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Not Potomac but 3 miles inland

While in the search for things you will sometimes step onto something completely unexpected. The place I visited is in Charles County a few miles inland from the river. I'll admit I dont know the 1st thing about Aqui formations or even if I spelled it right. I could tell that there was Turitella present. If that's not the species then It would be something larger then the Miocene I'm use to. Some of them as large as 8-10 inches long. 6 inches was common. The "oyster shells" or what looked like oyster shells were huge. One almost the size of a dinner plate.


I know the one question on your mind....Did I find any other fossils? The answer is yes. I managed to find a single shark tooth. To a Miocene collector it appeared to be some kind of sand tiger. Sadly the tooth was lost that same day in a friends gravel driveway. Black and very sharp.


I returned for a second time with a strainer but was unable to uncover anything.

Location Potomac River, Maryland, USA

Date Added10/7/2008

This is a picture looking west down the creek.
turitella everywhere???
another ground shot

Frozen treasures
Frozen treasures
Unknown Mammal? Teeth
Unknown Mammal? Teeth
Potomac Trip 11/01/2009
Potomac Trip 11/01/2009





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