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My travels through time…Day 4 the Miocene

We had originally planned on hitting Green Mill Run but with all the rain figured it would be way too high to be productive so we hunted the plies of Miocene Pungo at the Aurora Museum. We were in luck they had just dumped fresh material and only a couple people had been there before us. This material is usually full of fossils and today was no exception. I found a few nice Makos one being a Retroflexus, a couple Catticus unfortunately both were missing one cusp, some Hemis , contortus  and several porpoise teeth the best being  1 3/8” with a complete root. Also found were several Barracuda teeth some small fish teeth and a Tautog tooth minus the root. I filled several boxes with material to go through at home to find micros. As I started the long drive home I couldn’t help but to wonder what the spring season at PCS would bring?

Location Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

Date Added1/24/2009


My travels through time…Day 2 and 3 the Eocene and Oligocene
My travels through time…Day 2 and 3 the Eocene and Oligocene
My travels through time…Day 1 the Cretaceous
My travels through time…Day 1 the Cretaceous





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