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First ever trip into the pit...now with pics 4-15-09

My first ever trip into the pit happened last sat. I got to hang with govinn and he led the way. Up and down alot as we searched for the BIG one. Well we searched and I think the big one decided to hide that day. I can say I had a great time . As we got back to ride the bus at 2 (first in first out) the bus was loaded and ready to go , so we got to return to the pit for another hour to continue our hunt. But even with "extra" time still nothing . I did find my first puffer plateThanks to everyone involved  for letting us hunt . I did take home some buckets from the piles at the museum so my goal now will be to find at least a tooth every day and I'm now up to 13 straight day with finding something.


Location Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

Date Added4/8/2009


Aurora Spring 2008
Aurora Spring 2008
Aurora Sanchez
Aurora Sanchez

True True - 4/9/2009
Reviewer : Govinn from Virginia United States
Total Rating : No Rating
I had a great time too, Steve. I was also very thankful for the opportunity to return for another 30+ minutes. A special thanks goes to Jack and PCS for the invitation. The mine needs more time and rain in order to find the BIG ones, but just walking around knowing that it's out there is exciting enough!! This place is amazing. I just wish that we could go all year long, but I guess that would take away some of the excitement of waiting to get in... I didn't post anything because most of what I found was broken. I did find over 1800 teeth this weekend between PCS and GMR.(Thanks ncjack99 and MikeDOTB)
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Good Times - 4/9/2009
Reviewer : ncjack99 from North Carolina United States
Total Rating : No Rating
Thanks for coming down to Aurora last weekend guys. Sorry I got sidetracked once in the pit. So many hills so little time.... Al from VA got a kick out of my van being so weighed down with material from the spoil piles. I also got to meet MikeDOTB and his family and Hank and Al from Virginia. Hope to see everyone in the fall.
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Definitely Cant Wait for Fall - 4/10/2009
Reviewer : MikeDOTB from North Carolina United States
Total Rating : 4
It was great meeting everyone over the last couple weekends. I have to get around and get my trip reports posted. Its awesome finding a lot of teeth. But a few more on the non broken side instead of the alternative would be great. But I guess that's how it is. Let me know when anyone feels like jumping into the GMR again. Hopefully the water will be down so we can try other areas further downstream! This weekend is a three day weekend for me so I am praying the water is down! Good hunting everyone! NCJack99, Im glad your van made it back alright. That was definitely pretty low to the ground. I was sitting there thinking of all the railroad tracks you would have to go over on the way back. Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 1 of 10

Picture Quality : 1 of 10
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