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Lee Creek Fall 2007 - First weekend - Best trip yet

What a trip…..

I could go on and on here folks but here are the highlights on my first weekend trip and the best ever trip ever for me to the creek:


Best shape/condition/aesthetically pleasing Meg in my collection at just under 4”
Largest mako from the site for me at 2.5”
Largest modern tiger (cuvier) in my collection at 1.5” wide!
Largest section of ray plate in my collection at 14 rows and nearly 3x4” wide
9 articulated (possibly sperm whale) verts starting at what I believe is the last one in the tail; found in life position in a block of clay. This is going to make an awesome display. Six of the verts (smallest) are in prime shape; the last three are messed up but distinguishable.

Other stuff:

3 squalodon teeth
A huge tiger shark vert
Lots of porpoise atlas and axis vertebras (not pictured)
Lots of big whale verts (not pictured)
A shame’r of a ray scute
Numerous porpoise and whale teeth
Several whale bullas (not pictured)
Tons of fish and shark verts (not pictured)
And of course lots of sharks teeth: makos, tigers, pungo stuff etc…

Could it have been that the stars were aligned? Could it have been the taco bell on the ride down? Could it have been dinner at the new Mexican place in town the night before? Maybe it was the need to have something post-worthy on the BRF site. Maybe it was porpoise girl wishing me good luck before I left. I don’t know, but whatever events aligned to provide this fossil bounty I’m grateful.

So check out the photos. The area was HUGE, the hills steep. I can only imagine what all could have been found in the mine this trip if the place had a normal amount of rain during the summer. They are currently 12 inches below average for the year. Those hills are going to produce nicely all season, especially if they get some heavy downpours.
Location Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

Date Added10/20/2007

Here's a shot of the best of the stuff found this trip. Check out close ups of them - lots of pics to go with this post 'cause the haul was so good.
Some cool bird bones from the trip. The NCSU guy wasn't there so I'll have to catch up with him on another trip to see if he wants any of these for his study.
All three of these chubs were found on the same hill of pungo as the 2 squalodons - that was a good spot to crawl…
check out the size of the little guy - he's all there but is the smallest cow shark I've ever seen!
Some cool crab claws - very different from the common stone crab claws normally found along the Chesapeake Bay.
Niether of these are primo but a GW tooth in the mine is still a cool find.
Nice group of hemmies.
Some decent broad form makos. The dark one appears to be black but actually is a very dark blue. Found it on the edge of a pit car area and unlike some many of those dark colored teeth this one is still razor sharp. I’d put it up against any mako in my collection!
This is a first for me - a complete lower marlin bill. Its small, but fully intact. Found it on the same hill as the Meg and seal tooth.
Here is the tooth of the trip. Found it on the edges of an awesome patch on Yorktown. The layer was loaded with fish fossils but devoid of sharks’ teeth. I started to walk off and thought that I better check the ravines near the edge, even though they weren’t prime Yorktown sediments. Well, this guy was washed down in the ravine - he barely fit - and was totally exposed. Made my day.
Another view of this awesome tooth.
Here's the money shot. OK - I had to recreate it since I left my back-pack and camera three hills away but I had to come back and get this guy shown as found. It was a sweet site.
Didn't even have to wipe off any dirt - this guy was sweet as is.
Another view.
Some decent porpoise teeth – one of these after looking at it closer might be a small seal canine.
Some nice Pungo makos
I came across this find after following the trail of broken associated ray teeth up the hill of pungo. With my gear four hills over I called the Riverdigger to come over and borrowed his shovel and a Ziploc baggie for the extraction. He was even kind enough to snap some photos with his cell phone. Well, this fossil karma paid of big time for Riverdigger because as he returned to hunt the hill he was on he took a different route back and came across his 5.25” monster tooth! This is by far my
The ray plate pieced back together.
Some decent sand tigers.
This ray scute would have been sweet if it was whole.
The seal molar is the shame’r of the trip. I’m still looking for a complete seal molar and when I first spotted this tooth crawling up a Yorktown hill and seeing both roots and some enamel I thought I had done it. It was only when I stretched upwards and held the tooth that I could see almost all of the enamel had been sheared off by some carnivore.
Decent sized sharks verts.
Ahh - these are right up there as my favorite fossils. Two of the three squalodon teeth I found within 30 feet of each other on the same hill of Pungo that I found the 3 chubbies on. The other was a fossil karma exchange. Let me explain... when I found the nine associated whale verts I already had a bucket full of bones so I dumped them out and piled them up to come back and get. Well, when I came back, they were all gone - except for the one someone had whacked in half!! As I was about to
A trip to Aurora just isn't complete witout of bunch os thse babies in your pocket!! I found th biggest yet on this trip so gravy baby, just gravy...
I had stopped to take a water/snack break and saw two brown rounded protrusions coming out of the bottom of a large clay boulder on the top of the ridge. I thought initially from the color and texture that it might be a large fish skull. I started digging carefully and realized they were two extreme caudal whale verts - and there was more!!! They went all of the way to the top of the boulder, becoming more fragmented along the way but 9 associated verts will make a very cool display. The las
Here they are put back as best as possible. I'm thinking of making a display out of them and including the meg and ray plate from this tooth in there. Call it "A great day in PCS Aurora".
Some cool whale teeth - one is from a pilot whale.

Southern Exposure
Southern Exposure
And this bag was, like, dancing with me...
And this bag was, like, dancing with me...
Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore ...
Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore ...





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