglesomei (Tiger sharks) but I'm not 100% positive.
more "I'm not sure of's"
I'm going with Tope shark on these... correct?
Sand tigers...
I believe these are dermal scutes of sting rays...
Saber-Toothed Herring and Ischyrhiza mira rostral spine tips (I think...)
Individual sting ray mouth plates (teeth). Notice the perfect lateral tooth (I think) on the left...
Drum fish mouth plate. This is what I've been told. There are several layers of teeth that make up this plate. Pretty cool!
Not 100% sure on these either. My guess... Heterodontus: A.K.A. Bullhead/Horn shark
Fish scales and a Hyplural tail vertebra
Barracuda fangs
Barracuda teeth

Back to LA (lower Alabama).
Back to LA (lower Alabama).
Into the Wilds of South Alabama
Into the Wilds of South Alabama
A promise finally made good...
A promise finally made good...

Extinct Tiger Sharks... - 3/22/2011
Reviewer : MikeDOTB from North Carolina United States
Total Rating : 10
Galeocerdo latidens? Those are the Eocene version right? They look about right... Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
VOTE! Agree  Disagree  3 of 3 voters agreed.

Extinct Tiger Sharks... - 3/22/2011
Reviewer : from
Total Rating : 10
Galeocerdo latidens? Those are the Eocene version right? They look about right... Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
VOTE! Agree  Disagree  2 of 2 voters agreed.

- 6/20/2012
Reviewer : Down by the banks from
Total Rating : No Rating
yeah man
VOTE! Agree  Disagree  2 of 2 voters agreed.





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