10/1/08As promised bright and early I hit the beach. The plan was to do a little hunting out in Surry then cross the James River to the James city county side. When I got to Surry the river was just as swollen as it was Sunday and it was starting to rain, so I grabbed my rain gear out of the trunk and started walking. I found a good amount of teeth up high near the cliffs all about an inch or so and very colorful. Happy with my finds I decided to cross the river. I hopped on the Jamestown ferry and took the twenty minute trip over to Jamestown Island. After a quick drive I got to the spot that I was going to put the kayak in. It’s about a mile and a half paddle to the huntin spot; the tide was working with me so I made good time getting there. You can't get to this spot unless you go by boat so I had some high hopes on finding something nice. I got to the beach with about an hour and a half of light left and started looking. I stashed the boat and walked. There was some major cliff erosion and lots of trees down. I poked around for a while but I wasn't having much luck. I found a few teeth but nothing with any size to it. I was running out of light quick so I had to call it quits, I still had a long trip to get back to the dock. It was dark and storming by the time I got back, a long day but it was worth it. I was glad I was able to fit both sides of the river in today, tired but in a good way I headed home with my finds. Another day doing what I love, glad I could share it with you.
| Surry County, Virginia, USA |
ID | 3054 |
Member | Down by the banks |
Date Added | 10/1/2008 |
all day |
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nice serrations |