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STH Dig Dec 3rd

Day 1 of the 2 day hunt weekend. There had been a lot or rain the day before, so we were thinking that was a good thing. However, there had been too much rain and we could not get to the area we were supposed to dig. Instead, we went back to ‘slow-curve’ where we had been a couple of months back. Digger Daddy got us off to a start and joined us for a couple hours before he had to take off. As usual, before he had to take off, he spread the Christmas cheer and passed out a few of his ‘lesser finds’ which of course would make most any one else’s collection. I got a huge lower hastalis, a huge upper hastalis with minor enamel peal, and a gorgeous hexancus in matrix (which has since been removed and looks awesome). He also let us paw though his ‘junk pile’, which always includes a bunch of neat stuff. I picked up a ½ of a meg vert that was part of a set of 13 associated Digger Daddy picked up earlier. Since we actually had to do work to get other teeth, we got to digging. The days digging was interrupted briefly by a visitor, one of the cows that graise the land stopped by for a visit. He however wasn’t talking (beyond ‘mooooooo’) and didn’t give us any clues to the whereabouts of any good stuff. All the teeth from this location were the beautiful creamy yellow color. They days finds included a beauty hastalis and a number of nice planus teeth.
Location Sharktooth Hill, Bakersfield, California, USA

Date Added12/3/2005

Day 1 finds
Fellow 2th hunter

Matrix Tooth
Matrix Tooth
Hastalis Mako
Hastalis Mako





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