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S = ∫(tj, tj+1) dt L(x(t), ∂x(t)/∂t)

I had an opportunity for a Florida fossilin’ trip and gave RivrDigr the call. Well, he was bountiful with fosspitality, and he dialed up another river trip on the Peace. We hit two spots on this day, and a sifting marathon was in order. We suited up for a cool dip in the river and quickly hit the fossil beds. The first spot had some other collectors and we both found quite a few punies along with a fraglodon. After a short break, the other collectors moved on to enjoy the fruits of their labor. With much fewer Feynman paths, the digr’s subatomic fossil mojo particles could pass through all required dimensions and vector subspaces to my shovel in a continuous quantum packet. In what seemed a nanosecond (due to the time dilation in our space-time continuum, but was actually about five minutes), my screen held a nice meg. There was some matrix material on the tooth, but I could see it was whole. After some feverish sifting, I bagged a large croc scute and some nice hemis. Diggr was chillin’ out, planning our next spot. We hit it in the afternoon and this spot was loaded with gravel. We both sifted hard, but no more megs. Diggr bagged a gigantic tiger and I ended up with some turtle shell, mammoth tooth fragments and quite a few teeth. As the sun’s electromagnetic energy bent more and more through the atmosphere, our stomachs cried out for a Mexican feast.


After arriving home, I cleaned off the meg. My best Bone Valley specimen to date! There is feeding damage but that bourlette is the best I have on a meg tooth.


Location Peace River, Florida, USA

Memberda fossz
Date Added2/7/2008

The total haul from a long day in the Peace.

3-3/4 inch Bone Valley Meg
3-3/4 inch Bone Valley Meg





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