Makos, Makos, MakosSigns of the impending Fall season were evident today, as I was greeted by a couple of Great Horned owls exchanging calls as I arrived at the stream parking lot at 6:00 AM - it was still dark. The temperature was a cool 63 deg F and as I waited for ToothMonkey to arrive, I decided to shovel a few screens in the stream right adjacent to the parking lot. Sporting my headlamp, I sifted about 5 screens and after picking up a decent Hemi, TM arrived and we headed out to where he scored the nice Ric two weeks earlier. The spot we had been working was a reworked Eocene/Miocene layer, laden with impression filled rock in about 3 ft of water. The gravel is as hard as concrete, but once you're able to work the shovel into it, it comes right apart. The layer was good to me today as I came out with four really nice Mako teeth in the 1 ½” to 2" range. None of them are pristine, but teeth this size don’t come often in NJ, and any one of them would have made the day. Other decent finds were a couple of cow shark teeth including an upper parasymphysial tooth, a couple of Hemi’s, a nice fish tooth and two small, almost identical teeth that resemble anterior C. Catticus (reef shark) teeth.
| Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA |
ID | 505 |
Member | xiphodan |
Date Added | 9/5/2005 |
Mako's were the tooth of the day! |
These small teeth are unlike any others I've found in this stream. They are highly compressed with blades very similar to that of a Reef Shark. I've found one C. Catticus lateral here, but these would be my first anteriors. |
Labial side of the tooth on the left. |