Back to LA (lower Alabama).After seeing Govinn's fine Auriculatus, I got the urge to go sharks teeth hunting. So, on May 26, I headed south toward the Connecah River. Actually on the 26th I canoed down the Sepulga River to check out a spot that a fisherman told me about. This turned out to be a bust. I only found one (1) tooth and it looked like it had rolled in the river for ever. That night I camped out in the Connecah National Forist. The next day I went to my regular fossil hunting spot on the Connecah River. I did not fine a great ric, but I did find a little one. Its a good thing that there are no size restrictions as there are on game fish. I also found what apears to be a Serratolamna aschersoni. Note the odd color. It was a good hunting trip.
1 available
| Andalusia, Alabama, USA |
ID | 3689 |
Member | rock freeq |
Date Added | 6/4/2010 |
The small Auriculaius and S. aschersoni? |
The days finds. |