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The Best Laid Plans...Part II

I woke up to an overcast morning and was at the GMR parking lot by 5:45 AM. I put my waders on and proceeded to walk across the ballfield. By the time I was half way across, I began to recognize the sound of gushing water. As I approached the foot bridge I could see that the trickle of a stream I had collected in the night before, had transformed into a fast moving river - rejected!!!. There was no question that the 4-5 ft rise in water level would put the kibosh on any GMR fossiling today. I hurriedly walked back to my car and proceeded with plan B - the spoil piles near Chocowinity. I arrived at the piles by 6:30 AM and quickly made my way into the area. As I walked in, I realized that the large piles were all non-spoil material. I actually had to search to find the only spoil pile to be had - it was all of 4 feet high and about 15ft by 15ft in area - not the 20 ft high piles I was used to but at this point I didn’t care. I spent the first hour and a half scanning and the remaining time digging. I came up with a couple of really nice Hemis, including a near killer pathological 1 1/4" specimen that has only some slight tip damage, along with 2 or 3 nice lower teeth. Other nice finds were a 1 1/8" chubby with only minor tip damage, a pristine 7/8" Hastilis lower, a piece of a porpoise jaw bone and a little scute looking item along with the other usuals. For a little pile it produced just fine. I went back to the hotel, drawing stares as I walked through the lobby looking like I just came out of a mud wrestling match, cleaned up and went on to my next meeting. GMR would have to wait for my next trip.
Location Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

Date Added7/23/2005

This along with a couple of nice Hemis made the GMR washout a little easier to swallow.
A small but really nice mako lower tooth from the pile.
A little scute looking item.

PCS and a Road Trip to Remember
PCS and a Road Trip to Remember
Spring 2003 Aurora, NC - Day 1 - The spoil pile
Spring 2003 Aurora, NC - Day 1 - The spoil pile





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