A promise finally made good... I’ve been promising this trip report for about a year now… so, enjoy!
These are some of the teeth/fossils I’ve found during many trips to my favorite local creek. I’ve learned that Andalusia is not the only place to find fossils around here… :) This is just a portion of some of the things I’ve found. Notice how well preserved these teeth are!! I’m still learning the identity of some of these fossils, so if you can help out with an ID or notice that I mislabeled some then please let me know and I will correct it in my collection.
I tried to get a good sample of things that I typically find here… what I left out are the TONS of ray mouth plates (which reminds me that I found a few that were complete, as in the whole mouth plate, not pictured, sorry), fossilized wood, croc teeth, shark verts, coprolite out the a$$ (pun intended), some bone fragments, etc.
Also, I’ve gone thru a LOT of micro material which is mostly made up of glauconitic sand. Here are some links to understanding what it is… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glauconite and http://webmineral.com/data/Glauconite.shtml . What I don’t understand is why I sometimes find tiny grain-sized minerals that look like gold or silver. I only notice them because of the bright light that I use to look thru my material. I’m sure it’s not gold (and I don’t think it’s a type of mica), but anyone who knows what it could be please chime in because I’ve been saving them just in case it turns out to be something cool… I’ll try to take a pic of it if you have an idea of what it could be and would like one, but it is really tiny and may not show up…
Anyway, it’s been a LOT of fun being in this part of the country doing some fossil hunting. I never thought that I would be able to expand my collection like this when I came here.
DW put up a really cool new section in the forum called “Micro Fossils.” Check it out if you are interested in trading some material…
| Andalusia, Alabama, USA |
ID | 3896 |
Member | Govinn |
Date Added | 3/15/2011 |
Killer Striatolamia macrota!! Largest one I've ever seen. It would have been just shy of 2.5" if the tip wasn't broken. |
Compared to some normal ones... |
My latest Ric. She's exactly 2" |
Here's the collection of Rics I have from here minus the 1/3" one I found... Oh, and I believe that is a Ric vert. |
Here's my outdated display case... I need to put some of my better finds in here... |
Pristis lathami (Sawfish rostral spines) |
Various teeth that still need to be organized |
Various tiger shark teeth that still need to be organized... |
I believe that these are Striatolamia macrota teeth... After a while they all begin to look alike. LOL |
I love the shape of these!! |
top left: Serratolamna serrata;
bottom left: Isurus retroflexus (complete guess on this one);
right: Striatolamia macrota (I believe) |
And more teeth... |
These are just some cool teeth... love the colors and shapes... |
Pristis lathami rostral spines that didn't make it into the display case; however, I put that awesome one just above and left of the vert in the case after taking this pic... that sucker is perfect minus a little tip damage... |
Coprolite. Notice the small fish verts in it... This is my favorite turd!! ;) |