February 4, 2025  
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Springtime comes to the Cretaceous

With the weather and the water finally warming it seems that spring is finally here. I was able to get out for some rare mid-week fossiling this week, so I returned to my familiar Cretaceous locale to hopefully pick up another mosasaur tooth or maybe a nice 2" goblin tooth before I begin collecting back at the Miocene streams that produced so well for me last summer. The stream was a little high from all the rain early in the week but it was nice to see that things had been churned up a little bit. It was also nice to finally see and meet other collectors on the stream and be able to share stories and information - its always great to chew the fossil fat. Even though I didn’t score any mosasaur or 2" goblin shark teeth, I did manage to come up with some nice finds including my first Xiphactinus tooth (partial and beat up) and a really nice Enchodus tooth that needs to have some matrix removed. There were also the usual Cretolamna, Archaeolamna and crow shark teeth which I also managed to get several nice examples of.
Location Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA

Date Added4/1/2005

A couple of ammonite pieces.
It felt like every other screen had an Enchodus tooth in it. The item to the right is a jaw fragment.
UnID'd Pathological tooth

1 1/8" Enchodus Tooth
1 1/8" Enchodus Tooth
3/4" Xiphactinus Tooth
3/4" Xiphactinus Tooth
5/8" Crow Shark Tooth
5/8" Crow Shark Tooth
9/16" Crow Shark Tooth
9/16" Crow Shark Tooth
5/8" Crow Shark Tooth
5/8" Crow Shark Tooth
11/16" Rostral Tooth
11/16" Rostral Tooth
1 1/8" Archaeolamna Tooth
1 1/8" Archaeolamna Tooth
1" Cretolamna Shark Tooth
1" Cretolamna Shark Tooth





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