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BRFC's Trip To Aurora

First I would like to thank Ditchweezil for allowing myself and my wife to be able to hunt with BRFC.  This year couldn’t have had a better timing with not one, but two different days of rain in between the last group in and us going in.  Also I would like to thank PCS and the mine workers that rebuilt the ramp so we were able to get in.




            Even though we had the rain the day started off kind of slow for the both of us until about 2 hours in I found the biggest Mako that I have ever found so I was pretty happy.  After that I started looking for the smaller teeth in the hopes of finding some cow sharks or maybe even a symphyseal…..But no luck.  Then it was about 11:30 and we ran into Ditchweezil coming up over a hill of Yorktown so I walked up to him to chat about the things we found and he tells me he found a sweet meg just a little while before.  So I knew he was in gravy mode.  While I was talking to him I had told my wife to go around the bottom of the hill that we were on and before I knew it she was yelling at me to take my camera down there and that she had found something.  When I got down there all I saw was this massive root to a nice lower Meg.  Then I saw Ditchweezil running down the hill to scope out the action.  He said he just loves it when he can see other people score.  After I unearthed the tooth to find it was whole and complete, both myself and my wife were in gravy mode.  Thanks for the luck Ditchweezil.  


Until next time……Good Luck Hunting!!!!!!!!

Location Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

Date Added3/25/2008

The total haul minus the broken stuff.
Ground shot of a shamer Chub.

Nice Upper Cow Shark
Nice Upper Cow Shark
Aurora Mako
Aurora Mako
Nice Aurora Lower  Meg
Nice Aurora Lower Meg





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