There's teeth in them there hills!The vision of hills filled with teeth detoured me from my trip to Lafarge this weekend. Scubapaul's invitation to dig at Sharktooth hill was to tempting to pass up. Amazingly the plane ticket was about the same amount I would have spent in gas going to Lafarge. So off to California I went to meet up with scubapaul and caldigger. My plane arrived Thursday morning about the same time as SP and with time to kill we journeyed over to the local tacobell and then to the museum to see what the hills of Kern county had to offer. We met up with diggerdaddy for a tour of the small but impressive museum.
DAY 1 dig: The first day sp and I met up with cd and dd to head to the site. The dirt roads were quite a challenge for the rental car, there were a couple time I didn't think the rental (a Pacifica) was going to make it, but it held tough throughout the weekend. We reached the site and with a quick lesson in round mountain silt formation the dig was on. I was getting some nice planus teeth on a regular basis and within a couple hours I had a nice pile of teeth going. I had a good system going, chisel out some layer, break up the layer,pick out the teeth, shovel out the leftovers, sweep the ground for any loose teeth then start all over again. On one of my sweep outs I exposed a tip of a large tooth. At first I was thinking it was a large mako, but when I looked closer I seen the serrations. It was then I relized it wasn't a mako, but the tip of a meg. I called over to sp and cd to come see it and I began my chant of "please let it be whole". I slowly swept it out , luckily it wasn't stuck in any concretion. It came out whole, a 99.9% perect 5-3/8" sth meg, only 1 serration missing on the tip. Later that day I pulled out a nice sea lion tooth. I couldn't ask for more for the first day. Day 2: The first half of the day we went to a new site. Most of the teeth that came out lost their roots. The teeth were very fragile and almost chalky like. We headed back to first day site the second half of the day, the teeth there were much more solid. Day 3: Another day another new site. This site didn't produce as many teeth but it did produce some awesome orange colored teeth and a nice hemipristis which for Florida is common but for sth it's almost as rare as megs. The rest of day 3 we hit several different areas scanning for surface teeth and a little digging. Overall the trip was a success even though I missed my flight by 45min and got stuck in L.A. for another day..
| Sharktooth Hill, Bakersfield, California, USA |
ID | 702 |
Member | rivrdigr |
Date Added | 10/21/2006 |
Day 1 |
Day 2 part 1 |
Day 2 part 2 |
day 3 part 1 |
Day 3 part 2 |
One of my holes |