Fossz-ology 101It was time for a road trip to the PCS spring hunt with T$. We decided to hit a quarry on the way up with BRSR, famed fossil collectors affiliated with BRFC. We waited out a blinding rainstorm and then attempted a pre-PCS rack. T$ was a racking force to be reckoned with on this day as he took no serrated prisoners. By days end, 4 rics found his bag; 3 he dug near me. I found a few broken pune-eies and that, as they say, was that. The next morning we woke to windy and cold conditions at PCS. The day was bright, and hopes were high for a bounty of fossils after torrents of rain fell upon the pit. The eager group hit the spoil piles and spread out quickly. In the distance I could hear the yelps and squeals from fossil nirvana as collectors struck paleo-paydirt. I was finding outstanding spoil material to collect and having a bag-filler of a day. I passed other collectors and saw a few nice megs to boot. I ended the day with a nice lower cow shark laying out around some footprints; it was a good day. On the ride home, T$ mentioned he did “OK”…….…I pondered this a little and over a Taco Bell feast, T$ and I broke down how to define a collecting day…..
The bottom of the list, every fossiler’s nightmare, is the “skunk”. This occurs when collecting is favorable (i.e. good layer, good conditions) but quantity is low and there are no keepers in your bag. There was a bumper sticker a few years back about this, you know “stuff” happens. Next, is an “OK” day. This is good quantity, some whole specimens and a good variety. Third up you have a “good” day; where quantity is excellent (in laymen terms, a bag-filler), several whole specimens and you have bagged at least one case worthy specimen. The highest level is the “rack”. I think the term pretty much speaks for itself as trips on this site with the word rack in the trip title (or trip description) have a “superhero”, “slobberific”, “screamer” or perhaps “rightcheous” fossil included. Racking typically involves a respectable quantity, but in some instances it may be just an inordinate amount of “case-worthy” specimens. The rack may have different, unique names since the collector adds a personal touch (e.g. Rack of Ages, Back in Rack).
Fellow collectors, can you relate with Fossz-ology ???
| Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA |
ID | 2680 |
Member | da fossz |
Date Added | 3/17/2008 |
This picture shows whole teeth and the most complete meg. Other fossils are ray scutes, pufferfish plates, and a nice cow shark tooth. |