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Master of the Pungo!

For this long anticipated trip to Aurora. First, I would meet up at Da F0ssz’s pad. Before we left his pad I had to gaze over his prime fossil specimens. Especially his screamer chubs from past Aurora trips so I could refresh my memory of what chubs look like.  I’ve never found any whole chubs before, but that would all change this trip.


            Before going into the pit we met up with blackwaterdiver and we all made a bee line straight for the back hills.  I bagged my first screamer chubby along the way before the dark clouds started to move in. It got so dark at one point that it was difficult to spot teeth on the ground.  We were all hoping that it would start raining, but without the thunder and lightning. The rain did prevail and minus the thunder and lightning. It only rained hard for about ten to fifteen minutes which was enough to uncover teeth!


            I finally arrived to the back hills after the long hike. I began to slowly scan the rich pungo sediments that were loaded with teeth. Then I spotted half of a chub exposed. I did the please God be whole chant! In disbelief I found that this chub too was whole like the first. I was already in gravy mode after finding that first chub. I wanted to find a cow shark tooth. To find those it’s easier to spot them by crawling on the ground. I started doing the crawl over areas that I’ve already walked over. I didn’t find the cow shark tooth I was looking for and it was something much better and unexpected! Another chub just partially exposed and it was a big one. I had previously walked by this tooth earlier in the day as well as a few other people that were collecting in the area.


            The walk back out of the pit seemed much farther and longer than what I expected. When the sun came back out things started to heat up and it was hot! I quickly ran out of water and I brought a lot too. I stopped collecting a little earlier than usual and received large blisters on my feet on the walk back. In the end it was definitely worth the three awesome chubs! Da F0ssz did not fail to represent either. He racked in the quality and quantity. Wait until you see his screamer paratodus benedini!  


Location Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

Date Added10/7/2007


Gettin’ My Fossil Mack in the Outback
Gettin’ My Fossil Mack in the Outback
Sweet Lee Creek Chubutensis Tooth!
Sweet Lee Creek Chubutensis Tooth!
Lee Creek Chubutensis Shark Tooth
Lee Creek Chubutensis Shark Tooth
Aurora Chubutensis Shark Tooth
Aurora Chubutensis Shark Tooth
Lee Creek Mako Shark Tooth
Lee Creek Mako Shark Tooth
Lee Creek Hemipristis Tooth
Lee Creek Hemipristis Tooth





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