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Whale of a goodtime

My first trip to aurora " Lee Creek " was awesome after meeting up with SvilleJ in Summervillle S.C it was off to Lumberton N.C to pick up Ozzurules. Around 5 am we arrived at PCS to maybe catch some sleep before entering the mine. At 8 am right on time we were briefed and on the bus headed into the mine. After a hour or so with not much to show but some small teeth I stopped to speak Ms. Young a very nice guide for PCS after a brief conversation it was back to hunting again as I moved to the back of the collecting area to hit some Yorktown layer. I started digging in a area of Yorktown and had 5 associated whale verts thin it happened I hit something hard I thought it was a big section of bone but 20 min or so I was able to get it out it was a bayleen whale skull that was 1/2 to 3/4 complete missing the jaw section awesome find. Also was able to score a jaw section from a bayleen whale not associated with the first whale found. Getting the pieces out was another story 5 big verts 30 or 40 pounds of skull. I made it over the first hill and ran into another guide Ms. Blake who gave me a bag to put the skull in which helped alot. I would like to thank pcs and all who puts in time to make this hunt possible but it is Ms. Blake and Ms. Young who made the trip special and had me laughing so hard at the end of the hunt. Thanks---Sharkdentist
Location Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

Date Added4/12/2009


D-Day Fossil Hunting
D-Day Fossil Hunting
Digging in the dirt......
Digging in the dirt......
digging in the piles
digging in the piles

Whale of a tale - 4/13/2009
Reviewer : svillej from Pennsylvania United States
Total Rating : 10
Great report Sharkdentist, and congadulations again on the find. Sorry you coundn't find me to help lug it up the ramp. Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
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Hide and Seek - 4/15/2009
Reviewer : Cetacean from
Total Rating : 10
LOL - SvilleJ could see you laboring up the ramp with your loot, but he made sure you couldn't see him . . . Great find Sharkdentist. Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
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cetacean you are right - 4/16/2009
Reviewer : sharkdentist from
Total Rating : No Rating
cetacean you are so right he was ducking and tucked in in the big pungo and yorktown mounds lol
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