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Is This Florida or What????

It was 36 degrees and the wind was blowing like 50 mph when I woke this morning! Dang, is this Florida or what! My wife and I had planned on a day of fossiling and we were going no matter what. It rained hard all day on Christmas day and we both felt we should hit a land site today. We decided on a construction site that had produced some nice pieces for us over the summer. We left the house early and made the 1.5 hour drive to the site. It looked good and we didn't see any other footprints. We had the whole place to ourselves. Within 5 minutes we found two makos and a small heavily worn meg. We hunted for 3.5 hours and then headed for home. All in all, not a bad day of hunting. We found a nice little meg (2 1/16 inch) with a very odd wear mark. If anyone has any ideas on how it got there, please let me know. We found quite a few makos, lemons, bulls, duskys, sand tigers, hemis, tigers etc. We also found a few pieces of turtle shell, a barracuda tooth, a chunk of stingray spine, and some horse teeth.
Location Sarasota County, Florida, USA

Date Added12/26/2004


Turtle shell 12/26/2004
Turtle shell 12/26/2004
Meg 12/26/2004
Meg 12/26/2004





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