waiting for the thawThis past weekend we went back to the spot that we found the previous weekend collecting on the nastiest day of the winter so far. The weather was much better but the water is still cold and with my waders in a constant state of disrepair it was a little uncomfortable having soaked feet all day. The finds were fairly consistent with good teeth showing up here and there, but there weren't as many awesome condition ones as I thought there may be. The most interesting things I found were a worn Mosasaur vert and what is probably a piece of Mosasaur jaw bone, unfortunately the tooth is missing but the socket is a dead giveaway.
| Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA |
ID | 2569 |
Member | toothpuller |
Date Added | 1/31/2008 |
squalis |
porbeagles |
goblins |
sand tigers, threshers, a nice croc scute, a ratfish jaw plate and other stuff |
mosasaur vert and jaw segment sans tooth |