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One way to cure another Eagles season that falls short

After last weekend successful trip (and Eagles loss) I decided the best way to deal with the frustration of another Eagles season coming up short was a fossil trip. As I was driving to NJ there was no snow in sight. It looked like spring was on its way. It was only when I got to Monmouth County did I start to see that winter still held its icy grip. The walk to the site still included trudging through 6 inches of snow on the deer path through the woods. Not the best conditions for hip waders but who said this hobby was easy! This time it was just Rob from the NYTS and myself and we went further north than last weekend’s trip. I did better on this trip for teeth. Found some really nice mackerel teeth Cretolamna appendiculata and some nice crow sharks squalicorax prisodontus and squalicorax kaupi. One of my best ones yet! Ron found an AWESOME enchodus tooth and a complete sawfish rostral tooth lying out on a pebble bar. Sweet stuff. Maybe once the Spring rains that are now flooding my backyard cease I can revisit the site and see what fossil bounty nature has replenished into the gravel beds.
Location Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA

Date Added2/12/2005

This trip was a good one. Teeth were in better shape and bigger. That's just the luck of the draw.
Nice bunch of crow shark teeth
Best tooth of the day for me.

oldies but goodies
oldies but goodies
slowing down
slowing down
second chances
second chances





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