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Lee Creek 4/28/07

With no rain the previous week I didn't have high expectations for this hunt, I was prepared to do some digging.  I knew with all the brfc energy there it wasn't going to be a bad day. We started out by hitting the stuff most people walk right by, everybody is in such a hurry to get in the mine they walk past alot of good material. After pounding the pungo I set out to do some yorktown excavating. I found a nice hill of yorktown and started moving some dirt. After about 3hrs of no results I gave up and headed back to the pungo. I ran across da fossz on the way and checked out his nice chub. I went back to where I started the morning . By that time it was about 1:45 and everyone was heading back to the bus. I had found a few nice little mako's during the day but I was determined to be the last one on the bus if I had to. I set my sights on on last section of pungo right next to the road and stared looking. I saw just a small corner of a root and a couple of serrations sticking out , after taking the ground shot I started digging out. It was great end to the day.
Location Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

Date Added5/6/2007

Not a bad day, not as good as college boy, but still a good day
First mako of the day

2 -3/4 chubutensis
2 -3/4 chubutensis
En Fuego at PCS
En Fuego at PCS
The makos jump into my bag.
The makos jump into my bag.
Lee Creek Hunt 4-28-2007
Lee Creek Hunt 4-28-2007





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