Opening of Fall Season in AuroraI know for a fact that some battles had to be fought to allow anyone to collect this season, especially that close to the working shovels. PCS was very generous in allowing us in at all so I personally was a little disappointed with the 'cost/benefit' comment on saw on elasmo. Nothing against Jim at all and I know in general what he means, but I personally don't think that way. Believe me, I have had dissappointing hunts in the past and *many* hunts where I got less than I hoped for or could have spent the money on ebay instead and bough more stuff - but that is not the point to me; plus living so far away I would have a tough time to justify anything on a 'cost' basis vs value of what I find. The thrill of the hunt, the potential for a find, the friends i get to see and chat with - that is where the value come for me. anyway...blah blah blah - just giving an alternate opinion.
I knew we were going to the pit-car area so i new basically what to expect as i had done this once before. This is the area that the crains dump the phosphate layer into a pile, it then gets blasted by a giant hose wash it, and a shovel comes in and picks up the large chunks of phosphate. It is pretty neat to watch actually, and since we were only a stones throw from the working cranes (literally), I think everyone took some time to watch. The plan is to keep it to 20 people per week, and the group will move to a new pile at any time throughout the season. Any good rain or a new pile can make the hunt great. I got one keeper mako, and a few other teeth - but i spent most of my time moving boulders around to see what was under them - my hope was that i would find a big one sitting there hidden under the boulders, but no luck. I did see some nice stuff though - a great symphesial cow, and a huge lower mako among them.
I was one of the 2 hunters and 2 guides that stayed on longer while everyone else left. I didn't find anything special in the extra time, but i felt better about having to put in the extra effort and appreciate the guides who stayed behind with us to allow us to hunt (good people and friends too). I am anxious to get down again :)
| Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA |
ID | 671 |
Member | scubapaul |
Date Added | 9/30/2006 |
meager finds this time. |