2 1/16" Megalodon Shark Tooth found this tooth just poking out of the layer at the bottom of superpit after a nice rain, and its in fantastic condition. Its nicely serrated, it has the tip, the root is perfect, and the bourlette is all there. It’s a rare occurrence to find a tooth this nicely preserved in a reformulated layer. The coolest thing about this tooth, though is the feeding marks on the back of the tooth.
| Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA |
| Carcharocles megalodon |
| Pliocene Epoch |
| Hawthorne Formation |
| Shark Teeth |
| 2 1/16 inches |
ID | 1302 |
Member | dw |
Date Added | 5/10/2003 |
The feeding marks appear as lines running along the left edge of the tooth. |