Hunting at Aurora…well almost!Hunting at Aurora…well almost!
My wife, youngest son and I try to take several trips to Aurora each year, but this year we have only managed to make it to the Fossil Festival.
I was really starting to have fossil withdrawal symptoms until a couple of weeks ago. That is when I got a chance to hunt for fossils at Aurora…well almost; the story goes like this….
My wife works for the county extension office as a 4H counselor. This year the 4H decided to have a fossil dig pile for the summer camp.
I work for the county water department, the extension office borrowed a truck from the water dept. for my wife and her supervisor to go to PCS Phosphate and get a load of fossil dirt. I tried to get off that day to drive the truck for them, but alas it was not to be….needless to say when they brought the truck back I volunteered to help unload the dirt and clean the truck for them. I found a dozen or so decent teeth, they are small but some of them are in perfect condition. I also swept up a 5 gallon bucket full of dirt out of the back of the truck for me and my son the Punk to sift through later at home.
My wife’s supervisor said she felt bad about me volunteering to clean the truck for them, my wife laughed and told her not to worry, as I was being very sincere about it. When I saw her supervisor the next day she still couldn’t get over the fact that I was so excited about cleaning out the truck for them. The teeth that the Punk and I found in the bucket are small but some of them are in very nice condition.
My wife informed me the kids had a great time digging for fossils, one kid even found a small, (about 1”) meg. The fossil pile no longer exists, the kids leveled it completely.
Many thanks to PCS Phosphate and Curtis Ormond for allowing us to get the dirt for our summer camp.
I have included photos of a few of the better teeth that my son and I found.
| Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA |
ID | 3444 |
Member | 2bears |
Date Added | 8/6/2009 |