March 28, 2025  
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Fossil and Shark Related Links

Fossil Guy - The site of long time BRFC friend, Fossil Guy. He and Fossil Girl hunt the mid Atlantic for fossils and have a great site with many pictures and tales of their adventures.

Maryland Geologic Society - Homepage of the Maryland Geologic Society. More great mid-Atlantic fossils.

New Jersey Fossils - A very informative site about New Jersey fossils.

Hawaii Shark Tours - Going to Hawaii anytime soon? Got the nerve to dive with sharks? Check this out! This site takes advance reservations for the only two shark diving companies in Hawaii.

Phat Fossils - Another very large, quality fossil site with fantastic finds from the Mid Atlantic region, especially Calvert Cliffs.

Dorchester County Geologic SurveyThis is the geologic survey of Dorchester County - one of the places I hunt. It gives layer information about time period and fossil specimens collected there. A must read if you are into geology or SC fossils.

Friends of the Aurora Fossil Museum Home page of the Friends of the Aurora Fossil Museum. Every serious fossil hunter needs to be a member of this group - especially fossil hunters who would like to support a great cause and as an added bonus, collect shark teeth in one of the best hunting locations anywhere. An excellent site all about European fossil hunting. Details about many locations and different types of fossils.Fossiel.Net English Version

Lee Creek Volumes If you want an excellent resource about Lee Creek and the fossils found there, click this link and type "Lee Creek" in the search box. There, you can download in PDF format volumes I, II, and III. Volume III has shark teeth in it. Hands down the best Shark Tooth identification site on the net, especially if you're looking for information about Lee Creek specimens. Also a lot of information on other locations and formations including the Castle Hayne formation of NC, Aquia Formation of Maryland, Nanjemoy of Virginia, PeeDee formation of NC, and many others.

Lowcountry Diving is the only scuba shop in Summerville, and since that's where diTchweEziL lives, he wants them to stay around for air fills, rental gear, and other scuba equipment. The prices are awesome, too! Very comparable to internet prices, something you'll never see at a big dive shop.

Megalodon T-Shirts are all over the place, but these are top of the line, best designs, barnone! If you want a fossil shirt that looks great, this is the site. Run by BRF member Toofless.






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